
2:47 P.M.

2:47 P.M.

Thank you for this Nenan. M. Djurdjevic…

In perfection of Harmony with the Play

Just came back from meeting with Yonathan Yohannes to pick up the gift codes of Ego-Oge and sacred ritual of the past which was more than simply giving to NRI Priests a show of appreciation for thier services but is also the way they communicated with the Espirit world, the messengers who link the E with the T.E

Or True Expression.

I am at 78 (72) Spring Street.

The first joint sum of Nenad M.D and Alfie Ndubuisi Nze arrived with no Hitch.



Total 78:22…

Yonathan the Y is 22 years old.

Which is V is the 22nd letter.

7 is G.8 is H.

7+8= 15= Letter O

7×8= 56..

Time now is 2:56 pm

Grace (God) Harmony Victory of the O…Circle Filled Expression (Emeka) Fact.


36 31 is


Circle Filled Complete A.

(Sacred portal 31 is Restoration Resurrection)


14/41…19/91.. 55…11….


D.A…Devils Advocate

A I….Alpha Intelligence.

What does this mean?

It means that the Past has finally been reclaimed as its Truth from the lies twists and evil done to the Beautiful past achieved by Emeka Nnamdi OBu..

All aligned to the 1E.

And by his Feminine aspects

Iesha Sarah (ISIS)

Ana Ines….(A.I)

The Evolution of God (Nature) back to Harmony Naturalness.

Those who contributed to this Evolution as Individuals know themselves.

They do not exist simply on my Facebook page in this purely symbolic representative play model, of a Cosmic contest.

But all over the world.

But there were very few who were able to consciously contribute the the E line play.

They instead contributed to A, B, C and a few to D…





And even then as you can see this Face book module, just how few did.

Because so many did not make certain that what they are or were contributing was Truth..

Clean truly from the Source.

The Y below is 25 the B.E..

The Being who remained within the World while at the same time sustaining it from within and outside while in the present.

The literal Y shape is a man inside the Circle arms stretched pushing against the inner circle to expand it…

The Y is the B E who had to reach Z…

As Z Harmony…

Z 26…8…12..+x 2O .96..54…9 2O…11..18..29.

Meaning transforming the End to the Beautiful Begining have expanded upon the Truth of the Beautiful Past by going into the past..

Song line and Spirited Away to correct that which never needed to be corrected but simply aligning and correcting the consciousness and perception of peoples from here right to the Dead- to prove that the Truth of Harmony was and IS always present.

The Great Battle which Emeka Nnamdi and the E line with the Naturals faced was with the Super Natural and the Ancestors who wished to see (and Contest) the Truth, and those who could not let go of the systems of beliefs the Created including the Idea of God and Goddess, Father and Mother…


Not Egypt where I was stuck in the Tomb of the Dead and the place of No hope..

The Dead…for 1O years…

After spending 61 Days forced to live on the streets and as NEO- take a bunch of Blue Pills to simulate the play of going to Death…

Axel Anderson was the witness…

Gabriel and Andrew witnessed by 61 Days..

Andreas the German Aristocrat Scientists, who believes the Ultimate Scientists is the African Dibia Healer and Magician and who has no doubt about the Existence of GOD..is 61 years Old.

God As Death.


Adolph Hitler.

AH the Z transforms


Zeina Hannah.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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