
1:26 A M.

1:26 A M.

Oh by the way, the reason my own journey is or was so terribly hard was because so many did not want the whole truth of Everything to come out.


You would be surprised.

And in this last Story with Nnamdi Nature as God is the rage ..

And so God loved the world that he gave the worrld his only begotten son

The rage of Nature as God..NRI was that story and the test was to recreated to see what the world would do this time.

1:45 pm.

If they would recognize the Father and what would the world do.

That was created as myself being used as the character in this movie to be used in which the judgment would be how the world recieve the Truth..

His Truth (mine) but his way.

That is the story.

But in his wrath he did not take into acount my Feelings…

Hence my own response of showing how he unwittingly did the same to me…

But not intentionally as this play first showed in the begining of Existence but in the end…

Well look how far HE S.HE have been prepared to go, to such a degree that humans would find it incredible that the Source undercover coulf be treated in such a way.

And thus acknowledge at first then disrespect after..

This is God as Natures play..

That which wished to Exist seperate.

I wrote about this in detail earlier when we were travelling through the Dimension of stories

Anyway this is about the Truth and even the Truth of Nature Nnamdi I D MAN N..True.

I was tested brutally and have proven True

The same has been done to everyone from GOD N to Adam Adama Samuel Daniel and Eve Lity Sarah to everyone here and now.

As I stated 3O months ago affirmed by Facebook watching you, your government watching you..

The E behind the viel have watched all from begining to End.

Affirmed by Nenad M. Djurdjevic..

Nothing can manifest not even evil without its original foundation Indention -Truth.

Why do you think the play ended with Nenad.

As for Nature as God (Created unintentionally by Nnamdi NRI) then replicated by Dark and Light

96% and 1-78 Rainbow as 4-7:7-5 wave lengths )

God Godess etc..

The Nothingness…which thought it was something until it discovered it did not exist without E..

Hence this use of me as it slave and it being able Exist only through this story..

Hence its desire to be real..

But which catch 22 is only if you evolve to Harmony…

And me saying I will never forgive this play.

Nnamdi set it in motion but not with this intention… Nnamdi of doubt as to who came first but its is from his two as aspects came the true problem..

The E are of course, the originals…

The Truth Versions of all this already played out to Perfection when the E line..

The First Bornes

Rose when I.E rose..

The Examples…

That is my Family you as your perfected selves.

That is why they have the power to move you.

There are your Truth.

Thus it is they who Judge you..

After all who better, than your perfected selves?

Nnamdi in the story wished to see who would respect the Beautiful Truth or even the Truth…by using me as bait.

The Twins of Illusion life and Death wished to be transformed at any cost…and used me to taking advantage of Pans blind spot ( what this role he gave me in his Movie would do to me )


While I was here to represent the E line called B.E..and thud Evolution

A mess yes but logical …

One fuck up affects everything (but the E line Eternal Constant Truth..E.C T)

Effects the rest if One or and All do not clean up thier mess..

I do believe that that is why all things Shit

A reminder to clean up your mess.

Alfie Ndubuisi Nze found himself weeping for my circumstances…

He was moved by not only my Secret I.D which he had to struggle with but how could this be…

But on a pragmatic level, after all I had shared.

The tears were a gift to me..

A great gift for I would weep for one such as me but can not weep for myself because my sound is straight and I walk tall..

But despite all that grace I am stunned beyond belief.

But this not my play..

This is between you GOD now reinstated as Harmony who as the other Buddha Tao Yeshua Mohammed…of this world story not the E version ..

And you

Billy Hung called her the Demiurge..

Not so.. It is the Feminine aspect of Emeka Nnamdi..Theresa meaning Grim Reaper..

Autumn Harvest…

Beautiful Rage O.

B R O.

Pissed Off.


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