
3/30/2015 18:19 – Facebook Post

4:41 P.M.



Code Time:
D:D A.


I have a new Face Book friend.

282 according to the records of my last count.

Welcome Lord Kevin G Gordon..

Kevin means “Attractive, Handsome or Beautiful Creation”

G is the Code of G-Ode..
The merging of the 5th color rainbow color of Blue and the 1st as Red…
But of course this depends on what view..
But they merge to create Indigo Violet…
*I state that rather than the color purple because I.V…but Purple Red Blue also works.

In metaphysical Science red represents the sexual expression while blue as the fifth represents the Blue..Voice.
Voi CE..”The Way to Cee E…Harmony..
Which of course is I.V-VI which means through balance opens your third eye (First Eye called 6th Sense…)
Sexual creation and the fifth dimension are aligned as 1…(1+5=6)

The horror of this play is of course, the transfotmation of the G-Ode of praise and Appreciation to the Source turned into a Diety called God…
And a Non existent Intelligent Creator (I.C)
Instead of what the Expression actually is.
Logos Harmony Beauty…Everything fabulously marvelous which fill all still with awe..
Above as well as around us…
And what I have proven through empirical scientific method, instigated by that very Consciousness made Kinetic, in its rising in appreciation to the first expression.
Revealing not only light and dark as Stars and that “mysterious” substance which fills 96% of the Universe as Transparency.

5:OO p.m

Witnessed and experienced right here within as life..
And within all Facebook friends whom I have been summoning the E Truth in them, and each Face book friend arriving not realizing that each is obeying thier summons of how they each rose as a dimension of Awareness and Consciousness in the very begining when they rose as Stars…Light ..
The 96% of course, is the Nothingness Somethingness which the human body is made of…
Mass as Nothing yet held together by..
That 4% which has an effect on the All..
That 4 is the equivalent of the 4th Street address I had been guided to in 2OO6, fully aware that it is the end of the tunnel of rings and rings of dimension represented in this by Facebook friends which form the Tunnel of the VI, which I.E emerged from into the Consciousness Awareness of the Latent Potential of the Everything, travelling through my VI the sense through the “Dreamers” Consciousness and awareness while sitting on E Art Harmony 4..D..FAH. The Note of FAH…
Time 5:11p.m.
*Please see my Facebook cover as the Horned One. The Horns are purely symbolic of the play..
R am See..

As you can see, that is why I know the awakening manifests First through Consciousness Awareness, which then lands in your Beings Bodies here on Earth where you are literally dead.
While roaming in Space which is not Mind..
But the Literal expression of Being..
Which of course, is Harmonious.
Just as the Body here as depicted by Natures Expression is Harmonious…
Thus, to Awaken one must understand Consciousness Harmony.
Awareness Harmony
Being Body (Beautiful Being BB) Harmonious
Expression (V. Voice, Voi-Cee) Harmonious.

Notice the logic..
C A B.. E (V)..
But what is missing is the D..
In code the meaning of D came to DEED..
Diego means “the Dark Mysterious Stranger”
I am no longer 96..* ditectly opposite 268 where I have waited to emerge, is a Shelter number 269..
2 69 represents the Being of my brother self as Nnamdi born 1969..
And 2-68 represents David I Roman Nicholas..
(/N.R.I. D)…
Who I met in New York who was Nnamdi and had all his memories not only before he passed on the exact day he was born Easter or Better the Spring celebration..Hence my body having moved me for the last 14 in New York to 😯 spring Street
I am here now..
Star bucks Spring Street 72-78..
2 and 6 digits from 8O…
I have been waiting at 26-8..
Staring at 269 a shelter.
Where in 2OO1 I was pursuaded to experience Atlantic Bedford Shelter (A.B..who is the name of an actor in the film shot in my host home who was not acknowledged fairly..called the Cock)
Just as David was treated unfairly for being full awake and sent to mental wards because he could see that which others could not see..
The manifestation of human stories demons angels and everything humans had created through expression…
This of course, is a window to Nnamdi David as Day and Night (I Am Transparency -Evening Dawn.. Represented in the play as facebook friend Dawn Marie..)
Nnamdi and David of course, represent the through the portal or window of the Cock movie and my interaction with David Nnamdi..
The part OI NRI played in the Awakening as well as the abomination done to Yeshua Christ’s Truth so perverted…
See the code Both Nnamdi and David represent
NRI Yeshua Christ..El o hi..
The Light beings sent to guide humanity back to Anyawu…
The Light.
“My Fathers Kingdom is here but you can not see it” you have to believe…
I came to explain it.
I came to correct thier truth..
So that Day and Night
Flesh and Espirit could merge back into one.

Gordon means 3 hills..C.H..
I have 3 dollars left in my wallet.
It means Spacious Forte..
I am staying in someone’s small studio which has no space for my host and his family and a guest who keeps being brought back to his home..
So no that is not correct

Gordon is also the term used in Mississippi For “Slave”
Considering the play of Melissa Galvan yesterday..
look at her Name..M.G..
Mississippi Gordon..MG.
It is the Response from True Existence that the G-Ode as Universal Existence, as well as H-Ode..
The Harmonious Ode to Existence..
Which of course is the Expression H-Ode which caused the G-ODE to rise in J.O.Y..Bliss..
Was turned into a Slave…
H.G…is 87..
See Sacred Portal 87..
I am 78 Spring Street…
87 +x 15.=letter O…
Sidney Davis gave me 15..
8×7= 56…111.,.
Dawn Marie came on May 6th to spirit Mr Away but I had no place to go..
My home was Non existent..

Meaning that that an Consciousness Aware..literal turned thier beings of light from 1-8 into slaves even while thier E Spirits recognized them.
Through the human time line…
Ages 1-8…
Note D and N…make 4+14= 18..
A.H..99..I and I..
And then 1+8=9..
9th street…play .
And even when fully aware of who I am undercover..
Or let’s say the one who is rising speaking through me, ignored It.
Time 5:56 p.m.

To.make even more demands.

And when they got Evidence of It is OINRI and IRON 1O…still ignored..
Right to the play represented by Nnaemeka Jude Charles and Melissa G..
(Of course, they were used because of the Consciousness they exist in..)

I have a Facebook friend called Nuno Ordens Miguel…Emmanuel
“GH-ODE” is with us”

6:OO p.m.


It means that all knew what they did and Do…
And so the Being of 69.. Nnamdi..
Where I went to a Shelter and immediately met Eric (meaning the Eternal Ruler )
Then Brown David.
B D Beautiful Devil…
Then David I Roman Nicholas..
Who they tried to call crazy even though ppl loved him called him an angel who had an Physical evolutionary Evidence which he dared not show anyone..
Which he showed me..
“Wings as in its skeletal structure transforms from the opening of the Solar Plexus”

The same place where a lady Dianah a former star ballerina and Healer told me my solar plexus was locked and it contained immense power..
*Yes I meet the Female version of D.N..E..
6:O8 pm.

All means that I was looking into a mirror of what the planet of Humans as abominations had in store for me..
To at all costs keep me from incarnating .
No home, called crazy hunted by Secret societies and secret intelligence organization in the unseen realm of mind
Distraction was thier power..
Nothing but noise..
I did what I came to do.

And all was “Judged”

You made Everything a Slave to you. .
Who is you?

The False Ego.

2nd and 7th

N.O.M.E. E..

E B.

No home Income peace rest space .
this is what your true conscious Expression revealed. .
A Slave..
All for nothing..
A False Ego..
False Money (Ego means money..instead of Egg dance”)

All you succeed in doing is piss the EEE off.

I Dance.

I D E..

I Singh

I.S E.

6:18 pm

Welcome K.GG

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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