
6/1/2015 21:07 – Facebook Post

8:14 P.M.


Versus The Beautiful Devil…
Liver Deliverer Cleanser
Eternal Truth..E T
Eternal Life.

Okwu Mmuo (Hell Fire of the Spirit World of rage)

D O…



Dominic Temp…
Arrived just in Time.

It is 8:2O pm as I write once more in perfect Harmony or aligned with Time
Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula
Ogechukwukama Ifediorama Ngozichukwuamaka…



E.M.A….that was the arrival yesterday in literal order of a people equation which formed

I walked over to 268, knowing that if it is all in Harmony the portal would open.

I rang the Buzzer, no one answered, as I turned I heard a Hail.
It was Marcos Quintero…
Born ths same day as A…my former host.
Jan 13 but 3-5 yrs younger..

I had known him almost since I had known my former host and had had great conversations with him as I knew who and what E and Spirit the represented he represented..
But through the years in respect to my host, I began speaking less and less about the Truth until I became nothing more that a Shadow and a presence.
My power had not diminished but my reality had not manifested and the power of this reality had been used as a tool to taunt, insult and move me to quiet, contained quiet…as I am now.

Mark hailed me, he was and is a brilliant persons as all the people I had been led to.
He asked me off the tension he sensed between myself and my former host but I brushed it aside as the two realms of mine not manifesting and the manifestation of this realms truth.

I was amused to note that we were given a moment to have a private conversation.
He spoke about the a film he had seen, on the internet which he could not get out of his mind…

It began with 3, a triangle.
I smiked …Thinking about the A on his way, then the two of us as E and M.
E.M..Energy Manifestation..
/M E.

And the Human equation about the form…
E..M.A/A.M E…

He told me about his Day how it started with a plan, then his wife taking the kids out to his surprise which left him alone for the whole day..
He had watched this video, which he could not get out of his head of how a man wished to build a 7 sided Sculpture and in figuring it out created a whole new shape which evolved from 3-to using 7 rods designed to create a 7 sided sculpture but turned to 1O, and then to the 19 circled form of the Flower of Life (yes, 19 as in S..The Bean), then to the Golden Ration to the Star of David…until he demonstrated how it evolved to the Universe itself in one.
And then the final.shape a Heart which even aligned to the angle of how the Heart is placed in the chest…
Which demonstrated how the Heart as well as the Universe is a Vortex where the H.U.ES called the Aurora Borealis.. A B or Pawan Arora..
Northern Lights..
Nadee Nakandala..L.I.N.E.
Forms a Funnel which passes through the “Heart Universe H.U” then transforms and ascends just as the Aorta heart Valve does, just as I am stating, into something else…
The “7 sided shape” morphs acts as a Transformer..
Just as Death – the True Universal Space..
Universe Simulation Awareness Matrix Web or Mother Supreme Womb is S H.E
8:5O pm
He had discovered the shape of Everything…

*9:39 pm.
Oh I noticed that as I conversed with Mark, that the Rain- the same Natural G which had moved him to change his route, and eventually met up with me moved us from where we had been talking in front of 268.. To a scaffolding in front of a building with wave like patterns mimicking the Waves of the sea or Sine which I had always remarked because it number was 158..
Yes Georges-Philippe Roc was living at 158, became my 158th Facebook friend whom I met on May 8th..
Which is the portal 58 of my being “Spirited Away the correct way-Home and is further marked with the number 228…
I noted that George is no longer living at 258 3rd Street, nor is he my 158 Facebook Friend anymore and I met him all over again at The Bean 2nd and 3rd as a 23 year old.
W along with Robert F Black, R C.Cole…who is also 23 whose path crossed with ours the day we went up to Forest Hill..F H..68..
2 23 yrs…
Yonathan is still 22…(June 22)
3 yrs old 4 yr old Royal Rain…
A at generation X
Transformer marked 17…
9:57 pm

Asked why no one had discovered it before…
He replied ” It is because we were not ready ”

Then he spoke and his Espirit spoke to.me at the same time…
*Something he had asked me about how it is he exists as a man in the realm with family worries etc.. And at the same time in another realm..
I spoke about the E T..
Linking Energy Expression to Truth True

He spoke about how he was so fascinated how the man had figured it all out, something so complex which he had seen and explained so simply..
“It was so simple yet complex..but so simple.
How did he figure it all out.”

Then I spoke about the F B play…

So what happens now…

Well if I am correct then it must Manifest…

“I knew I was meant to.meet someone today..
It was the way my day went…
He described the cause and effect of the whole day which he read and could see he was being led…which is what led him to this conclusion until…
” I saw you ”

Alberto arrived and we went upstairs…

Once again, I am at 368..

I did say to.Mark that it did not require a Trinity or a Triangle a Y to form the Universe..
Just one Point..
A Being who proved the point of Existence…
Everything rose in response and affirmation as on Facebook…

That is the point of Existence..
And that is how Everything..
Field Form Manifested Magically.
66- 13-13.
9:O3 pm


And that is how it was done

E Mark Quinetero..Quin is 5.

E.M.Ark 5.
Fifth Dimension


The Devil is not me..
WU…… TA- NG.
23 21
Its the Double Of U

Theta Aloha N GOD.
9:O7 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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