
3/1/2015 18:18 – Facebook Post

3:17 A M.



C:A H…E..



I have a new Facebook Friend..

Welcome Lady Mystie Karge…

262 Facebook Friend…from my last count.

Its snowing in New York City…

Mystie means “Mists as in Dew…
It is different from fog in that it has greater visibility and disperses moisture
-condensced air, which comes from code air meeting warm air from the Earth which creates a layers called Ahtmosphere…Which covers the Earth in a protective layer…
This would literally represents the meeting of Heaven Earth….85…+x 13..4O…(sum 53-8..35 (8)
We did the codes of 13 and 4O yesterday…
13 is Sacred Portal Manipulation which went to Far.
4O is sacred portal Blame.

13 +x 43…*See Sacred Portal.
4O+x 4-4O…44..

49-13..43…which links us back to 77…145.

8 years and now 6 months ago I first encountered three men sitting on a porch of 277 one who is currently a Facebook Friend, Isaac Calvin McCullough I.C.M.
Roman Numerals M.C.I.

Other with Intials E.A.R.S who would become my host on and off for 5.6 years…
In an 8.6 year delay of my having calculated that this was the last portal I was to pass through in my journey of the Awakening …
It was a Garden which I had been led to, which involved the austerity of living with Elegance 61 days in an alley in New York city and a ritual.passing through Death by swallowing the “blue pills”

My body had suddenly become possessed with a Rage so Violent which I knew was mine.
The fury was terrible.
And Triumphant…
I could not believe it but before I knew it I was pounding my chest on the middle of the street before I was propelled to the Garden Generation X..
I was carrying a pebble which.aligned perfectly to Facebook Friend Eshe Chuki Asale
*see back posts…

Isaac was sent to Investigate but by the time he reached me, I had somewhat regained my composure and was stunned.

I later went to.the stoop where all three sat Isaac .Sage .E-Alberto whose full Intials form E.A R S..

I could Hear…
My mothers name affirms this..
“Onu” Meaning “He Heard”

“Its been years…since I saw my.mother or have been doing this work. 4O..26…my whole Existence on Earth.

And I what can monstrous ambomination could not only demand this of anyone but enforce and impose it

Time 3:5O pm.

Instead of passing through the last portal of the Universal Simulation Awareness of 1…
I was delayed for almost 9 years to prove how I heard…
When the proof was in.the fact that I had found the portal and had documented the whole process stating I would do so when “I went down the rabbit hole” saying I would prove the truth of the way is easy to read and discern.
Within three years I had found the light in Paris.
Within another 3 years I found the equation for the Evolution Awakening in creating a International Festival of Sharing on the Turkish Mediterranean Island called Karada.
The Black Island and a created a short film called The Ethnic Odessey…
And then experienced 3 Supernatural events of a summons to New York…

I was 33…

But I had also noticed a force of Jealousy Cruelty – a presence I felt even in Canada Nigeria (C.N… Clark Narayana code) which is where I first write the story of the Awakening as an 7-8 year old boy.

Something was Haunting my House…not only as if within me but was really a projection out of me..it was a presence so subtle with Malice which was thwarting everything I did, as if seeking to make me give up on the Truth and memories of memories of a mission.
I was caught between this force which wished to thwart my truth and the other one which did everything in its power to not let men forget..
I sought to Investigate but and determined that the latter was obviously the Truth…
Though I was betrayed by it not realizing that everything was taken care of in the very brining and if It had not interrupted with my natural being that not only was everything already taken care of within a Song of Naturally being …
But by believing that this force of “Forgetting” and “Amenesia”
(AM EN E S I A……
My former host goes by his name initialed A…

Look …A M.. Represents Facebook Alexandra Martin E.N
Emeka Nnamdi
Eric Lile Brown
Nnaemeka Chinwuba Ezeufonna 33


It makes the Equation of Amensia

Which strangely enough I was sent through a portal of a man who had been a well known Interior Decorator, (I.D.I.D/ DIDI..) who lived in Staten Island
(S.I/I.S..S.I.S.I) who had complete Total Amensia Twice!!!!.
I was sent there by Jamaicans, whose I had met through the Son Kirk…
Yep Captain Kirk a Columbia Graduate of Business who had a successful film.in the financial world but had traded it all in to become a film maker.
He had offered to manage me but it took a dark and twisted turn when I found myself working to feed myself after all my luggage and documentation was stolen from the place they had directed me to store my things
I had watched as Kirk seeming helpless watched as I was debased systemtically for daring to be Elegant Tall Britsh accent..
I was experiencing that phenomenon of how people had been enslaved treated those who had not and worse ppl of the same race.
It was hideous to see what the ‘black”..
Just how far some would go in hatred (Self Hatred) out of a feeling of lack of Self Worth, go to such a degree to take away another’s Self worth.
Even turning them and giving them the experience of Slavery ..which they thought was thier disease.

I lived with this most dissolute once brilliant man when 911 occurred.
I had been in.New York less than 6 months.
I was amazed by how he told me the story of piecing his life together twice from literally scratch Zero.. Twice!!!!
But what he had become after the second time was a man who had descended to the bottom of the barrel…of human self debasement and self worth….
Mean Spirited…
I see this guy sage of 277 whose stoop I.met the other two.
I have never conversed with him but I make no effort…
There is something there which reminds me not only of Donald this Caucasian Old man in his seventies I had lived with which so horrifying that an older lady above him had given me money to escape since I had been trapped thier during 911…
She too was from the carribbeans but a different island.
She told me that she could not stand by and watch such abuse and injustice done to an elegant being Simply because of circumstances.

As a family we left Canada in 1977…
And went to live with my Grandfather on 5A Ibagawa rd Nsukka Nigeria.
From moving from England to our home on.8 Hampshire Bay Winnepeg on Halloween..
To 1O5 Wiltshire Bay a few blocks up…
Then to 5A Ibagawa RD…
Then finally to my mothers apartment 3C Umeano Quarters Isuja Nsukka..

8-1O5-5A..to… 3C…and here I am at apt 1A…there is a code..

8- 1 O 5….Harmony Infinity ( in truth a the Infinity Symbol I.S…does not lie down…it stands up)
1 Perfect Sphere (Circle) to 5A…
1 55…to 1A.
8. 155A 1A….
8 155 (A) 1(A)…
8 15- letter O…
5A Nsukka Nigeria
1A New York America (N.A… Neel Akash)
1A New York U.SA…N.U…(Nu.Egyptian God of the Abyss Sacred portal 47 yr of Birth of my former host mother.)

U.S.A is the Universal Simulation Awareness 1.
A.M..Erica (Meaning the Eternal Ruler) is the

The True Promised Land
Land of the Brave
Home of the Free.

As for the United States Canada
It dies it does not exists
Because it has no meaning..
No Truth the 5O States are not united.

There is only North A.M.Erica.
South A.M Erica.


N and S….14 19….1+4=5.
1+9= 1 O.

Nnaemeka…. Yeshua CC..O 1 A.

51O…Rose Well..AR-EA
6O… Sixth sense Explained In perfect Symmetry
Perfect Sphere of the Full Circle OF I.

5:11-12 …E.K….E.L..

5:18 pm

Emeka Authored Harmony

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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