
8:24 P.M.

8:24 P.M.

Oh by the way, why I know that it is the end of the play.. finally…

The point of the play for the last 9 years has been the code number 268 which equates to ZH..

Which is code name Zeina Hanna

*(Excuse me Zeina for constantly tagging you but your name, code D O.B and code age is so relevant in this play as it turns out.)

8:28 p.m.

Zeina means Beauty.. H is Harmony …

Beautiful Harmony is B.H.


Tasha Heavens Creates

2O +8..,.


Zeina is born on what is known as the date Adolph Hitler found the symbolic representation of the Spear of Destiny.. .

The idea of the Spear of Destiny being that it

gives one the power of the worlds direction ….

The Spear pierced Christ side bringing forth water and blood…

Water was turned into wine…by Jesus.

And Blood into Espirit.

Water is Knowledge..

Wine is Intoxication of what the knowledge brings.

Blood is the Violence to Peace (Death to life)

And then by the Anti Christ

AC.. 1 3- Devils Advocate… DA

Water Knowledge into the whine of the intoxication of Power.

Blood into the whine of the Sirens of War.

Yeshua dominated the world but it brought

Non stop abuse of Knowledge and nonstop war…not peace…

Thus, Knowledge had to be turned into Transparency

Blood Violence had to be turned into Peace.

Blood to Circulation of North East West South NEWS the News to the 4 corners of the Earth fill circle OINRI mission of Consciousness Harmony I..CHI…N..EKE…

The Feminine Creative Spirit flows the Fountain of Knowledge.

Of how to transform Death to life.

Darkness to Light…

The mystery into clarity..

Thus, the correctting of the Yeshua Christ Story back to its Truth which did not come from OINRI but beyond NRI…

8:5O pm.

Thus being moved to be currently at 268, Z.H has 3-15-1986…

Code C.O (C.A.E.. Raz Berry 5:31…E C.A…CAECA curve)

86 pls see the Sacred portal 86 posted as 68 upside down by Billy Hung…code 3 in 1-1-3…

I am at 2-68/86….

Indicates that the Spear of Destiny is symbolic and representative of a code to communicate the reversal of the Curse of humanity.

The water is Holy Espirit (H.E) turned to the sweet waters of the Garden of Eden…

The stream of consciousness which flows from the Fountain Head (HF..86)..LA Font/ TN OF AL…True Nature OF AL…

The Blood to Wine through Intoxication of spreading the N.E.W.S to the 4 corners (Square) of the 4th Dimension…


* Gloria Benz…

I.V…I Live as the Body in Being of Existence Dionysus Bacchus God of wine.

9:19 p.m.


Jesus Christ I am still flowing solving riddles…!!

The Body of Christ…

The Blood of Christ

The B-eau Ti Full Christ.

Christ means Anointed

Chosen by who..

The Spear of Destiny..

The Spear of Destiny

Gaius Cassius Longinus.


12 3 7..

The Compass..

The Waters of Omega Alpha..


Who knows who can get the Job done.

The NA…

The Saphire Blue Open Space..

The …Blue Planet…

That’s the Orb!!!!

NRI people had..

BRO THE R..(R=18..A.H)

Andrese Harris Burton…

9:33 pm



Okay so Zeina Hanna-H is 29..

I am at 29O Facebook Friends..


Bergamo Italy.


+N A I… Nadee Nakandala Ana Leonardo Caixas Inês Guerreiro..

Neel Akash +I.



N+E is 14+5…19 S..Supreme…1+9= 1.O= A.O

N+A = 14+1…15…O…..1+5=6….F.


SO is Fifth Note.

Fa is 4th Note ..

SO FA…54…Not located at 54 2nd Avenue

That is its symbolic representation in the Chess Play…

C P/P.C..

Personal.Computer: The Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix…


Its a Consciousness…




I mean there has got to be some Humans out there who understand this play and what it is concluding …

Apart from the Silence…

Because this is how I know it finally ends not by my.say but by the Logic it concludes as..


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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