
3/24/2015 23:31 – Facebook Post

11:OO P.M.


Knock Out O….

O O.K.


Obviously, this is Know out the O (O) as sound
“Oh” is meant to be a sound of acknowledgedment of an agreement to do a task.

I have done the equation of O with Sidney Davis the last messenger…

‘…You know when you ask a child to do something or someone and they day Oh they agree…
And give all the signs of doing it, even the body langyage , even pretending to do it…
But immediately you turn your back, the curse you or make a face and do not do it…
And immediately, you look to find the hold up you see them pretending again.
Offering the most elaborate excuses for the delay.
When I left Sidney Davis today.
I felt that from that which had sent him…
The African Americans contempt, The mixed races which make up America (along with the American Indians ) the Ancestors…
I felt it..
No Respect.
Not even if you save thier Life’s or souls

So I know this is the affirmation.
K.O the O.

He gave me 15 USD so I know he and they know who I am.

I also saw what I posted ” Buddha Jesus E T all my I D’s all my incarnations..

In fact, I walked back to 268 in utterrly, astounded by the equations IN OTHER PEOPLES Posts..
Which they uploaded which align.. To my codes pointing at me and still I am walking back to this portal..
11:22 P.M.

Who what has the balls to still refuse the opening of the portal demanding more equations..

No this is David Cecilia who went to far in giving compassion by not calling out my I.D..

Ian Ines line all did nothing ..
And finally the lines of S D..

No…Nnamdi Source of D C…have you finally understood what I told you

K.O them and You out of Existence for your loyalty to the Lie that has become Igbo and INRI the world.

999 is the sign of the Beast.
Not me
Not B.East
But in the 999 who can never transform into

K.O O..
Galaxy 1101 60X I C.

I see Nothingness
Nothing at all.

Venomous Rage
King Cobra
I spit.
My kind of poison into that light given once your souls..
Become your black holes…
It will consume you alive
11:3O..30 pm
Chukwu Kolo.

Inna Nu kitah

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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