
4/7/2015 23:04 – Facebook Post




I woke up and saw the time was 1:28 Pm.
It was fast but it reminded me that is when the David rejoined me as a Facebook.

I saw the David Philipe Gil…
And I watched a movie by an Afro American comedian Landing a purple plane..
David just landed from Japan yesterday (JA PAN…my last Facebook friend and my facebook friend).

He stated that immediately he landed my text was 1min from the time he landed.

8:45 p.m.

He said he was amazed.

Of course, I was aware that Yolande Makha was part of a play.
Her name means purple…
But it is David who was the person representing the color Purple (Violet)

If you recall Dania “God is my Judge” (aligned to Daniel Balthazar.. 8O…Harmony Full Circle brought Yolande to 78 Starbucks Spring Street
D represented IV…
As in R.O.Y.G ..the Fourth Dimension.
But there are three Dimension Hieght Length Breadth… R Y.G…
Of course, there are other systems of colors as David later pointed out
But this equation is based on Natural laws…
The Rainbow system.

Which seems the Artificial Systems to have been fighting for or competiting with the Natural system of wave lengths.

Thus, as I linked with David as I walked him to the F train…
We spoke of R.G.B computer systems which of course aligned to I.V….being really the 4th Dimension as D..
David Dania…
Which we saw her lead Yolande to the correct Portal and David landing from JA Pan while my host put on a movie about a young Afro American comedian buying an airlines.

Three Dimension is Red Yellow Green represents the three Dimension as the Triangle…
But it really is a Square
*See Alexandra Martin comments.
But Square or Landing can only by understabding from outside the O..
The full circle as the Sun..RA. JA…
Sunshine Rae…

A Full Circle…
RA Osiris..
Sun And Moon.. Elohim… Earth

Orange where Lord Orien Laplante lived (Orange County) but which Is represented by my hosts, whose Andre Charles (A C. 13..Nnamdi passed at that Age. ..Cain and Able, which David spike about a Computer Game he played which literally correlated how cousins find themselves as brother and Able playing the refraction of Everything… C is Light..A is Awareness….B is the Being *A yellow C.A B was outside 268 portal all day 7G17…*See yesterdays post of my recollecting how all my Reflection O…Orgasm -My Big Bang- was the birth of Consciousness from expression of Two Cees aligned to E Natural O…which moved out to the every edge of all which could ever be, after exploring all possibilities…
Then transformed from C speed of light into Awareness AHtom and returned to its source as transformed into “Dark Matter” informed “light filled with information, in formation as Atomic Matter, A M…
Made solid and Real as Fact.)

9:4O pm

Meaning that the full Circle which transforms 3D wave lengths as R ..Y G is
The full Circle RR YY GG. .
Which created R.O.Y.G…From B the Being of IV/VI…

Royal Reign O Yonathan Yohannes GG (77)…

Orange is Yellow and Red….1 and 3

9:57 P.M.

Thus the R.O.Y.G…. Thus completes the 4th dimension but this can only IV….done within the 3D world by a 5th Dimensional Being…
Creating 8-8….1 28…16-7..64 (IVVI)..1 O.
15/15…(OO..O2) AE/A E…

*I was given a gift of a Bag of Change today by my host.
I.knew the code was representing if I had created Change..
I went to the TD bank on 666 Broadway ( Joseph Carey ” Henry” had shown me the place..Protons Electrons Neutron s or the B-East…)
It came to 57:13 USD..
E.G.. M…

E Gode Manifest.
After 8% charge it came to
E B…FF….I am 66,

I also recieved a Wire of 45:OO USD from Nnaemeka Jude Charles…
Code April 5th Nnamdi..
(18-89- 19-45…Adolf Hitler..A H)..

David gave me 55;OO U.S D.

Three people in the same day cash codes .
One in Change.
One in Money Gram
One in Cash.

Intials E A…..N…D…

I met David with 53;66 in my wallet
*I had a dollar left in my wallet.


Then 55.OO .see Sacred portal 55…
Family landing from the past

1O8.66 USD.
Pls look at the code of the 1O8 the sacred number and Lord Orien Laplante post …
Today is 7-4-8…
7-4/4-7 is
+x 11 28…39…C I…(12 27…39…C I)
55 is E.K…5-11…55…16-7.
57…12 35…47…11 28.

Orange is here.

David and I discussed many things..
He mentioned the code of the Solar plexus being Orange…
The very seat of my power which a very aware Pilate’s instructor (PI) called Diana had stated my somehow my solar plexus was locked but which contained an immense power.
He also.mentioned that the 4 represents Manifestation…
M=13…43…7-12…19..84…1..12-32…45…1 45…

Here at 4th Street is the Orange Baby..
The Completion of R O.Y.G….=B.I.V…(B4..the past)…VI B = G.Y.O.R..K.

Here is the Alignment of the Fourth Dimension to Being expanded from David I Roman 1968 to David P.Gill, 1978..
Expansion of 1O.
1st and 3rd the Bean expanded to
2nd and 3rd….

Expansion from the point.

*1O:46 p.m.

David spoke about the everything which being experienced but not everything can be experienced after I spoke about how this play went to far…
A Machine set in motion being allowed to run its course experiencing everything and then seeing what does not make sense and collasping on itself.
This was Davids Astoundingly brilliant reply…

I paused.

He spoke about a woman channeling RA and the law of 1..
He mentioned how so.much of what he said through this wan who died April.1st (End of that Story he brilliantly surmised..4-1 DA)
And the Experiencing the Everything and as an Infinite being encountering the Finite..
Dark Matter. ME.
And not being able to go further even though he is an Infinite Consciousness it encounters the Finite…
How strange David commented.
1O:55 pm.

“Oh he exclaimed that means one should not experience Everything.

You can experience Everything but it must be of E C…love and light…which is what Everything is made of…
That Infinity is not finite..
It goes on and on to 1O 8…
Way beyond 96…
But experiencing that which is not of love..
Sends you out of Existence..
Because Existence is the Beautiful 1.
1O 8..


That is what exists beyond the Imaginary point.
The Truth the Fact
That I.E.
Eternity Immortality Infinity
Is real….
A Fact
My home and I.E Exist there and we are 4 real V.

11:O1 pm…
Beyond that Galaxy 11O1 6OX I.C/1O11 XO6 C.I full Circle beyond 1O8…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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