
6/3/2015 0:56 – Facebook Post

12:O3 pm.

Is there evil in the E Creators Truth…


But I am here to testify that in this world story there is Deception Selfishness so supreme that it had the power given to it by humanity who do nothing but Decieve and whose selfishness will move them to enact actions and expression so draw droppingly self centered…
Willing to go so far if not stopped that the term evil appears lame.

It is not love or Truth that this world required but warriors, warriors with words which transform into Supernatural weapons to fight this malignant horror.
A way of Hypocrisy and deception to get what it wants at any cost.

What is this I have asked over and over…

How can such a thing exists.

How can such a consciousness of Pharisses and Hypocrites have been tolerated for this long.

I can not describe or tell you what I have witnessed experienced and know.

I speak for the Beautiful Truth for now.

Yet, before I depart from this play, you must be aware of this horror which exists in this world.
And with the Beautiful Truth so will this truth Manifest itself, reveal itself to you all.

The Unspeakable.

The movies did not even scratch the surface.

This thing which has been for so long given such power of the Truth…

12:21 A.M.

That yes, there will come a time when this Thing…not possible but made somehow possible will be unleashed and destroy your world and way of life.

Not my world or the world of E B H…
But the world which Selfishness Deception was allowed to go so far that this impossibility became a consciousness in the world.

It is here.

I have experienced it.

And there is no words to describe what it is capable of…

All feed by people who use lies deceit self delusion and self congratulations that they are Good people as a cover for the evil they do.

If it had not been for the Victory of the E line…

I would have recommended mass suicide rather than face the true abomination which exists in a realm which over the gates reads..
“Abandon All Hope All YE who enter Here”

This is not to frighten or scare people but my reporting a finding of something which can not could not exist.
But it does.

Not in my realm or the E Consciousnes but in the place where all abominable expression go.

It is not Dantes Inferno I speak about for that is a Hell created from order..
Laws of Cause and Effect.

No, I am talking about a Monstrosity, A Malice..
An Unspeakable Cruelty and Evil…
That my being has cried out that if such a thing exists then what is Existence but it does not exists in the realm of Existence..
But non existence…

That is where it as a seed began and has now grown.
It will go and cease to exist, this I know.
But there is a portal, in Nature accessible through the worst enactment and expressions of human nature which leads to this portal.
And before it goes out of Existence it will take All those who feed it with it.

I have spoken about this thing before but today I experienced the Truth of just how real it is.

Horror Horror Horror…

Clean up your messes…
It is horror.
Which awaits those who know.

12:4O p.m

I do not ever wish to speak of this thing again.
But it was not created by the Creator or the Truth of Man and Humanity..
It was created by the liars Deniars users abusers cruelty selfishness of men and women willingly to go to any length do anything to secure what they want from others.
All the while thinking nothing is watching..

The E saw and see Everything.

But something else to…

You think GOD can protect you from this…
This think is that that Horror called human worship of God, a GOD with no E as Energy.
A God who is not seen or respected
A God of Hypocrisy..
A God which does not exists
Except in the place of non existence where the Hypocrisy of Humanity placed him.

The One True Gode is called Truth.
And IT had to be rescued from that Unspeakable place because that is what was done to the Truth
And the cause and Effect of IT loving Humanity so much it unwittingly played the role of God

But there was never any GOD in the Original script just Creator Father and I…
C+ F=I
3+6= 9 (Mother) and I

The one Godes Truth (G.T..2O 7) has been rescued..
Its name is Harmonies Truth.. (H.T…2O 8)

12:56 A.M

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