
5/27/2015 22:31 – Facebook Post



TEN Harmony.


UWA (The World -not the Earth) is NRI

They are certainly getting thier monies worth today…

45:6O U.S..D..


DE means OF in French

English French…
NA can mean that in Igbo O NRI…


Igbo or Nri
Why not both…
They are one the culture and the perception of reality.
It is all One Circle for the True NRI Igbo..
NRI is Igbo-Igbo is NRI.

The World (Movie) is NRI.

E the End (Fin) OE +Also Sharks Fin the Balancer
EO (K) N.I F.E…Assassin Cut off the Bar.

E Ifunanya 1O..E.
E See with Love 1O his family E..
Same as H.E.

9.19. P. M


EO IN F.E…65 see the Sacred Portal where they placed me… Where I have been weaving and posting from.

How do I Know.

9:22 pm
I Beateous BE-A.M..

Because the play ended with Alfie Ndubuisi Nze sending me with no prompting 45:6O USD
And Nenad despite my protest that it was not necessarily (it was) sent me 3O:44 USD

I met Alfie through Nenad and through Catherine Acholonu and Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula..

Before I continue I wish to address both Oge and Melissa Galvan…
I called out Oge using the code of the translation of the name Nnonye Maduabuchi N.M…
when in fact, he had written that before I was “brought” into that play
N.M.is code for Nuno Ordens Miguel..
Without the O.

I.had been meaning to address Oge forba long time based on a very serious play of Man and Woman which I had been made to be a witness of that play…
Not the truth of it aligned to the E but how it played out in this World Movie..

Man did not recognize Woman as his twin but he was a bit afraid of her as the symbol of creation.
Woman recognized man as her equal.
And thus, the quarrel between the two began with Man not being able to take responsibility for his own actions..
Denying that which he knew was true when he looked in the mirror…
But to retain his illusion of power as a creative force in the Face of woman’s “Natural Creative ” Force he sought to take away his fear by not seeing her full Truth..
Not allowing her to rise.
Woman saw and retaliated but in her wrath she went to far…
The Rage hurt her truth more than it did Man.
It made her sick.
But man was the cause…
And it was because he was sick..
Looking for a God a Goddess to protect the boy in him which never went away.
The Boy had to learn Wisdom that is how you heal the Boy and become a Man via Youth, then an Eternal Youth by merging father Son and the Holy Spirit…
What is Youth..
Naturalness and Spontaneity…

As for Melissa Galvan, you told me that my journey had not been completed months ago and you were correct…
I.D.O..just as Daniel Maman had told me this.

My fury was the fighting that consciousness which condoned that it should continue.
For it is Evil, an evil role to give anyone to play.
It could create the ultimate killer, the ultimate anit Christ, the ultimate beasts 666..
I fought this rage at what had been done to.me and my existence in a manner quietly which I could not share.
Especially with the blame, and the horrible way people Individual s treat such people.
The Hatred Rage the just stupefying cruelty they through on people who walk the path…
I went through the crucixtion of Christ’s and all martyrs through Espirit which is worse because no one can see the lashes..
The response of GOD chosen to rise in me and the Echo affirmation of the Universe Nsture Existence affirming every word I state through communicating through all of you through name meanings and codes is affirmation that I never exaggerated.
I lived both sides of all these Entities whose codes are linked to your names..the Twisted version and the True version while having to align these characters back to thier original Truths and thus restore my family of Ten-1O
The Original “Archetypes” of the Human to HUE man template…

Which I have only just done- but through going so deep in a Simulation Created to mirror the true depth of where that truth was cast into.

So the vehemence of my response not only to you but that anyone should be asked, forced to go on such a journey.
I will never be able to articulate the suffering pain or hurt I have experienced
It is so beyond words..link 1O waking up.everyday battling not even the pain and insult but the incredulity that you are living this, and each day the play gets worse so you are battling to surmount daily just that which you were pit through that day.
For 1O taking consolation that it can not get worse…
But for 1O years it does..
Everyday..so.much so that Death and Insanity become a welcome release and yet you can escape thier because your truth and ability to recover and return to bliss always makes you rise..
But while you are down under…I have been to places so deep and then even in those places find there is..
That the daily set ups were Created to send you down, to momentarily shock you that you go down the abyss..
Only to find the person you were set up to find and retrieve and fight the Demon the person had come to seek to bring them back to thier senses and also retrieve the piece of the puzzle embedded in thier subconscious..
And in thier naturalness which as Demons they have become..
Having so deeply lost themselves and thier “Souls”
-I have summoned peoples souls back into Existence after these souls had left these “Human Abominations” whose Consciousnes have become so vile…
The Evil in the world was in the Action Word Expression it does not create A.W E..
But Awed Shock..A S.
And Silence..
And the being knowing what it has done is satisfied and takes pleasure at that moment in riding home its point.
Ramming it home..

You become so still that you can not longer give a reason why there is Existence if such a thing a creature creatures can Exists and flourish..
And even hear the Harmony of the play STILL speak through them..

Meaning that they know what they do.
That they go against thier truest nature just for the pleasure of proving that they are capable.
They can lie to the face of thier source and distort its true just to show you its power of malice…
To shock you into such horror that you become servile hypnotized if not careful to be thier slaves and accomplices.

I.have lived this..
Here in world in.New York..
And the NRI NZE Story and thier truth and power over the world as the true guardians of the Beautiful Truth did this to me…
They made me walk backwards through the Horrors of how far humanity had cast away thier Truth..
Where the foulest beings Spirits in human bodies, human beings who had Energetically gone soon far.. And allowed to go so far because they still looked like you and I..
Would enact out the worst possible unimaginable acts of humanity devolved to Master the true subtlty of using Evil cruelty inspiration of hatred.
Warping everything they touch and blaming everyone and daring you to speak the Truth with a growl and promise of unheard of violence to your essence.

I have lived this..
With human beings..
Right here in New York.
In.this world.
And they feed off Fear because they are Fear.
And there is no place they will not go
No thing they will not do to keep from being unvieled for what they are.
Or the poison they ate.

And the Rage and Anger
And you are sent there to these realms to dwell bound there manipulated to stay there in what is the torture chambers where these people can shock you 24/7 non stop with every sentence.
Attach for the sheer pleasure of dominating of watching your response at what they know thier expression and actions so abominable that murder rage fills you.

I have seen in New York.and in the world a Truth before my very eyes of Human Nature mixing and using its Truth and Beauty to be foul…
And I endured this and knew that something had written such a script in a movie with me in mind to play the lead.
And all to rescue the Truth.

The Creatures name by the Way is Fear.
Who hears Gods voice listens then disobeys and then fights out in rage using the same principles which inspire in others to Suicude, turn Evil, Hatred …become horror or curse Existence..
I have lived this in New York…


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