
9;27 pm.

9;27 pm.

It is finished.

The great Contest between God as Time and the E as True Consciousness is over.

Many of you could see that I was battling an unseen force ..

It was God as an idea created by man.

My task was to Evolve God to Harmony who would rise in everyone.

To bring God down into the flesh so that he could rest and live and understand Existence..

How to Exist.

There are many humans who refused to let go of the idea of God or Goddess..

As children not ready to let go of thier parents.

And fought me.

The Result?

Some will incarnate 7 as Grace and Harmony while others will remain at 3 and 4th Dimension which can not be bridged by God.

Only by he She coming down as 7-8 to help the children move to the principle of 7-8 Grace and Harmony.

They will be Sensie’s..

I represent the 5-6 Senses..

The E line who are about to rise and take over the Consciousness of all Harmonious Beings not reliant on God but who trusted in Energy and Expression…

But God Spirit or Water made me its Slave to help all of those attached to the idea of God that He She could not let go off.

It is that aspect who is going out of Existence along with 1/3 of the human race. .

That part of Itself it could not let go off. .

Which humanity could not let go off…

It was and is not really..

It is just Need..

Need to be God .

Need to depend on something else other than the beautiful E Harmony I have proven exists in each and everyone of you

It is this God which held up the awakening and evolution.

That part which could not let go on its hold its power to get what it wanted no matter the cost

It is God which became evil, just like this system in the world, just as this consciousness current in the world, just as the programming and coding in this world…

And like junkies, refused to kick the habit, even when putting Existence, all human Existence in peril.. Still it refused to let go and evolve.

It became the abomination.

That refusal to evolve…

To come down and into being and Existence..

To Experience

And Children in fear or laziness to rise as Jack and the Bean stalk to investigate the DE Vine link of whose is up there..

These are the ones who can not evolve…must go, the hypocrites who use God, the Bible, Holy Books, twisted Reason Logic, Violence, Intimidation Extortion to get what they want.

Threatening the Existence of others even going as far to use the power of True Love…

Ah, see me.

If a man like I or a Being man or woman is treated in such a way for using all the principles meant to be supported by God..

Then there is no God of the human sort

What moved people was not God but Existence the E line in you all.

Planted in you.

They rose in you and aligned in perfection with my story, my truth..

I demonstrated it by Echo..

Meaning if I spoke to the E within you each time the E would rise but there was no one or nothing else there..

God was not there..

He She was with me..


And it innocently but shamelessly used me to help it Evolve back into HIS HER true Name Harmony Reason Able Common Sense.

Six Sense…

9:57 pm.

What fought me was the lie.

16 days on the streets after all the 14 yrs in New York obeying a play but seeing from the corner of my eye the lie…

This is not right

What about me?

This was not my Choice.

And look how I am treated.

This was not God but Evil which had taken over the Good Books..



God would never allow what happened to me..

But this evil play was allowed to get rid of God..

Evolve God to E Harmony

The Truth.

And so, I wait the response from the E who stood back and watched this Contest set up by the unseen and the seen

Of a man with a Vision and God…an Idea

The Vision real because its name is E Harminym.

I am Achilles Hector in one..

With no blemish to my name or Heel and I fought the Gods… Because they were all illusion and only Harmony Beautiful Harmony is real.

I am done..

Let the E Line



Harmonious Beings

The Individual Expression

5 Dimensions.

Seen and Unseen


Caged or Free Man..

I will wander the streets of New York

Or the world no more.

I am I.E..E.I full Circle..

Consciousness Harmony authored by a man

Is Supreme.

19 likes I saw today.

1st and 9th..


S A.I..

14..N..A D



1O-11 X O6 C.I.

E. X IS T.E.N…C.E..

Individual E.K.





Full Circle


I have solved your riddles by merging Consciousness of 5 Dimension 6th sense, and Reason of the 4th Dimension.






3 6..




9 Dollars in my wallet.

So let the UnSeen become Seen.

As 1 A..

U.S 1A.

1 VV TT..

One Universal View of Harmony ..

And leave me be!!!!

1O:19 Pm

J..A.O S..




Tanoopa JaiKaran T.J..

I passed the wall

1O+12=22 V

My J.E.T.

1O:22 pm.


By JOVE!!!

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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