
8:37 p.m

8:37 p.m

To Neel Akash E.T…C…(Seer)

Three Dimensions of Equations I have identified in this play…

CC…Consciousnes…linked to O

EA-AE linked to 51-15..66-99-11..1 23..

GG God as Grace Graciousness (J.O.Y)

77-49..13…31 94…

Recall Eric Lile Brown texting me the numbers 13-31…

Which represent the full Circle then arrival of Don Diego… DD…through Dina Singh…affirmed in symmetry by Divya Dharsini…

DD is 13+31…44…1 87…

Bit 13-31 form a Full Circle A C.C.A…

ACCA in OINRI Igbo is Aka meaning Hands

Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula…

Meaning My Time is in the hands of the Creator

That time is not defined by any other but by the Creators Conscious.. CC…

This time as defined by any other does not exist..

Dina also commented on her name being swallowed by the Ogem-dinaka-chukwu

Thus AKA….Also Known As..

A.CC A…1331…A.O A…


AKA.. 1-11-1…1 4…

2 4..+x 68…

But in Truth….all 1…

There is no real 23456789 and certainly no such thing as 0 Zero …


All are simply 1111111111…all 1.

Now let’s go back to the code 77-14-5..49…13-43…..

We already Established that Don Diego who arrived through Facebook friend Dina Singh came through the correct portal represent 187 the Sacred Portal of Returning the world its its 5-6 senses and Sensie GG.

His name meaning the Dark Stranger the Usurper Replacement…

And he came through my portal through the correct Equation of requesting to be my Facebook Friend.

This was then followed by two more Facebook friends arriving through Dina Singhs portal but also Facebook Friends of Don Diego…

Both him sent me private texts in which I already knew what was comming.

I noticed that both waited for me to ask invite them into the play.

Even though I told both that I do not ask ppl to bey F.B friends unless Directed..

Just as I had been directed to Edward Eceinco…through observing a play going on with him and Eunice Nkechi Oviawe-Jones…

The same I observed with the message left fore that she had left a message on her board for both Don Diego and myself…

Where I found the poem of Gabriele Sinclair..

I had already found Gabe Brutal whose name is ISIS… And who became a face book friend through my seeing her via Lord Orien Laplante…

And she sent me a request…

Birgit means Powerful Rock…

The Meteorite Earth.

And she was followed by Gabriele Sinclair… Who took on that name and was then author of that Poem called Infinity.

Recall I have a Face book friend who arrived with two others at the same time..

Called Infinity Omenala Oranika… I.OO..

Time now 9:39…I:C.I…

9:4O pm


1OO is Sacred Portal Pan revealing the True Face of the Being of Existence

Infinity arrived with two others whose first name Intials formed the message T.O.I…You in French backwards…

He then changed his Facebook name to Mma Adu…Meaning Beautiful Being..

Then another three arrived together Richard Schooping 244..

Clark Narayana 245

Neil Furby 246

Precy Arizechi..was the 243 Facebook friend when I met with David Philipe Gil at 9th Street after he became my Facebook Friend once more on 1-28-8…

Time 9:49..

Now, I draw your attention to Lord Orien post of the Womb…a Post for his daughter Rose from David Wolfe….

9 months in 4 mins…

I …D..(4 mins is 24O secs)…

It takes 6O secs to go around a 36O° Circle.

6th Sense..O..

Lord Orien posted that post in perfect synch thst immediately I completed proving that code I saw his post…

What does all this tell you Neel..

It tells you that in the Unseen Seen realm a play and a Challenge had been going on.

The planet as A Rock challenging its true Consciousness of the Beautiful Dark mysterious stranger whom Don Diego Espirit recognized and danced with me..

Until out dance was complete.

As if the Beautiful Truth rose up to greet one he knew before receding back into the human consciousness of doubt.

But all witnessed his Espirit as Well as Birgit STeins first response was to recognize the Dark mysterious stranger who was is no stranger at all..

But was actually layer denied….

Even access…

Then today my former hosts just happens to open up to a post written 3 years ago to the date as either 26th or 28th February where I am saying It is done just waiting for the verdict about Evolution…

Only for 3 hideous grueling year to pass of my proving Evolution of Consciousness in a play where I am acknowledged then denied because I do not have material wealth power…And I speak of the injustice of this play and circumstances as a man…not a God..

An Omnipotent Being..

But a Father a Brother a Friend who has spent 34 months sharing his Life’s work through a play of 15 yrs of denial of even a place to live and money for his basic requirements…

This is a play set up to determine the Truth…

Which was acknowledged then denied as Man being the source of the Masculine and Feminine principles which brought the idea called Woman into Existence…

Who was on her journey to transform into the lady E, the sum total embodiment of Man called the Human Universal Body..


But somewhere along the Road the illusion of herself grew so Powerful that she became a first Class Bitch…

Evil as the illusion personified and the Fear of Little men…

And the source of Hatred of young men..

The very evil and cruelty they saw within themselves of thier part in the evil done to the Beautiful truth of Existence

Emekas Truth…


3 year going around in circles to make me prove that which has already been understood…

3 years of Enduring Evil Beyond description not even real because of the cruelty in a Girl Boy…


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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