
6/3/2015 12:07 – Facebook Post

1O:39 A.M.


J (AO) C.I.


Whew.. !!


Nature Morte.

Man… Will this moving through endless expression just finished.
39 months and 22 years of travelling through Death and Nature and believe me I am knackered.

Dominic Temp told me to watch out for last night and something did Manifest, I saw and experienced something which I felt had no right to Exist.
But it proved that it did.

But there is a limit of how far I wish to go as Cosmic and Energetic Travelker describing that which my “See of Consciousness” allows me to see and report .
Enough of this John of Revelations story already!

So strange to be surrounded by New Yorkers busy getting on with thier busy lives and schedules and sitting here in a cafe reporting what Nature God is compelling me to report before allowing me to go home

The solving of all this riddles and mapping this road and pathway out of the deepest darkest jungles of human Consciousnes and Nature is a ruse I have long since realized.

I wrote about the Heart Vortex portal a couple of days ago after the Marcos Quintero play of the Franck Chester and the platonic solids and how it was backwards, meaning Energy creates form and not the other way as exemplified by Chris Franco.. F+C/C+F.. 6+3=9./
Nikolai Tessla 3+6=9.

You can solve the riddle both ways but Energetically through natural expression it is much easier….(Energy Expression comes before Atomic Manifestation)

The other method (through Inanimate Solids) is far to complicated and many things are missed in the process..
Such as meaning significance and purpose of the discovery…because you move backwards to a Wall if you do not understand its Energetic Source.

End of Love.
The True Man Show
The VIscious Cycle

Human equations satisfy the three Dimension of Height depth Expanse, and the 4th and the 5th- Definition Expression and finally the 6th and the 7th; Sixth Sense (Reason Logic) and 7 (Light Clarity and Grace) and finally Harmony..

As you are aware the portal out of here is 5-8..
E Harmony-which I am exemplifying but have been so delayed.

Expression Harmony, which for 39 months (C.I, 3=C, 9=I…C.I.. 3+9= 12.3 L( C)..3×9=27. B G…3+27= 3O. L.B. G C.O.. Notice Laker Brenda L.B reflects this perfectly as my 3OOth F B Friend..G being G=7…
*The number of likes on my page this morning)

-But I have been led (to my irritation) the long way home through humans as the platonic solids, D.N.A, and through multiple Dimension, human stories histories, time lines- moving backwards through The idea and noise of the bIG Bang (Really the Beauteous Beam), the Andromeda Milky Way – Kristina Michelle Womack and Man Woman (MW 69) represented by Orobello Agata and Nenad M. Djurdjevic and the A.N.N E. Alfie Ndubuisi Nze, the AKashic Records of E through Neel Akash and to Nnaemeka Jude Charles…
“Father Emeka Praise of the Freeman…Age 33.. CC
*See the company created by Aaron Swartz..A.S.
And finally to the one portal identified by Man as the largest known Galaxy in Known Existence..KE ( Meaning “Created”)
(K.E.. Yes, which happens to be my Intials)
– Galaxy 11O1 6OX I.C… A post uploaded by Dina Singh…
By proving it all as a man passing through the worst physical, mental, emotional conditions -through the 1933 absurd King Kong movie, and the Darwian concert of man defended from apes and that the Black man is genetically inferior, to Gala XY Consciousness C I X O6 (OF) 1O 11

(J.K.. which actually corresponds to AO AA… In my journey.
Which aligns backwards to the human portals on the Earth-New York Axel Anderson AA, who escorted me into this dimension in 2O13, The Bean (Then on 1st and 3rd..13…M. 4..D..M.D) and to Orobello Agata…Reading thier Intials backwards creates AA OA. 11 O1..)
Yep, Human Equation.. H.E, Represent the story of Heaven and Earth which can only be aligned by E.B.H and Energetic Being in Harmony with the frequencies of Universal Nature…U.N.
At 268 the generation X gardens resembles the UN because it is surrounded by Flags of every nation.

King Kong KK, which is what is the Energy and consciousness which literally took me over in 2OO6 when I discovered the 268 4th dimension KK -11:11- represented Nature as the 4th Dimension and not Being G -ROYG-…
but as the perception of the Caucasian who actually is the Nature of the End who the Afro are the nature of the beginning.. Balance of course, being represented in the Golden Race…
Not of complexion- which is just a symbolic but the amalgamation of both consciousness.. ROY=G…= B.I.V.
The BI sensual race Victorious..
It is a consciousness of course..

But this perception led to passing through a non existence man imagined prehistoric jungle, which really was representing the consciousness of the Concrete Jungle… Yes New York Inner City, (I.C) Alpha Bet City… Which was time traveling back from the future to correct the A B C’s back to Ah! BE! CE… and you will See, the Veil of illusion of the Natural World is really a garden of eden, a Paradise, rather than the Fear Humanity Inherited at Inception Conception of Awareness of being in this Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix.. that it was not a web, but a Force Field only manifest as long as your consciousness was not in Harmony..
The True Wall was your “Cee” Consciousness Perception C.P-P.C as being simply a personal computer…
Force Field….FF 66 Field of Force…
no, EZE U.F.O NNA..
King (not teeth) the Unified Field O (of seeing through the consciousness of perfect symmetry… how everything in the present links up to a Bow.. a Beautiful Gift… ROY G.B…Beautiful Gift of Grace ( Yonathan Yohannes- the Grace of the Greator) is Orie-n, Royal…
*See Share of the Kings of the Jungle… Not stress as this “Concrete Jungle” but the Kings of the Plains and Savannah… the Neel Akash- as in the AKASHIC RECORDS… Sapphire Blue Wide Open Spaces.. Existence- the ability to see the sky above your head and run Free…

The jungle is really the dense organic interior world of the body, while the savannah is the outside of the body, the skin the hair which breathes in the present feels the sun, the beautiful present which is then absorbed into the “Jungle the internal body… the organs.
people of the Jungle simple represented the interior of the Physical being which moved out to the plains, (East) and migrated to “space”…
thus, I ended up going on a journey which I had already been through, the anatomy of the body instead of the anatomy of being which is actually how the Interior Organs I O manifested…
Early man was birthed in the Jungle but in a clearing in a forest.. a protected grade of Eden…
To leave the garden was not the exploration of the Jungle but rather the exploration of Space..
Yes, the Incas Aztecs Mayans.. I A.M.. ley lines and please it was not the physical beings but the Energetic Story they represented.

This world Time line was a map a cultural map in which clues where left behind..
Did they time travel… no, not as a people…
only some Individuals…
at which they’re legends were founded on…

Thus, my journey became through the Concrete Jungle of New York, a non existence state of within the body interior which was and is already in Harmony and which nothing is wrong with except how people eat and treat Nature….

C J.. Whereby I had to reach J.C as in Joseph Carey and then Joseph Stern.

Which is where and how I encountered the abomination of Nature..
The Unspeakable Evil consciousness breed by man.

Which is really the portal of the consciousness of my Dimension and the realm of E or Eternal Truth, the ones who have been moving all of you to respond in perfect Harmony as Facebook friends.
* Link a Portal in your minds which is really the most glorious place evolved through human belief and forgetfulness into the abomination of Death…
“Abandon all hop all ye who enter here” when in truth it is not just the portal to hope and light- it is the portal of the out of this realm which is ” abandon all hope who enter here”-

And to cross over back to the Golden ones to link with the Beautiful ones..
ROYG+B… G as 7 had to merge with B.. Grace and Being..
Alfie Ndubusi Nze Ezeifule (ezeifule means “The Lost Way.. of Royals kings and Queens… Chill, self confidence… Cool Cats..CC..33 O6..OF..
See Orobello Agathas post… see the meaning of her name..
“The Golden Good” gG…77…14-5….49..13..4…
The 4th dimension is a Heart full of Love..
Golden Being ( Golden Blue.. waters… she loves water)..
G+B= 7+2=9=I.
ROY GB I… V…5 (M Qunitero… Manifest Fifth dimension M-F. D… Masculine-Feminine 22 4..V…0
do ray me far so lah te do do te lah so far me ray do…

That last representation of the play of Time representing the feminine …
being Ogechukwukama Ifediorama Ngozichukwuamaka whose portal I passed through and who passed through mine (as Time- her name meaning Time is the knowledge of the Creator something is coming, Blessing the Creator Gode is beautiful)
and Laker Brenda (L.B. Love Being ” The Stream of Consciousness and the Still Pool or lake “LA-KE of the Sources reflections who does the ” Work” and whk carries the torch and the Flame of Truth to the very end…my 3OOth Facebook Friend…C.OO…CO2)
268…The Spear of Manifest Destiny…
Through 5-8 Expression Harmonious…
EH…5+8= 13….
M.D… Mihir Dixit/ Dawn Marie
*Nenad M.D…
Dominic M…
Emeka Nenad Dominic…
To the E.N D..
And then onto the Garden of ED.EN..
54 514..
9 19
TEN * was given 1O USD by former host for American Spirits
A S. * My former hosts Intials
A. Santana.. Meaning in Sanskrit ” Ever Flowing Constant stream of awareness and consciousness ”
Until yesterday his Espirit moved him to play a video about Aaron Swartz…
A S…
His Intials..
Who passed away at age 26.
Aligning with my own journey
And the address 26-8..x 12-3…38..11.24 X Gardens which is the name of my former hosts Garden Generation X Gardens..
Malcolm X.
Dominc Temps and Malcolm
24..6 8…. Georges-Philippe Roc Forest Hills
F H (68)..14-5…48..12…5-12..,3
E.L…o Hi M
Marcus Quintero.
E C.
5-3= 8 15…O..AE…
Aaron Swartz..
17-+x…8- 87..
Harmoniously Returned the world to its senses..And Sensie’s.
The E line of Eternal Truth.

Left the portal of 268, at the given time of 1O am.
1O American Spirits
1O a.m.

Ego Oge…. Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula..

Ego Oge in the very order of which the play transpired ..
A S gave me 1O the first night to me surprise for American Spirits.
A S..
Rescuing the American Spirits.
Beings like Aaron Swartz.
“Computer Programmer”
And gave me the time to leave at the end
1O a.m.
Ego Money.
Oge Time.
E.M O.T…

E Mot..
E Word
Emot ions
Twins EE.
To M E
To Manifest Expression.

And so I am at Gala XY..C.I O6 1O11…
After passing through the living Hell of
5+8..E Harmony
13..M +4.D.
The 1-7 the Seven Energy points Inside and Outside the body..
And reprogramming it as a Creative Programmer back to Balance of 1O/1O. 1O+1O=2O T.Truth B.O full Circle…
See Sacred Portal 121..
“Emeka; Is is really me Nnamdi the True African American Indian Espirit…”

Thanks for the work of did of carrying the Work the Flame and Torch to the end.

Oh yes , I went to the Bean and saw that the Heart love tunnel Vortex was gone and in its place was a Brick Wall…

12:O7 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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