
2:45 PM

2:45 pm.


(29…. Zeina Harmony Spear of Destiny..

29 +x = 11-5-8…18-5-8)








Beloved David Emeka.

BI Being the Inception of LIVE (BI means Lives in OINRI Igbo) Harmony

Emeka Kolo Harmony.

Emeke Authored Harmony Harmoniously…


I have Two new Facebook Friends…


Being I.D…(Identity of Being)


Being I.E…(Exemplification of Being)

My Word!

My Word!

My Word!

What has been achieved…

What has been achieved while most of the people were not paying attention and most of the world (especially the intellegisia) pretended to ignore me and that which I have been revealing on Facebook for now exactly 39 months.

But Universal Existence did not.

It has responded. (and perhaps a very few Facebook friends, Dina Singh in alignment with Sidney Davis D S-S.D; a perfect Symmetry was the first to text me after last nights riddle was solved.

I had 7:5O USD in my wallet and now 4:5O USD..

The relevance of my quoting the amount in my wallet?


Look at the time of this post..

No you can’t fake or Force Harmony it is as Nadee Nakandala..Natural.

The relevance is for the entire world because it gives and proves that there is meaning in Everything when you are vibrating on the Conscious Frequency of E.B H…

Energy Harmonious Being..

Which is being aligned to your True Nature and Nature True…

Nenad M. Djurdjevic

Alfie Ndubuisi Nze

Nadee Nakandala..

N.A N.

Nature A N D/D.N A Natural..

Leads you from point of Conception Inception to your Destiny and Purpose

Thus, the two age old question since time began have been answered here

*3:O9 pm.


What is the Meaning of Existence

What is my purpose…

But in order to do this you must align to your True Nature and to do this one must reqenerare in Nature…

It can be done in the city but you must go to both places Inside yourself and Outside (IO..to stay in balance of Consciousness.. C.I.O.O.I.C…

Universe 11O1 6OX I.C/C I XO6 1O11..the largest Galaxy in the known universe which is the portal to my realm of E..or the Double VV you…

Bliss Extase..B.E.

But I have outlined the means to reach that consciousness and sustain it, even when forced to go down to the greatest illusion of horror made real…

Even the 9 viscious circles of Dante Inferno (the Devine Comedy…DE VIne…Link Cause and Effect..C E…Cee Emeka…

3:2O pm.

Because my Consciousness allows me to see the reason your life is where it is..

I suppose that is why people felt compelled to tell me thier life stories, all thier Life’s..

It was if the E within them, knew what I represented or am undercover.

That the three visions Four I had experienced as as Child..represented my own destiny and purpose.

The Book I wrote at age 8 of my family dropping me of from a Space craft from our dimension to thus dimension as a boy… And the End of the World and the begining of an extraordinary new world.

The meeting of the Eze NRI and all the great Kings and Queens of the World.

And the apparition of a Man on my bedroom Wall..

But I did not know of the Four and Fifth…

Evolving Universe Nature to E.

Or doing the Judgment of the Spirits of Humanity, through Cause and Effect through the human time line and all while doing it in the present, calling people out and finding a cure because I was seeing the literal consequence ppl were incarnating.

It did not matter if I loved them or not it was justice the law.

Rescue the E in them and we will set you up the humans up in a play (with you part of it) and Judge and you deliver sentence verdict of Judge cause and Effect

* I saw 41 likes today.

Dante Alighieri… D A..


I did the Cause Effect law which Dante did, but in a more beautiful way…but just as deadly if not more..

But I added beauty so as the person goes through it… So they understand full circle the implications cause and effect of thier actions and expression experienced in the end. And why, and get lighter as they go out of Existence.

For as I stated there is no forgiveness for those who treat Love Beauty and Grace as weak…

The Last of the third of the supernatural Events at age 7-8-9 yrs old…

*4-5 actually.the last two were Natural and Nature but required Supernatural Will.

The man I came to realize was Jesus C..

Which of course aligned to me and Joseph Carey J C..Y.C..N.C..E C…the line of Jesus and of course

-Rob F. Black as the illusion of the Wall of the Truman show which I did not have to pass through but that which Nenad and Alfie represent had to pass through…

Natures OF All..


Neel Akash representing the Saphire Blue Open Spaces..

S.B O.S..

The Supreme Beings of the O full Circle Supreme..

My Family SO! B S..

Fifth Note

Fifth Dimensions Beings Supreme…


3O:44 usd+

45.6O USD.

76.O4 USD.

Which is the Sacred portal 76 (Grace Favor Gode’s Friends), The Awakening.

And O4 the Four Winds or Market Days or the Aspects of Existence ..

*Just saw Cole is the World- as in Coal (and Collin) to Diamond..the Begining of the Earth Consciousness Fossil Fuel Oil Dinosaurs…Titans…

Represented by the Yoruba..

Then pass through the Spirit people of NRI…

Through Ana.The Land

Then the Two Cees of Darkness and Light

Feeling and Sensation..

Then finally Nature Naturalness

14+14= 28., the Body…

Recall the two images of the Shivia Goddess principle posted by Maryanne Savino


Look at the code it forms..

CC.Y.N…A.(L.A..ND) .O N..(B.O.D.H.I..Body)

/ N.O…A. .N.Y.C.


Conscious ness…C speed of Light.


Yonathan Yohannes…

Edward Eceinco…Yoruba.

Nenad M.Djurdjevic

Alexandra Martin

Dawn Marie

Mihir Dixit……Nature

Alfie Ndubuisi NZE…Africa OINri

Ana Leonardo Caixas

Inês Guerreiro


Then to the present who were always here

Lord YE…Li.

Lord Orien Laplante

Lady Nadee Nakandala

Andrese Harris Burton A H.B.

A.B C Harmony…

And now Dominic Temp

And Concy Lakot..

It was strange to walk the streets of New York alone last night alone.

After eating

With 7:5O USD in your wallet…

Representing alignment with the 4th Dimension Outside …


GYOR. ..R being the True 4th Dimension but only when linked to G..


I was Euphoric, I knew what had been done…

There was no one to share this most astounding achievement with.

Only Dina Singh had appeared on line the moment I had completed.

The quiet of the realization of the true depth of the cruelty of the play made anger, Quiet anger rise in me.

It creates the illusion that you have accomplished nothing.

An Illusion Delusion..I.D..

I knew what I had done, but the implications was that I would walk the streets one more night.

Stuck in Limbo, my body morphing rising while all around the world pretended to Dance to the tune of a system of survival.

For a moment I could not move.

This script had been designed created for someone to live..for me to live.

This is what my Equation of Harmony had read that this was in Harmony.

A gift for the world

I gained nothing from this.

A bed a home was my right.

I had earned it as a Man and as the one worthy of my undeecover I.D.

I knew I had a portal.

I knew I was not meant to go to a shelter

My body alone confirms this..

But to walk around in a purgatory like a Shadow on the edge..

And no one at least to my awareness aware of what has been achieved.

14 years later the depth of the unfathomable cruelty given to me as a destiny filled me with Quiet…a wonder and a revulsion.

Nothing can take a way the rapture and the Extase of what I have done.

But each day, day after day year after year with and the Deception Manipulation used.

The changing of the Creators Programs..

I thought about the British Imperials reassigning the use of lines of Universe to numbers which correlates to thier will to power..

Had I realigned that which could not really be tampered with..

But which could create an alternative Universe and existence..

Again, the desire to walk away overwhelmed and even as I write now, overwhelms me.

Using human Avatars who temporarily light up then fall…

Codes contained in people who I am made to meet on a Simulation of Dates Inferno and Okwu Mmuo..



Well Existence Energy Expression has responded to me in this publicly transparent play..


OM is myself..

So what the Devil is going on.


Why am I still here..

For the streets of New York are filthy full of rats and after 14 years, of Evil Manipulation by using the Extortion of Humanity the Beautiful Ones comes the question how really could have gone this far..

And who and has the power (apart from Humans and the E to enforce such a hideous response full circle from Begining to end…

This idea of non existence when I am posting before the entire world.


Saw David Philipe Gil like he date of B 78..

I am the one sitting at 78 Spring Street in perfect Harmony doing the Work… Of 75…

And 4.84 usd..since I have that in my wallet..

See my date of Birth on F B..


And my code age 48…66..


How old am I really…

E L..

Eternal Life.

So obviously I am finishing the last of aligning the outside world Full Circle to A H!!!

Awakening Evolution has been attained.

And on Facebook…


To 78+78…156…

The past wrapped up to 156..instead of simply 56..


O F .

A E F…


But rather. .


F E.A.H I.E..


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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