
6/4/2015 1:00 – Facebook Post

12:OO p.m

Evolution of Consciousness is Harmony.

I just finished a play with someone whose Mother was concerned about her child “Hanging out” with some one much older because this person was taking “medicine” more so because of thier brilliance.

I reassured her, and she was reassured.

But I was shaken to the very core.

I was 23 when I began this work on documenying Harmony and my life stopped.
At 26 I was “taken to see the Light”
And at age 26 in 1993, my journals where discovered.

My life changed and no matter what I did, I was brought back to this work.
Then finally to New York where because of what was happening to my body, I was no longer able to work.
I began looking for a cure which led me straight back to this work.

And the people thrown in my path.

And my seeing the reason I was in such situations did the work…
In firm belief and knowing that being cast as NZE priest Messiah (Messenger) Prophet in the 21st century was the worst possible casting ever.

I have lived or been directed to people 8 1O years my junior then 15, living with 21 yrs olds and made to do the work with them..

Its was not doing the work with them which bothered me but rather the fact that everything was taken away from me, even income and housing in order for me to do this work.
Putting me in the most insulting position and taking away from the dignity of the role by my not being fully self sufficient.

I took not donations from such ppl but it made me feel the true contempt to my own personal dignity that something had created for me to share my knowledge about my consciousness and Perception of reality …

That it valued it enough to cheapen me to the level of Nothing.

Even to this Facebook play.

That there is a “Force’ capable of such Indifference to The Individual.

To the Existence ..the personal Existence of a being made me fight for the Beautiful Truth even more..
Manifestation but just as 1year had turned to 14,
1 yr at 268 to 9.8 years…
And 1 yr on Facebook to 39 months…
And still no manifestation yet I could read what was happening.
Manifestation was being delayed by making me take the longest route…

I have lived things for this Truth that has made my Mouth Drop..
There is no day which I do not struggle with the impossiblity done to my Dignity that something has the power to do this…
That such a thing is possible.

That the Beautiful Truth can be forced to such humble servile service to something which called itself God but to me is the Abomination of Existence.

That can turn the greatest gift of sharing and caring for the Beautiful Truth into such a thing of non stop ritual like cruelty..

And people (not all) accept it

I went so far because Truth manifests…
But not like this.

I know this is the ” Past” the Ancestors

I have met parents who wonder what is a grown man doing…speaking about evolution of consciousness and Harmony.

I have helped so many people who were being called mentally ill, and I have reaped the non stop betrayal of Existence itself as a lie…
Not its truth.

Yet its Truth speaks out but in a way of only the betrayal of its Truth by creating the most selfish and abominable play in which Beauty is sacrificed daily for the sake of Ugliness.

I fought on because I knew this was impossible but today faced at the end with once again the abominable use and abuse…
Which has lasted 22 years, and where manifestation support love dignity true respect has been long overdue..
The Equations even the mentally ill equation was prompted by something which moved me, manipulated me and then the play…
Set up with a young man and his mother whose portal I had to pass through to bring forth the next Equation…

12:39 pm.

The Abomination is a horror of this world not possible in my realm.

I had walked with George and my arm holding my coffee involuntarily went up…
It was as if…
Yep, I was holding Torch.

Then Georges arms went up involuntarily he tells me in a sign of Victory.
A man of African descents stops him and compliments him on his “Form” telling him thete is nothing he can not achieve

I reminded him that a 56 year old man had said the same thing….

This play was designed to insult and drag into the dirt the very being who is the Source of the Expression it so desired.

I have gone as far as I wish to go.

I have proven that which by now deserves greater dignity than a whole world watching as this force proves that the idea of God manifested is the most villianous concept and idea of all.

12:45 pm.

Yes, note the time..
There is only 54..
Nothing else is real
This I have proven..
But to make anyone pay such a price
To use power to such a level of abuse..
To tread on the rights of the Existence of another..
To use food
Basic Human rights to manipulate decieved Abd enslave..
To use the most talented people as lowest servants..
To bind peoples bodies minds and spirits ..
To do whatever it takes to get what you want…

To create a country and a world governed by such principles and to be so sedated that they watch a man or anyone solve the riddles of Existence alone and show results Evidence truth…
And to create such a play for a person to star in…
And for each to put thier own self interests before that which is self evident..

And a malice which has the power of Goddess Ala or God of Man made real capable or a Super Computer designed to keep people in, moved by numbers…

Then yes, from A-Z this is the true meaning of the End of the World.
Nor is it a world worthy of saving or fighting for…

If such a power has such a hold over the Beautiful Truth that it would resort to such a play to renew Hope in the world

A constitition from Inception to Completion designed to destroy the Espirit of liberty freedom Truth..
And the Dead both living and in Nature
Ancestors who can back it up…

I trusted the Beautiful Truth.
And yes, I completed my Task
But I look at the Truth of this play and I see no Beauty.
Just its obvious End.

No more of this play.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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