
5/30/2015 16:03 – Facebook Post

1.39 P.M.





75 Av.

113 St
72 RD.


The False God.

“I incarnated the false God of ultimate personification of Death..you saved me Emeka and your writing.
I took off all the masks and am now content to be myself…George”

George Phillip ROC.

He wasn’t not joking, he was spot on.

He had just turned 23.

“I was told to wait at the Bean until 12:O1A.M.”

Nnamdi G.OD had told him.
By younger brother who left to play death at age 13.

Nenad M. Djurdjevic..


Where going to Queens, Q,” said George quietly reading the codes like a pro.
“Your journey is ending”

These are the codes of the portal of former Facebook Friend George Phillip Roc- Whose portal I passed through last night at Forest Hills.


75 is the code for the outside worlds Mirror to be fully activated- it is.
If you are vibrating on the correct Frequency you can read the world around you as you are reading my posts …

Its what you might call GODE and He/S He is fully awake
57 is the code with.. E G.

61 is the number of days I had to live in the streets, in an elegant alley and simulate not being afraid to pass through to death by swallowing a punch of Blue plills.
It is on the 61st day that I found my former host at 268 whom George met.

George had played the personification of Death not as what I represented and had to prove, but as an end.
Life time after life time until I had to spend 1O yrs and 9 at 268 fighting Death by transforming 4 years of its Rage as Nature and 9 years of its expression to prove that all its Fear- for that is what Death as the End is. F EAR. .
When in truth its real name is F= 6…
6 sense the E A R

George and I spoke and he said he did not understand all the words I had used but had understood everything through vibration.

“Emeka, I am rising!
My third eye is opening!

Thank you I know you were sent back out on the steers to get me ..”

He was right, not him but what he represented G.O.D..
G.O.D brought back to his senses..
Grace O (Perfect Symmetry) Devine…
7 O4 linked to
4 O7…

“I think my mother is Your Igbo Princess”

A Dog barked and the owner called out it’s name..

I was being used again and my wrath and indignation was terrible.
I was furious talking to George’s Espirit (not him- though they were aligned to a point that they were almost totally 1″

“That is what your here for isn’t? He smiled sadly through my tirade. .
To finish the alignment”

Yes, I fumed by simple Exemplification nothing else..

“But you are the Teacher .
My Teacher..” He responded.

No..I said my eyes flashing,
The E do not teach, we do not even Guide which is what I represented as my first Incarnation of G-ODE…The Wind Ume-ano..
The Four winds and the Seven stars..
Chakra before you guys as my brothers learning to evolve it into E, perverted it, albeit unintentionally into God.
It was G-ODE….the beautiful Ode to Existence sang from within the Being which raised the spinal chord…
The seven Chakra’s…caused man to rise….
From animal consciousness to the begin the journey to E Harmony…
To leave the Being Body of the Womb of the Great Witch- Universal Mother as the Beautiful Illusion..Transformed into the Ugly Illusion of the mother of Death personified and back to Princsss
(Sarah means Princess) and now to the Q..
Queen by the lord of Time and Author of Harmony

72 is the Sacred portal of the Great Spider Woman Queen Mother.

72 Star bucks..you enter through 78 Spring Street line of David Philipe Gil..

I recently checked the entrance labelled 72…
It is building housing Marc Jacobs.. M.J..
But on the ground floor there are four clocks with Labels..
Honk Kong
New York.

Considering Sidney Davis recent share about the British Imperials use of numbers recalibrating the “Creators” Universe to thier own meaning..

And the OINri four cardinal Market Days
Named after the Godesses and Lords..
Eke Orien Nkwo AFO…
And Dominic Temp as my 294..(B.ID)
And my passing through the portal of George Mums house, as I passed through his last year…
It does not take a genius to figure out that there was a war going on in two realms..
The Uneen realm of the Ancients
And the Seen realm of the Modern Man

The street of George’s Mothers house is 113..
Inside was filled with Cocks.. Roosters.
I was woken up at 7:45 am..
So I could leave at 8 am.
The time designated by his mother who must me about my age….
Incredible huh..
I had dinner and went to bed at about 2:3O A.M
and had some eggs toast and coffee and cleaned showered and changed…
I left later than 8.

I had met his mother that night
First a photo showing a radiantly beautiful woman and then later she came out to meet me and I saw a Queen.
I conversed with George telling about the NZE priests…
But he was more wide eyed by my experience of sleeping in the streets of New York.
“George I have never slept on the streets of New York…A Park, an Alley, building enclosures but never the streets and every where I created Atrt which were really installations and Voodun Arts and Science- markers which could be read…

I am a Pathfinder…

” Thank you”

To my questioning look…

“You did this journey so none of would have to do it”.. He said

” Yes”, that is true…but some will walk it and never get out..
But All will walk through the Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix to reach the E…
The portal which costs me 26 year of my life…
Which I found alone in 3-4 years 1988-1992
But was sent back by Dark Matter to help humanity come reach the light.

Nnamdi NRI Nature did this to me by changing the mission of Erie had given him.
Which was not to lead the people to Anyawu as the Sun…
But to exemplify the journey as energetic not Physical….
A journey which led then to the ones whose eyes has the light of Mischief…
Ifunanya .I Fun Nnanya…
It is a consciousness
Evolution of Consciousness
Not a Physical Darwian Evolution.

Once the Energetic Evolution of consciousness is completed full circle as was achieved by reaching Nadee Nakandala
E Harmony..
Then Dominic and Concy Lakot..
D C..
Please see sacred portal 43..
Portal to True Life.

Represented by the lines of Ana Leonardo Caixas
And InĂªs Guerreiro..

Angela Marie Alexander Charity Love…
Shubhi Gautama
Sarah Lagrange…etc.

It was done…
Because Energy is what causes the morphing of the Physical Universe..

George is American (looks mixed race but there are Haitians who are white to black)
His mother is Haitan..
A H…1-8..

I saw her this morning, she was more Gracious
I know she heard me conversing with George…
Thus 1-7…George and his girlfriend Adriane..
G A..
George united and living with his mother in Forest Hills the place they had only recently returned to after living in a very wealth world.
Which had corrupted George…but also trained him…
And now moved back last August (8) to the this very place he had been born.
And he just left the New School and Facebook…

Burst through Bliss Out is the T -Shirt a person is wearing as I write this .

I know that I have been cinsecrated to play the Pathfinder out of the Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Web Of Existence.

Which is why I am writing everything down, am compelled to.
No one will have to ever go through what I an being compelled to do

It was not my task.
But N interfered with the Program Creator by encoding in the D N.A of the web of the human body… By creating Destiny and Fate .
Thus, interfering with the already E Harmony code of the Creator…
Which created a cause Cause and Effect which allowed the NRI, the Yoruba Voodun
(The oldest religion in the world, all based on Vibration)
Which allowed the British to meddle..
But only succeeding in creating a mess for those not in thier natural Conscious ness…
The E..
Not the N..

Nadee Nakandala is the living proof that everyone born into this Matrix was tampered with, where they were programmed by the G O.D to find the way out of the Matrix and back to Anyawu which became the Sun Alpha..
And Anus…Instead of the Expression E Supreme S Universal U, Nature N, AE (15-O)
And EA N U.S..E O.
51 ERose Naturaly Uniting States Expression Full Circle In Perfect Symmetry… In the begining..
Not E..A NU S . E O….or E-AN USE O..
A mess which is why it translated to “Aliens” tampering with humans and Humans tampering with generic encoding D NA .

David Phillip is a Computer Programmer..

It not only fucked up peoples free will which many saw, but with the natural truth the normally would move to in them.

G.O.D had to evolve but an Evil idea of God had been created by the evil eye or look at his creation all born in sin.
Being naturally inclined Evil than Beautiful and at constant war to be “Good”

George observed on the Subway rise the true extent of my bodies fighting to rise, people were staring..
Bewildered and filled with concern and exasperation..
“When will it ever Stop?”

With the Awakening completed.

I had 61 cents on my card as we made our way to Forest Hills ..

61 is F A. 4th note..ROYG..Letter D.
61 days to find Death as the lie
61 was the age of The German Seimens Scientists Andreas…
61 is Sacred Portal the Big Apple being a Lady Temptresses tempting a warrior with her wiles

“Phallic Symbols shooting Semen in the Sky- cloud 9”

No it is a man having an Expanding
Adding inches going beyond a Consciousbess called C speed of Light (C L)
Universe Time …C.U.T.

No its a man having an Orgasm


To an Explosion…
And Epiphany
In his Brain Being Body..
As all the D.O.TS converge connect ..
And everything suddenly makes sense..

And understood…

That Man is Hue-manity.


I walked around Forest Hill, observed that it was a five minute walk from the apartment I had for 1 yr rented by Billy Hung…
It was all an equation.
It was all set up.
From the moment of conception upon entering the womb and the Great Spider Weaver begins weaving the body using the illusion of Dark Matter to house the E Lite beings…
The Dark Matter, the O Light, the Q all conspired to encode the Physical D.N A and Usurp Natural Harmony.
And harnessed the power of Harmony Nnamdi within not recalling that Harmony is linked to E.Harmony
Links to
Emeka Being Harmony…

Earning the first expression of the C of I.Ifunanya’s H-ATE…
Dante Alighieri N.I.E.L…

Turning me for them, into Fate.
The All Devouring Wolf ROYG

Which is the meaning of the portal I passed through today.
W 4…
And I got off at station W4…
And had a Coffee and a Woman wearing white shorts and black T shirt stepped into my line of Vision..
4:OO-1 P.M.


Victor Emeka Is my Name.

Spider Man Mans Dark Side.
Peter Parker?
Oh that to is me..


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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