
2/28/2015 19:55 – Facebook Post


Sema “Divine Omen”. D.O…E…H

G note.



261 is the correct number of Facebook Friends I should be at no matter if any one left the play.

Shane Sema-Sheniy Froio…

Shane Means “Gift from God or the Creator is Gracious-Gracefull-Grace incarnate…”

Sema-Sheniy actual means second Heaven..
It speaks of the Gihon and the Human Espirit which contains everything, stars Planets universes everything is contained in this body in being…
The Prince of the second Heaven is said to.be Gabriel who is said to be Jesus John Osiris/Orion Yeshua/Yes Hues Ah..Yonathan..

Of course there is the other version as it being the venue of an epic battle of revelations between God and Satan…
The Dragon…

Rob Barr and David Philipe Gil reflecting the mystical creature of lore transformed by the ambition and malice of christinity into Satan the Adeversary…
The Accusser.
The Symbol of the overthrow of the world by the enemy of God…
When in Truth the Dragon is the symbol of Magic Majesty…. Alchemic Transformation…
The Sun…
In the perverted story of the Old Religion plagiarized and then demonized..
And how he is overthrown and thrown into earth the world, where for 3and a half years in rage he infects humanity with appalling suffering…
Damn stories…
But what is amazing Satan is actually the false ego of the world…
The People of False ego..
Those who fought, denied the Truth before thier very eyes out if pride, selfishness, cruelty, jealousy… Spite malice.

Sema also means Divine Omen…


Do E-H…A Dear…

You will see them all over this Facebook play of 34 months..
Some cured others just lay in weight…

I did for a long time seek to draw peoples attention that they were being set up..
Just as I was.
That this Force was using each persons belief system to Judge them.
Offering them a Mirror to realign themselves, but nevertheless it judged you by the reflection each gave off in the Mirror…

All that was real entered into my “Body Being”
BB linked by a Beauteous BE-AM…
Tracking Beam..
Truth Beautiful…

Froio…Italian Scilian Origins…

Devilish Smile
David Supreme.


Guess the Great Evil affectining the true University Place.. U P…Supreme
As the Planet Earth Universea and the Being Supeme
Was an the Idea of Church (Body) and (State) of Being ..Being Seperates…
6:55 pm.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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