
3/4/2015 17:42 – Facebook Post

4:OO pm.


I found it interesting researching code of your name Prince Centrine Paulson…

Centrine in Hindi means “Central..Centered”

It is also a Pharmaceuticals Drug called Antipentamine Hydrogen Sulphate…SU-LP-Hate…(Code Seen Unseen L.P of Hate…Lp being album Lip of the Haters…)
It is also code A H.S…
AH!!!! Supreme …
Of course being the relief of the Line of E and D
and I…( E represents Eternal One, D the line of Time and I the line of the Immortals..Luke-
Luke Simon Lightness &Jon..-Y.E.S, Jon Luc Pi card 3:14 StarTrek…- John is really Yonathan Yohannes..Grace)

-that I found and solved the riddle of the “Haters” consciousness, those who nurse that petty grudge of hate to others in recognition of thier willingness to access the Consciousness if absolute filth in order to get what they want..
And dress it up with perfume…

Centrine also is the French word for
“Porcus Picis PP…code P=16 letter 28…
Thus 16+16= 32…Four Harmonies…a Square a Filled Circle of Haarmony.
We arrived at 58 ..Five Harmonies with David Philipe Gil and Emeka…58 Floor…58-59 Floor Freedom Towers where David new offices..
Code 58-59..E Harmony E.I…

I.am.at a hosts home 2 68…6 Harmonies..
48…sacred Portal beautiful Earth and the 68 birth years of David Roman Nicholas who.remembered me from the Begining when there were only two of us and also as Nnamdi my brother who.went to play Death in this movie by passing on at the age of 12-13..Full Circle of the day he was born Spring Equinox…Easter

And the last equation of this last portal to those who represent the deniars and challengers of E.Truth the 49 State …AL (my hosts name) ask A
Nome…No Me…

I.already E..NOM… Nuno Ordens Miguel Emmanuel line of my.beloveds ..

Now NO-M.E are those who I.E and my line refuse to recognize for there is no iota of light in them…
They have chosen life time after life time to enact the same characters who breed Evil.despite the full Circle of Information of Cause Z effect

Centrine mean “Sea Hog” S H and sea swine
S S.S.H….which of course does not align Dolphins and Porpoise are of the Highest Intelligence.. Consciousness Children
* Hitch Hikers Guide to the Gala XY…

But I found the correct Alignmemt if Centrine meaning..

A shark …Ray..


O XY Not I.D AE (AE is 15= letter O)
Cent RI NE. (Urine)

Aligning to all the codes of sacred Portal 49…Death Rays…

Named in 1758..see 58…+x. 13…4O…M.DO…
I.am at 4th Street O full Circle
Accepted finally 1976…see Sacred Portal.76…Awakening… Conversation..
A C 13..

Grows up to 4’9, Feet.
Dwells at the Sea floor
Has to tail.and is called Angularb Rough Shark.
A R.S…Intials of my former Host.

It reaches depths of 66O meters…

You are my 2-66 Facebook Friend..

I am.here.

Paulson means little and Humble..which of course means “Children”

As for the apostle Saul Paul.
Sacred Portal…
See the Story of how as a Saul raised the Abomination from the depths.

That is what I have done.
But the Abomination is the sum total of Human Abomination Excretiion Excretement sent to the bottom of the see floor for the Centrine Children Consciousness bodies truths murders… Of the sum total secret of humanity were hidden. I have raised them revealed them and sent them after thier authors from since time began to present to escort them to NO Me..
An Existence without E…

That is the True meaning of Hell..and the phrase
“You will.miss me when I am gone”

4:42 P.M.

66..1 2…3


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