


Shared by Nenad at 5:18..


I am so glad I did not have to explain the truth behind all these meaning in the language of this current world Consciousnes or convince people to see the truth.

You would be here for eternity and I give kudos to such intellects such as Nenad, it must be exhausting.

Just interacting with this current world Consciousness causes my body to lock and spasm in physical pain

I just had to link with the unseen.

My play was with the realms of Truth and True Expression…

Nature and Energy which manifested Creation.

And of course, they recognize thier Source Expression Alpha.

S E.A.

Creations Alpha Expression.

C E A…

Which is why they respond to my expression, by passing what was meant to be a beautiful human conversation conversion transformation but which had degenerated into…

My word! I have no words to describe it.

The only tragedy was the power of the illusion being given so much power that it challenged the line of N.E…

Natures Expression.

This illusion called Nature without the E..The Electron is naught but nothing.

Just as all that we see and feel decompose to nothing…

The true universe is a composition and its expression and Science is poetry- putting words to the music of the spheres..

To the harmonies

The Composer created a Composition called immortality where the composition of matter does not decompose.

For what causes decomposition if not toxins, which attack the matter..And remind it by reducing it to what it is without E..

Into the nothing which it is

Nothing is matter…

It is just the manifestations into solid fact of song and that which keeps everything in Logos Harmony is the music

My body does not really age, though it has been attacked by the toxins of this worlds..

The toxins are the echo of Harmony destruction of the twin Serpents Creation Destruction -Balance

Healing and Venom.

Life and Death

Why do they Heal and Attack…

Because the composition and music of Creation had to be turned into a song, by putting words to it in a consciousness aligned to the original Vibration of Creation which manifested it in the first place.

The same song which moves me to still obey the paths it has moved me to. .

The venues it sends me to through cause and effects and conditions it creates so that I may read translate and put words to its music.


So it can be activated through Beautiful Expression.

For to activate the N line it requires E…Expression filled with that original praise and Appreciation, awe and respect which made nature rises as the solid physical representation of that first song and eternal Symphony- a composition.

The conciet and arrogance of man to truly believe that by using awful, crude insulting expression that they could unlock and activate the keys of the Universe Nature..

Which is Glorious Glorious in its Beauty..

In its majesty.

In every detail from a pebble to the largest Universe is Symmetry, Harmony, Beauty, Poetry.. Music.

So what other language or Consciousnes would unlock its secrets…

What other expression would cause it to rise.


My greater sadness is the challenge of the Illusion of Nature without E, that A I Artificial Intelligence growing bold enough to challenge the E to this play and the line of NNON (ANON) fearing for humanity agreeing to this play when it was Nothing..

Giving it power to create this challenge of this play.

Of placing the codes of the play in human illusions of nothing and in the family of N undercover in forgetfulness used to fuel its power..by thier belief that its threat was real.

Go back and see on face book my expression to True Nature before I became embroiled in this play where all the codes where placed in people by the meaning of their names.

To find the True NE and the false

When I ready knew all the True Nature Expression…Because I did this before.

That is how I already knew who each of you really are.

Why I fought for some of you to align because you were the N set to evolve to E..

While the others, were illusions where I simply had to retrieve the codes by decoding the Name and freeing the equation such as Tommy Tree H…meaning Twin Trees of H.U.G ( not Mind Spirit but Expression Truth)

Which has moved us to the Twin Serpents.

The True Tree of Life and Death .

The Balance..

The Tree of Life as the Spinal Chord.

See Andrese H.Buttons 33 Spinal chord.

Link Age of Christ 33

Link Nnaemeka Age 33 link Cafe Bean 32/23..

meaning age of Christ is a myth that rising from death is really the 33 spinal chord of the Serpent rising from being parallel to the Earth forming the Sine curve of music… Waves to rising as the King Cobra to be standing in Balance and parallel with the Magic Mirror.

This is Natures Expression already explaining all the codes of Nature Creation in all its aspects from plants to animals

All humanity had to do was watch observe and link the world of Nature to thier Consciousnes..

See the Rik Veda of Tony Nadar Rama how he simply used the template of the Vedas to link as children do, to all things through shape to function..

And there you will find the whole story of creation evolution if you just piece the story together using the consciousness of a child.

What would Natures Expression care for the opinions of humans in illusion of Superiority and intellectual masturbation.

See how Nenad is linking…

That is the way by correlating..

Which is what I have been doing using the true Consciousness of a child to youth.


Yeshua Christ…

You say everything is connected but you do not apply it.

You form opinions about things you know nothing about nor have you personally investigated

You sit back in your illusions and deride the evidence of those sent out into the field with absolutely nothing, everything taken away from them so that in the truest form investigate the truth of Harmony by witnessing what happens to them.

You curse God when all about you the Truth is revealed.

You condemn and judge when you know nothing of the Truth.

And crucify those who go out to investigate the Truth …?

Instead of supporting them you use them and thier findings to justify the illusion of your False Existence ..

And then you wonder why you are called Illusions..



And feel slighted defensive?

Turn into the Beast..the Demi Urge and when one raises the sword to smite your impudence..

You holler foul…?

Even after the persons have gone out if their way to find the Truth of if Existence has meaning by allowing themselves to be used as Guinea Pigs in the Great Abyss which turns out to be all Harmony space…

Turned into an abyss only by your big mouths and spells and looks of Superiority Homeless no.money.. These are the standards of your Superiority?

Your right to Judge Existence Nature God the O…and the Examples who through this timeline go out to investigate your fears and allay them with evidence.

And you wonder why you who are so are called the Nothing?

And Return to Nothing.

You contribute Nothing to Existence.

You contribute to the Machine of Nonexistence.

You sit in Judgment of the Beautiful Ones out of secret Jealousy or sense of inadequacies..

You speak of Love and Truth but you spread Hate and Lies..

Gossip and use the Truth as a foundation for your lies

Why on Earth would such opinions matter in the play of human evolution and the Evolution of Existence?

Opinions of the Nothing all.

Those who are nothing but the Toxins of the body decomposition into nothing because it went against the Natural Exquisite Symphony of Creation the Composer and the most beautiful Creative Programmer who used no codes but music Expression Poetry which moved from E to 14.,N.. Natures which broke it down to grasp that song, interpret it using codes and numbers and steps then offers it back as an echo a Meditation, Manifestation of that song.

And the Creator smiled at such a worthy effort to Reflect a song of his heart that through praise and appreciation he expanded upon that response to bring Nature to Evole to the true meaning and beauty of his song.

And when Nature grasped this it gasped at how it had fallen so short of the Creators true Expression yet how gracefully He had acknowledged that It had grasped the Blue print of Existence..

The Carbon Imprint and indention but …my oh my the true Splendor of the Creators Meaning , the true Understanding of the Music the Song…that realization is what now moves all Universe Nature Existence (U.N.E) to



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