
9:56 PM

9:56 pm

Dear Facebook Friends…

Please see my last post stating that if one hour I am not off the streets and my portal has not opened I will turn into the F.O.E of this realm and End Universal Existence…

Because the play of being on the Streets at the Bean is over.

No simple threat.

I walked outside only to meet George Phillip ROC whom most of you recall I had to forcibly send out of the play.

I had met him when on May 8 2O14

Sacred Portal 58 Spirited Away

When Dawn Marie…56….

Drove me as I left 268…

But there was nowhere to go…so she dropped me off at The Bean..

I Met Face Book friend 157 later that night in Rain.. Whom I called Tailor of Panama..

The Cut the Shark..

Then I met George P R at The Bean..

My 158, Facebook Friend who lived on 158 3rd Street almost opposite the Bean, on date May 8..58…

Born May 21…

Yes 5-21..U.E..

And he though he was me….

And it was torture…

Three days and it is all recorded here

I sent him out of the play for his own protection..

I had not seen him in almost a year…

He was sitting outside and immediately invited me to his home in Forest Hills.

F H…68.

Next to K.EW Gardens where I lived.

He had totally changed metamorphosized..

The friend of the Old Man with the Rik Vedas


I had ordered him out of my Existence and given him a response so terrible for the consciousness of Death as the False God he tells me he represented.

He is so clean now he looks exactly like my younger brother Oboom Boom born May 2Oth..

Yonathan Yohannes Nnamdi Line..

Had sent me back to get the last of his aspects of GOD…


I am amazed by the Transfomation…

He speaks like a gentleman the young man I had

seen with..

Come to Forest Hills its the correcting of the time in my place at 158…

He was always brilliant and of the E Conscious ness.. I mean 158 three times…

But the embodiment was lacking…

Not now..

Seeing the astonishment on my Face at his change…

Since I met you I never stopped doing the work.

He is George O David…now and he knows he is rising through me…

I feel myself rising by just sitting next to you…

Hearing you speak.. Esclaims..


Nnamdi Yonathan Sons…

Creation G.O.D..

I am being manipulated ..

This was all set up…

But it is one night…

A portal home…

11:11 pm

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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