




I walked, one more night against my better Judgment

Nenad M. Djurdjevic had affirmed not the E whom I had addressed a query through but the N.

How do I know this, I walked to The Bean 2nd and 3rd, quietly enraged by even now the line of N still having me walk the streets.

Creating an idea of a portal which in the E play should have been made clearly manifest.

Logic would dictate that I am done, the equation proven. No portal then to a shelter or some place other than walking the Streets …

But I ended up meeting 23 year old Rob F. Black

At 2nd and 3rd.

I was surprised to find him there and instantly knew that he had been moved to be here.

Note the date.


He was sleeping and had been in a wonderful delightful play with ppl he had met.

Yet here he was, I knew when I had last seen him that he was on his way home.

But that there was still something.

Suddenly, I showed his Espirit the post by Nenad and his dream..

And then suddenly, Robert began to ask me astute questions when I no longer had any desire to speak, explain or talk about this play.


But why do you not accept this role of being this person spreading this knowledge- you sound so frustrated…

If a higher entity created this role for you why can you not accept it.

Robert is code 14, and the same age I was when I began my Journals Talking to the Silence, and my proving that there is a Harmony in Existence.

And by 26 saw the light and wished to pass through.

I saw the Dark Matter surrounding it and really a conversation with it and perhaps the Light asking me to come back down and share the knowledge of how I accessed the light of found my way home so easily.

I did not wish to….

But it insisted

And I came back to this realm and the immediate interest in my journals.

I had not cone to the world to be messenger I had come to the world to simply Be.

And by being myself, E, knew I would Naturally without effort aid in the play…

I was aware of the Evolution and of my having a family of E.

But this mission was against all that which is the Nature of E

I did not realize that I was not in True Existence but in a story…

Where Nature had become as God..

A Consciousness infected by a story.


End of the Bean

I spoke with Robert telling him of how the notion of taking away a persons free will to make them play a role which not only went against all that is True Existence was an Evil but that it had been historically proven as a waste of time.

Since all had an E in them which they could choose to listen to.

Especially now when Evolution and expression had been developed to such a point with information that each person could hear that part of themselves and there were and are so many techniques to access that place.

He wished me to spell it out.

I had met him four five times and sought to do the work with him but he had not been interested to hear much…

I did not insist but had done so because I was outside being decieved after 26 yrs that I was there for the E only to find Nature as God setting me up to meet yet another person..

And to link the E in them I had to battle with the human in them usually in False Ego.

And the only way to get to the E in them and rescue the equation was to align, even momentarily the person to Truth.

A hell of a endeavor and after talking non stop to hundreds even thousands of people and battling the wall of thier own perceptions of reality..

Being made to live with them I knew that this God as a concept was the source of Good and Evil.

That force which can do such a thing..

Even give the illusion of binding my body

(God is not doing this this present consciousness and this role is.. I always knew if I had been given just a moments rest from this Univerdal Simulation A.Matrix in which humans believed or looked to God and Messiah’s etc..

To save them, I could have Aligned my body and ended this torment from being Impulsed and Stimulated via non stop shock treatment)

It was difficult to not explode in frustration.

I had agreed to help and share knowledge despite telling this force way back in 1993-4 that the people will not listen.

I had studied people, listened to them, heard thier stories, read human history…

But this force said I could make them listen.

I was not convinced because I knew the Truth

Let me do it my way but my life was being governed moved by a another force which is how I started investigating the nature of reality, saw the patterns in my journals, started realizing that my life was set up..

Predesignated to a role which is not true life.

And hence, the great battle which ended with me 14 yrs ago exhausted by the power of this Story and the God in it moved by Nature and human belief systems that I gave in.

But I knew the Illusion had no power that only something real was powering it…

The line of the N…

Nnamdi Nature who had challenged the Supremacy of the E…

I knew human nature better than his NG as God who was so compassionate to this story It could not see the Truth of itself not feeling it could evolve to the E Line, challenging IE in order for E to prove for it what it had to discover itself.


To trust no other but itself.

In the end,

Robert Aligned to Hear me especially when I spike of Man and Woman being the Beautiful Illusion and being real 1.




And he spoke of leaving into the Soul his true face within ..

The E as you say Emeka and everything just moving more in Harmony.

That is where I had the battle with the N not of True Nature but still understanding the Truth of Nature is Naturalness all E.

They taking away in this story of my being able to be Emeke and lean into Emeke and be in Harmony with my True Nature.

By creating a role in a Simulation which had nothing to do with the nature of anything in Existence .

The Individual..

Going against ones Existence Energy true I.D to help those who can clearly help themselves but only if Naturally inspired by people not trying to make them see…as part of thier job and role in life.

BE.. And people will see by your inspiring natural example.

But to create a role a destiny, which they are bound to which goes against the very essence which they are which the chose to rise as in the ..

Then not only do you create non existence but duality of Good Evil Hate which in the end become all One collective and Individual cry to get out of this play and end all Existence.

Existence is Freedom.

It has no room for a concept of God the All Knowing when there is Harmony and the All knowing E in every single one of thee ..

Proven by me…

1:O8 pm.

I know the source of Evil and Beyond

God especially one which no one really respects

Energy Knowledge..

Beautiful Expression…

Every one loves

And this is how an Bad Idea

Of a lie embraced as Truth without proper investigating brought the world to a standstill.

It is not God that is evil

It is what ppl defined limited God as without investigating if it were true

God is Expression Being Harmonious

G I= E B H

1:11-2 am

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