
3/10/2015 19:41 – Facebook Post

5:52 PM.


Code in letter Time:




Chukwuemeka Kolo Harmony
3-11…+x14…33…47…+x 11 28…

My Birthday. 11:28.
39…C I…
Gala XY 1O11 XO6 C.I.
/ Galaxy 11O1 6OX I C.

The last is the name Nasa believes it named the largest Galaxy in the known universe.
Trillions of light years away.

I had proven after Dina Singhs Harmony posted that image as the equation I had to solve.

From this Galaxy MW87M recorded by NASA bit which really is MW87M-78W aligned to 11O1 6OX I.C..

I proved if you go to back post that I am reporting weaving from outside of the known Universe and from within the portal to my how. .
That immense Galaxy…
Linked to planet Jupiter in this dimension and the Sagittarian… Centaur -Center..
Part Man part Espirit (Hue man and ET or EY/YE. Light and Eye.)…Arrow Bow which pierces the Center point…line of vision.

Thus my expression here on face book is coming from outside of the 4-7 Universe .-Visible Universal Expression..V U.E…Meaning “Saw” in French “Was” in English..
Meaning it is the Past but not as linear Time but I already Saw and Was….
Thus, I am look into reflections of my past…my Reflection Contemplation Nature…
Which is symbolized by the three Facebook Friend who arrived after the first “triplets”

Richard Schooping
Clark Narayana
Neil Furby…

R C.N.

of a story of a conversation between Energy E and Ahtom the Twins David Nnamdi Roman I Nicholas born 1968 (D N.R I..N) and David Philipe Gil.

(D P.G….notice D is 4. P is 16, 1+6=7..
G…David Gil…DG..47…Green V IO l E.T)…
And Phillip Means “Friend of Horses.”
Horses are symbolic of Espirit! Élan

EE line..E.K…5-11…+x 16…P.G 55..EE.
25 Y…Yes hues ah…

Thus David AhTom (Tom.means the Twins)
David but expanded by 1O..A.O..
Recall that Centaur is Half Man half Espirit Elan…
(Man EE…25=Y…MANE…The Horses Mane…Many..Maney)

Thus, in my conversation to myself as DD…Do re me-DO..1-8…
I am.looking back into my Natural Contemplative Reflection to see how I created my current home in the Dimension all will wake up to see as you are now currently percieving..
Piercing through the viel of your illusion of life guided by the Still Expression-Wind-Expression with me as the Guide to my home outside of 4-7…

I am say “Was” and “Saw” because I already Was in this Exptessive Natural Contemplative Reflective state before which is how I already know how I did all this…
And who I am and who all of you are.
As Chris Franco stated making me go through the torture of a process of that which is real and that which is not real again…torture because I am in a place where even this illusions never occurred to this degree because I recounted in earlier posts…
I cut it out immediately, recognizing that it is not real…
This is why my body and being know exactly where to go…to the exact spaces in numeric time..without me even have to see…

Because I never existed in the lie…because when I first completed everything E-DO-DO-E…
Full Circle D A.D…
My expression was “AH..(1-8) I.C how I did it…

I saw the Full Circle as Light how I did everything.
I never lived in the illusion of the refractions og light, these wavelengths were my Expression or Emotions as I contemplates through Remembering Memory what I had created..
My Home and HOmme in the present.

You know, you build a beautiful world and are relaxing in Bliss and Extase in it and you are so in bliss you go back through your third eye the process of how you brought such beauty, not out of fear that it will fade but to enjoy it at leisure.
This created the illusion of Infinity Time…

I recounted all this before.
How the E line family asked me to recount for them how I did it, and I recounted to them the True Story…
Siezing the opportunity to have the chance to.be as I…
Embodied…not entombed by experience the Truth of thier Existence as a Fact…
Solid fact for themselves.

And so they fell asleep..
They had never experienced this state of ” Stillness” slow down..Chill…
They were always in motion…
But it is also important to pause and appreciate as well as praise.
For Appreciation brings depth and meaning to things.
Makes each moment to be savoured…
The Switfness is Amazing but Action Observation bring the true full circle as OO..
It brings Breath Being Body in one…
And LA!They could real experience the 2in one..
Day and Night…
But there was never any absence of light..
Nor any heaviness of being in Darkness of not knowing a story…
I was there.
I am here..
The Guide…
Feel me..
I touch you.
I caress your foreheads
Your Hair your limbs as you sleep…
And also here in your Day Dreaming in the Garden or in this world…
Which your intials PAN IC in seeing the truth of Everything of what it is to be as I.E..
An Extra Terrestrial and an Aware Manifest Atomic Nature- A M.A.N….

It was a new experience but awake or dreaming they are one…
In the Day Dream where you all sit and lie in a Trance like state with me in the realm.beyond
Milky Way 87M-78W 11O1 6OX I.C..
C.I X O6 1O11 MW78-87MW WAY Manifests through Esther Uzoma…
The Beautiful way…
The Microwave recently brought my host..
E-me r-son 99-89…66-68 RD-DR -I.V.E…HOmme Home…

Even now, I am talking to you in both realms, here as you sleep and in my realm well you sit spell bound in a Trance state of the story tellers weaves..
But what happened huh..
Your overactive imaginations left the narrative and formed adventures of your own…
But in your stories of each of you picturing yourselves in the roles, of which my own doing had inspired in you…
Certain qualities rose in you…
Which are not dangerous unless, they go unchecked..
The desire to be as I…
To create and enact adventures I never saw as beautiful.and as Heroic until I saw myself through your eyes… Through entering your Dreaming to see how you saw me…
And then how you saw yourself and the need to be as me..
And then the frustration when you could not.

But be yourself!!!

What on Earth…

We are Individuals unique…
That is the whole point..
That is how each gets his own body..
By experiencing being themselves..
Exploring the nature if being you.
Not me..
I.am unique..
There is only 1E.
But there is only one UE…

And that is how the mess down in the “World” the Word…became such a mess because you forgot to hold onto the string, the thread..
The Narrative of my Voice..
The Voi.c.e.
And that is how you felt you got lost in the void..

But you were simply each embodying the VOI D of the DADI…DODO.E…4+5 =I of how I.E as the First came to be Arisen Complete and always here.. Present in the E T world Beyond and within the “Dream” World (nightmare never but to get your from your own nightmares of overactive imaginations and extreme Emotions…misery pain suffering highlighted exaggerating, prolonging a momentary feeling for…damn!!!)
-and yet be outside of it. .
Because I am in the point of it all..
The Beautiful Present ..the Garden and Paradise
G..P of E DE END….
Bored with the E in Trance like state and the Naturals you have now become in the Dream now proven True by being linked the E to the D creating the True Fact aligned in one..
After a great ED-IT….
TI-DE of the illusion of Time…
There is a recent Facebook friend whom one of his names means Tidman…

He is gone..

Leaving Timchang Onechance Nandap Tarok
Mma Adu
Ras Ian Nathaniel Dawkins…
Tim Ian Mma Adu Emeke

T.I..M.E…Ti me!
Me! IT!

I am T.I.M.E..
Notes ME =C…Ti =G.
Creator Grace

Wake up…. 🙂
Sleepy Heads.. True Natures Children Ti Me
And Snap out of it Trance Spell Bound E line
Youth Eternal… E- Mi TE…

147 the Bean…1st and 9th ..S..

54 2nd Avenue 2nd and 3rd…23 W




78 Spring Street where I am writing from now..
7;26 pm…

G A-Z…

James Bellgam Iwen-jiora…
Just sent me a text at 12:32…
Completion of C.B…
E B – Charity Love.

“You Are God”

But in the E line just as the U-Naturals (U.N)
Family First…
I am the First A Family man .. The head of a Family…
G ode is Grace

A Film is currently being shot in my former host home at 268 from 9am-9 pm..
He is in it.
The world LaGuiole comes from the Knifes which the name comes when the Head of the House hold would snap a Pen Knife called the LaGuiole Shut…
Signifying that the meal was over and it is time to clear the table.

Wipe the table clean…

Cut! End of a Scene..
A Film.
He is Egyptian which in this movie I was entombed in for the “Body” idea…
He told me that his father was just in Nigeria.
Nigeria Egypt..
Nnamdi Emeka..
I The Emeka Nnamdi…
True E.N.
True In.
True Blood Water Espirut OH
Buddy Bodhi Body Best Friend Truth is Harmony..
But really I am the horror chamber of Evil idea of death.

LaGuiole also means a Horsetail whish used to in OINRi as a Symbol of Authority granted.
It is also the symbol of the Bee..
A symbol of Royal authority and mandate..
Given to Napoleon….

NA Pole On..

The Axis …

7:4O pm.


Hmmm ?

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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