
3/15/2015 23:05 – Facebook Post

8:43 pm

Sacred Portal Harmony True Life.

5:28 Hertz.
The Evolved Frequency of Existence for Human Being and E T.Hue Mans on the plane T.
Called Planet Elo Hi E.

H: D.C…

Time :Harmonious Dionysus Christopher= Ana-Grace-Hannah- Zeina Hanna..

Code: H=D.C= A.G.H ..ZH.

Numericals.. 8=4+3=1-7=8.
A circle at the 4th note FA H(618) and 616 FAF…
Full Circle.. Locked F.A F..
Represented by David Philipe Gil…
Gil means “JOY”
Aligned with Emeka meaning “Well Done” Praise Apprection Value Expressed by D.P.G only in Full Circle of meaning of the word Curuousity Investigation Action Recognition Expressed…
C I..A R.E.
See the Full Circle of David P.G play begining with his becoming Facebook friend immediately after Edward Eceinco….EE…
Then read on from there…
His Curiosity about being told about a person who had transformed into a Blue E.T…
Comments on Favebook of the experience of meeting with me on a stage with a backdrop of children and a black board…
Which was followed by a “Field Trip” with David wearing a Dragon (See Lord James Kerr post on the Nature of the Dragon and the Child. Imagination Children…. I C… Galaxy 11O1 6OX I.C…Representing the DR (Dragons Doctor Emerson Micro Wave …Emerson meaning the Brave One- who has the courage to enter into the realm of imagination of Pi…
The realm of the Purity Innocence P.I…
3.14 15 6 26 53…of the Silence of the Hurt and Rage of the Children…
Thier Espirit world…

Please see Dawn Marie Tag. As usual it is in perfection of Harmony..
Clear View…
*Yes the Consciousness of a child can be declared as bring that view which is clear….it sees the world with Clear Eyes (C E)
Thus water Babies…Fresh Waters…
Clean water where thier Consciousness is unclouded by self deception, lies and alibies unlike “Adults” who have been trapped in the Square Prism of Captain Zod and two others..
Yes Superman..
Supernatural Man is the Child.
*Link a Child’s power of Will Rage and Indifference and Love…Sensitivity Justice Fair play and caring
They are Loves Expression..
Reminders of Joy Blessing…

I on the other hand represent the Belle View…
Beautiful Youth E
Time 9:22 p.m.

Beautiful Youth E…
By E.

Just finishing texting David Phillip Gil…
Required some ciggarettes, and some things.
I am directed to whom “the Unseen FM” wish me to link with by creating need.
And in this case money shelter and my body was used.
Evil huh…
No Beyond evil..
Because the whole idea was to warn you that what I am translating about the “End of the Word” a Roman-C E, a Book and the begining of true Life sacred portal 43..,
The lifting of the viel… That after all that was done to me…
The abominations done to my body to warn you alert you was a waste of time.
Incarnating the End of a Whole Family 1-9.
Except the line of O….

1O:23 pm.

This is the Code of 1/3 of the population who will be weeded out.
Who refused to let go of the Rats Consciousness of Survival as competition and winning at all cost.

David represents the Consciousness of 1-28..
True Naturalness, these being represents A BH..
Aware ness (of) Being Harmonious.
Which his line has now reached…
As Beloveds…
The Children of I who become Pi then reach Pi-e
But I represent from 5-28 -to 11-28….
Meaning Beautiful Youth…E.
The line about to ascend here on Earth and finally lead me on this planet …
Home out of this “Story” of the End of the Word..
And into the true Being Infinity Eternal Ones world…
What is called the Promised Landing in Human Mythology..
Harmony Manifest.

Meaning that the line of 1-28 must ascend, but corectly the 2-3-4 steps to the portal of 5:28 on thier own merit.
Which all the E line do.
We have no messiahs of messengers we rely and embody our own Existence Truth..
As I have exenplifed against a whole world for 48 years in human time but a Cosmic Eternity and and stillness for but a moment
Meaning that I have been constant and consistent in my Truth despite being forced to ensure the horror of Existence.

Lines of David and Dina Singh will help people through Heart and mind navigate the Maze of the underworld of Hades or the Subways.
They will rise in the End.
But they will see and witness the horrors of humanity depravity made Manifest which “love” sought to shield you from so only the E line could see it…

But Fear is an addiction of the species which each of you must face to conquer that need to challenge yourselve so fouly in order to truly appreciate how beautiful you are..
Diamonds who must be cut by the refining lazer of the Black Knight.
The Bat of Man..
The utlimate assassin.

I am more of the Blue E.T…
Mr Manhattan..

Do you recall the scene when he is talking to himself and saying how the people will be pleading with him to help them…
And he replies with no rancune, or bitterness or anger but with certainty which comes from long contemplation.
Long sacrifice, giving mind body and soul…
Everything to help alert share even his Existence his loves Everything to alert people…
Because he is Alexander Yonathan Mortimer…
As well as the Joshua Joeseph Julius
Blue J AY…
The Swift
Hermes Mercury Nike.

… And he even is willing to go back to ultimate aloneness…. After what he has understood..

And he replied, “And I will say no”.

That is me, the naked Blue E.T transformed, now into the 19-29 year old Eternal Youth…
But I will not retire to as I was in the begining. .
I made sure I raised my Family of E.
And I will be having to much C.Fun K.E..
To even care…

11:OO Pm.

I leave them with Albert…the Dark Knight.
The Super hero they deserve …
The Eye of Nocturnal Doom.
Nnamdi David

Did you know the Spear of Destiny was handed to St.Maurice…

Maurice was my bio Fathers Name

Oh yes, I had to visions affirming all the Truth.

Lucy ..Oji Efi
Cecilia Maggie Theresa.
Love Light A ND Laughter


Knock.Out is E

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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