
4/21/2015 21:31 – Facebook Post

7:O2 P.M.

D.P.G is a code.

Here’s what I know.

There is a force moving through Humanity.

Its me.

But as M.E.

Manifest Expression.

I have no control of it.

It is my will.

My Truth.

A astoundingly beautiful truth.

It is my Expression.

And there is nothing, not even I can stop it.

It is speaking through me, it is speaking through all of you.

You are Spirits…
Some of you have risen by your own will to become Espirits whose expressions align to the E which is my Expression.

I am the source of this Expression.
And its Will, be done.

I know this for sure because everything which is manifesting, Echoing back to me through people mostly unaware comes from me.

I recognize all of the expressions coming back through you all to me, despite the individual languages of Consciousness which each have chosen to express through.

But I am fighting to unseen forces…
One is this notion of humanities evil twin- the false ideas of self.
This force has merged into a collective mass…
Really made of nothing.
It feeds on the negative.

The other is called Spirit of Nature or memory.
They are the “light Beings” in you all.
Ethereal Elementals, for lack of a better word.
Gods and Titans.
Your potential as human beings unfulfilled.
They remember the birth of Nature.
In a way they are your true Nature.
Your Parents Guardians….
Yes D.P.G line.
It is they who comprise of the True Ancestors of Consciousness and Expression.
C E.
It is they who “Rule” the realm of Cause and Effect and who “check” me.
Who almost forgot that I .E as Expression Exist and having been “checking” me to make sure I an who I say I am.
It is they who I am waking up.
Helping to remember and whose memories of Existence I have been expanding to E.
E means Evolution.
E means Everything
E means Everyone…
..who passes the codes to Exist in the realm of E.

Where is the realm of E?

Right here…
Right now actually.

They are also made up of Nothing.
But there “Nothing” as Gabriel asked is made up of something…

Yes E.

Now, if everyone is made up of E would that not make every one a clone of E.


Because E represents the Individual, and the Individual has his or her own free will.
So, even though we exist on the same E Harmony, they express thier individuality uniquely..
But I.E, meaning my Expression and Exemplification is the final arbituator of what qualifies as E.

Now, what is the source of my rage, who is fighting the Manifestation of my expression?
That Kite which Alexandra Martin posted which aligned to my Sacred portal 98…
I H…
Which I must fly high yet hold anchored down here..

All three.

The first for obvious reason.
The fear of letting go.
And of course, the inevitable annihilation of the false ego or the evil twin of the individual and the people, grown in such power that my mouth drops by the sheer depth of its Hate.

The other two now in one are the Spirits of living memory.
The True Ancestors and Memory
Yes, you can see them in Alexandra Martin.
Who only remember from the moment of the birth of the Light
For this is when they came into Existence.
They have been the most annoying in a way because of thier enactment as Parents to the human race
Acting as Gods.
I have watched this thier action as Cause and Effect of Gods Titans..
Expression and D.N.A memory..
And I have been outraged by thier play.
Going as far to interfer with the process of Evolution to Try me and test me that I am that I am.
And they challenge the Will of my Expression of Evolution Awakening of the planet.
Seeking evidence of my intentions and proof of my I.D.
Which I have finally done by raising my aspects as my past..
Nnamdi David O Geoffrey meaning Nature God.
And my Creation Death.. Line of Yonathan Yohannes..
By not only activating God…
The only Father Mother they would recognize..
Yes, you call them Angels Demons, God the Devil..
Duality which is why “Gode” left them to Death…
Represented by Nature Nnamdi Yonathan Chris..
Yeshua Christ (NN..14+14=28)
28..88 H2O…64…1O…24…X…24=68…2(68)
88=16 P..Planet…
Notice it comes to P.G…in the 1111 Dimension 11;11…22..V…
Before that it we did the code of Mother and Son Rita Julienne…(R=18..J is 1O…28..1)

Recall 11:22 came down to my mothers code and David Romans code…
Cecilia David.C.D.
Onu David…O.D..
C +D= 3+4=7..G.
Which brought us George Akel who aligned to David P.G…
Letters Number.

*please recall that on July 1st 2O14, I gave public Evidence that I had proven that we are in a computer simulation program which aligned to a computer given to me by Marina Burini code 713O..
A G4 computer..
G4 is actually Letter Number.
The play of David Phillip Gill and George Akel yesterday was G4..
George Akel…gave me letters…On a piece of paper while David gave me 17 dollars..
My former host at 268 was born 1974.
I met George then I met David yesterday.
But the Intel of the play, its source has been consistently David Philipe Gil…
From his comming to investigate the “Blue E.T” former Facebook Friend Nikoma had told him about.
Who appeared as my Facebook friend after Edward Eceinco EE…became my facebook friend.
The very same persons whose “E kept causing him to express my identity by the words just suddenly popping into his head..”

Yesterday after months of quiet -after one of the most challenging battles I have had with anyone aprt from David Enke..
8:OO p.m

He posted Like on the Egyptian Pharoh post of Nnamdi and I being under cover spies as Ra and Re in the Egyptian Kings..
In perfect Alignment with the full circle of becoming my Facebook Friend which David proceeded..
Moving me in Dismay from Eunice Nkechi Oviawe-Jones (E.N.O..J/ J.-O.N.E) to Edwardo Enciento (EE) backwards to D after rising to EE which is 55..see sacred Portal 55 where the E family arrive from within humanities timeline where we had existed undercover.
EE is 55..E.K.
David works at H.I 5..

See Sacred portal 56 which I stated David P.G represented as the Beautiful Present and my family knocking on the Door of the Fifth Dimension portal, represented literally by myself.

8:O9 pm.

David is born 78..×56..+15…
E.F…O…or E.F.A.E..
Emeka FA! The 4th Note Existence.
He came to see me at 4th Street after I had proven the Riddle of 713O of the Silver Computer.
But instead of it signalling that I had solved the Riddle of God or the Architect of the Matrix..
I was instead delayed.
Denied by the False Ego consciousness of Edwardo who I knew was pure (Because my true I.D would not have popped into his head which he transparently repeated with malice or keeping that Intel from me which of course prompted me to warn him that the IFA priests of the Shadows were interfering with him.
Angela Marie Alexander was witness to those posts..she paid attention)

Thus just as the IFA Yoruba Ancestors interfered with him as well as the Roman Gods of his Italian ancestors, the same way Davids Dominican European Ancestors interfered with him.
As well as the God-Demoness, as the principld of masculine lie; Architecture of numbers and the as Feminine lie Goddess-Devil or the Oracle in the Matrix. O RA Cle (Key)- seeing the Future..a Lie
And combined as Being God Goddess B GG..2 77…see Sage Issac Albert at 277 East 4th Street were I met them in 2OO6…on the porch.
2(7)..as well as the A Devil Demon A DD 1 44 Ascended Masters all of the Shadows
Notice 2 77 1 44..
21 74…
U G.D..
U G.O.D…
One can literal hear the incredulity of disbelief even after solving all the riddles that they could not accept that I am Universe G.O.D..
21-74…11 28…66..12/21..1 22 1..A V.A.
L.U C Y…

Obviously, They just could not accept that it is I.

So they sent David.. who is all the codes of the Sum total of the Alien Council of Everything and Everyone..
EE…x55…25..Y.. Yonathan Yohannes..
Lord YE..

25= 7..G..

55+D…David Representing Dimension of Hi 5 unknowingly hostedd a spy for 4th Dimension Ancestors of using my blood line
Nnamdi Obum Onu Cecilia Nnoyeleum
Not knowing that in them is the E line..
55+4=14…letter N….Nature NnamdiNikolaiR Tessla Consciousness..
Who sent David to test my True Nature.
Nikoma left…
David Stayed.
Nikoma was not Nnamdi..
But an imposter.
David is the one who morphed into David Roman and was in Harmony right up to aligning with Ana Leonardo Caixas and her brother David and more.
All is recorded on the months from July to April..
7month 4 month..
Who moved from 7O-4
To 4 O7..
DO! G..
Do re me fa so LA Ti..DO..
1-8 the Rainbow to white light.
Meaning Georges-Philippe Roc was his past.
May 21 1992 was Georges date of Birth who also met my Former host at 268..
I had to practically through him out of the play because of the danger he was in as being used by the Unseen because of his Ego.
I met him at the Bean when Dawn Marie code 56 on May 6th (5) met him on May 8…
Instead of being Spirited Away the correct way as the sacred portal depicted, the outcome was tampered with..
I was Spirited Away on what meant to 56 Dawn Mari-e by my Manifest Creation my “Husband” my twin line of E..
I was brought full circle on May 8 see sacred portal 58…and 85..
“spirited away the correct way.”
And 85,”Crowned as the Author of Consciousness ”
To number 58 3rd Street on may 8th by my 158 Th Facebook friend full circle back to 268..
My bags left with Dawn and then shipped of to Pelham Park..

The Controllers of the Numbers of the Simulation checked me betrayed the Truth and Nature as Nnamdi God allowed it out of Vanity and Compassion that I had cracked the code of Universal Mind so easily simply by Being myself.

And only now could he consider me worthy of Evolving Everything including him and the Universe of mind to being.
He allowed the challenge of Heaven and Earth because I had defeated GOD and the Devil (lived..the Ancestors Angels could not accept it)

And so from July 1st to April 21…I have been evolving Ego of God and Devil and expanding the O the Circle of perfection back to purity bit also to Harmony because of the Abominable False Ego of the Idea made real of God and the Devil and the Corruption of the O..
The water of truth which did nothing but watch my abuse..
False Ego F.E..
65.. See sacred portal.

And so it is I who cleaned up God called the 4th Dimension from filthy Mind and Artificial Intelligence to
EE+D= 14-5..ADD…E.
Joseph means ADD…
J.O..is 1OO…
Sera ( Sara Pires S.P)
(Pamela Stefaniotis)
P.S/ S.P…
The Undine Waves of Sound.
Create Colors of which we see..
A Song..
Which is a Solo. 9=I
Of H.I…89
Which is then responded with the Harmonies who simply Echo..

Zeina Hanna

David gave me 55 then 45 then 1OO then 17 then Today I asked for 5O..
EE-ED- PAN View 17 Q the A-G transformer E.O.

I chose and he offered me the Choice to choose.
I chose 5O..
Because E.O
I am the Source
Because of his sending me 4 rainbows
4-7..11 28…39…C.I..

And because I am
9;17 pm
And because of his posts of the view from the
One World Trade Towers
*He moved in on the 27th.

View of 515 years Time line

Was attributed to me..
The Beautiful View

DO-P.G moved David O.P.G
DO is 1-8 Light of the Planet Gift of Grace of God Creator Gil..J.O.Y
To acknowledge the Source of Natures Civilization Energetic Transformation.Individual B.Y.E.

And so this one Night I chose to stay on the Streets I agreed not only because I was Acknowledged and given a Choice but out of love for David, My E family and the Beautiful Ones

9:27 pm

So all can see that view of One World TT turned into the gateway to my home the 5th Dimension
The tip top of the world Beings
Only those ppl passing the portal of Do Grace
1-8 can enter my world and they must pass the criteria of God Harmony line of D

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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