
3/30/2015 19:23 – Facebook Post

6:3O p.m.


I am sitting here at 78-72 Spring Street and saw I have another Facebook friend. .
I was doing the code of his name when I ran into Francesco, whom I met as part of the Crew shooting “Le Gallo”.
The Cock.. Cock a doo Le Do..
” The CO.C.K has done the Do!!

Shuhbi Do Do Do..
Waiting to Exhale..
Shubhi Gautama.. :)..

As you are all aware, every person is a code and a window into a dimension and when I physically meet people, it is immediate..

He was with a friend he had waited for before but had not arrived
His friend is called Orlando..

Francesco means “The Free man”
Chukwuemeka Means “Creators has done well!”
Orlando Means “Great or Famous land”

The Freeman, the Creator has done it (despite 12 years a Slave” trying to make the Free Man FM..a Slave) he has reaches the Great and Famous Land..
O R AH (R is 18 letter AH)
O AH Land O…!

F C O…First Contact O Perfect Symmetry
C F O..Circle Filled O perfectly
Chris Franco Raz Berry

E F O…5-6O…K

And I have a new Facebook Friend..
Realligion Mahant Indigo…


Room I.

283 Facebook Friend by last count.

Real-Ligion is of course the word Religion made real as Will Hunnitpercent Real…did.

I call him Lord because I recognized his harmony..
Religion actual means Sacred Order to the Devine..
It means Dharma..
Which means “Law” and of course an affirmation of yesterdays play with Alfie Ndubuisi Nze in which the code “IWU OnYe Ahu” was affirmed (and ignored)

Thus “I a.m. Law is Affirmed”
A NN.E means Grace.
Affirmed by Grace..
See Sacred Portal 52…
(25-52..77… Kevin G Gordon..K GG..11 77)

Mahant means “Great” and is used in the Indian word Singh…which means lion..

Left me affirm the evidence of this being in Harmony..

Today I spoke with Ravindra Singh who 3 years ago took from 268 to first his ex place called Elizabeth, where I met Billy Hung (B.H) David J..
(D.J) then drove to Savannah Georgia, where I met Will Onehundred percent…his lady Michelle and Eric Lile Brown (Eric Samuel David…Brown)
All whom.I knew..then to Forte Lauderdale
.apt 511…E.K.
We left on July 4th, 2O12 Independence Day..I.D..
We returned on 8-4/4-8- 2O12…
There are 48 likes I noticed on my Facebook page..
48 is sacred portal Beautiful Death..
Beautiful Devil…
Now Quiet Elegant Graceful Fury Beyond belief…in me…

He had been in the wrong consciousness 3 years ago despite all my efforts because I knew the outcome..
I fought until I left.
My name was cursed as usual and dragged through the mud..
Today he came to me and told me that on the 28th..code his friend Billy Hung as opposed to me born 11:28..K..A Being Harmonious “Kolo” full circle…
Billy had Money
I had, have nothing but Everything called the Beautiful Truth.

He told me on.the 28th the house next door to his had burnt down…and nothing had happened to his house, even though he lived just 8 feet away
The Fire department called it a miracle, despite the fact that no one knocked on his door to alert him of the Fire…
7:O8 pm

He gave me appreciation because he had come back into Harmony after my finally revealing what my Cee held for him.
He had listened..
And in the end he had not forgotten what I had stated to him..three years later..
He attributed where he was today to.me.
But he had chosen money over the E Truth.
But I am strong..
I can make people hear…
Even if they act as though I.am false.
That is the power of C.L…E
Charity Love Emeka.

The Cle..
The Un Cle..
To see Cee ( Ifunanya) is not just speak but to Do..
I have been left for 14 years to abuse and False accusation..

Hardly anyone has ever replied even when realizing I saved thier Life’s..
Much less give a damn sincerly for my well being.

They placed themselves first..
And me, as what I am representing..
So self evident in my body Expression of the Devine Presence…

They just don’t give a damn..

So I place them last..
Let them be damned

Indigo comes from the P.EA plant..
Used to make Dark Blue…
Blue Indigo…

Being of I..

I watched Man..
And realized that I was not watching men
..or Humans..

I was watching mainly Abominations who would leave a Source of Love not only in the cold bit bully even to violence..
And leave out in the cold.

7:2O p.m

So I Respond…

This R.M..I…

This Room I..
Belongs to me..
This World is just one of my House of many Rooms…
Get out of My House
Get out of my.Room
Get Out of My Space.
And begone with your Ugly Point of View

Only the Beautiful for E..

7:22-23 pm


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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