
3/31/2015 16:25 – Facebook Post

4:O1 p.m.

Just got a piece of Intel from Kevin G Gordon..

As you might have realized my portals open only when the riddles are solved…

We are still at Sacred Portal 49..
D I.

Which means I still have to solve, even at this late hour with my bags packed and ready.

There is no response, from my Portal 5O..
The Fifth Dimension until Death Ray code is complete.

I went outside and it was raining but the color Lavender was exploding in my sight..
Then soon afterwards everywhere I looked I saw people signs cars passing by all Lavender and Violet.

Ah…Lavender is the highest attainment it is said of the Physical Body…(freedom from the body impure as death)
And it is that state of rest and connection to “The Everything”.

I came back to see texts from Kevin GG..
That the first Slave to take a photograph was a slave called Gordon…
Memory Photographic Memory…
Akashic Records.

And the most evil Slave owner recorded was called Nathaniel Gordon…
Which is the address of the Bean and code for Emmy..

It would seem this is a case of false accusations…
Since the play with Ian Nathaniel Dawkins registered at 11:47…1:47.. San Antonio S.A
While I texted him at New York time
12:46…Sacred portal 4-6..1O .24..X..34-7..12 3
I am 4th Street Generation X Garden code D.F..

Nathaniel is 1O-7-66
I am 11-28 66..

1O7 is sacred portal Venom…
Someone took over my V.E ..NOM..Name.

17 is the transformer here and 78 is David P.G..
And 1+7= Lavender O..VI O.L (Orien Laplante) E.T..(Emeka Truth)…E is V and letter Five..

L.O.V E…
E V.O.L..V E…..VE -E V..
Ana sent me a text saying her time was 2O:O2pm
T.O.B…True O Source of Being Body.

Which is not me saying Nathaniel Dawkins is the Evil Nathaniel Gordon but this play if you go back was set up to discover the most evil slave owner.

Which is what I as the E of Existence was accused of.
That life Existence was and is slavery..
No free will..

Evil Hatred thus was given to me to Exist for the Gift of Existence ..

Only to realize I am love..
And the body is pure light which absorbs expressions of evil…live

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