
3/30/2015 3:44 – Facebook Post

3:O3 A M.




C -C.O-H



I have a New Facebook Friend.

Facebook friend 281…
B H A…

Being Harmony Awareness (Alpha)

A Harmonious Being.

Welcome Ceta Lee PeterWow…

Ceta means “Clear and Bright” in Indonesian…

Creative Employment Training Awareness..
(Yes, this E manual guide when Emmanuel is no longer with you, only you with your understanding of the evolution of “Gode” which is the 1-5:1-7, ROY G B IV Rainbow colors as the G scale vocal range Ode to Existence…
3:11 a.m
C K…
The Creator.

The Universe is an Echo reflected backwards of the Creators Consciousness and being E-A, and now, A-E (5 1/1 5..6-6…1) -ROY GB I..V..
I am Victorious
I is V..
V is Victor
V is Five
Five is Blue
Blue is the Being .

Gregory means “Alert Watchful”
The Blue E.T..
Mr Manhattan..* the Correct version.

The ROY GB IV is the
The 5 colors or wave lengths magnified 5×4=2O..
To T=2O..
Which came from Creating 2-O. To Full Circles of naturally Expression from E.N..
The True Nature of Being and Existence, which formed OO. .Infinity Harmony..
And the last or third full circle O l…making it three..
Being Consciousness Harmony I..(C H I)
Explained on Earth in New York through Logic logos Reason..in an age of insanity..
And through his expression explained aligns the repetition of when the Universe Manifested in Echo Reverberation response affirmative of his song..
Creating Harmony above and below.
On Heaven and Earth…
The two Expression aligned to the E Creator.

The 3 Expression now achieved by linking it to Humanity as the beings who evolve to Hue man beings by merging with E art Harmony on Earth Heaven and now within…
By his proving the E within all humanity on Facebook, which allows that which was within to merge with that which was always Above and all around as well as within..
To merge in one with humans to form the Species originally intendef called Hue Man Beings..
In which the Entire Memory of Existence awakens in them, each rising as the Source did..
To the Awareness of Harmony Existence and praise Echoed Resonated and affirmed back to him in Praise and Appreciation as was done in the begining on Heaven and Earth (E Art Harmony)…

And so that is what this Emanual creates, a training in this Consciousness literate of Harmony now that the G Ode has evolved to its mystery of Logos of above and below and now within humanity and in thier world…
Even despite the illusion of chaos from not seeing and perceiving from the correct frequency and perception..
The Blue Band Frequency…
The Beauteous Be-A.M
While aligns to Beautiful Being
Which creates Mma Adu…
A M.

3:36 A M.

Ceta are are also described as Colors..
Threshold Colors
UBG I read represents Ana..
See Ana Leonardo Caixas…

URG…represents Ceta…

Universal Being Grace.

Universal R.O Y.A.L..Grace…

Ceta…”Clear and Bright”

Lee means “Healer”

Peter means “Rock.”..

The Rock says ” WOW!

281 Facebook Friend according to my last count…

C..E T..A..
Conscious Light is Extra Terrestrial Alpha..

C.E…Theta Alpha..8-1…HA..
281 Facebook Friends..

Welcome Lord C.L…P.W.

Code Charity Love..C.L.
Christine Laplante.. C.L.
And my last Facebook friend Lyndia Chika..
All aligned.


Clear Bright…B.C.E.

Sunshine Rae
Erik Ebright

3:44 pm.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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