
11:28-9 pm

11:28-9 pm

The Last Chapter of the N…the NRI story..

Nikoma used to live on a place labelled X in Chelsea where Chris Franco used to live

X is the Sacred Symbol of of NRI..

IIOINri 6O X I.C..

My Mother and Father

Nnamdi and Cecelia Onu…

Entrance into this realm of the Matter the Milky Way…

As I listened to Nikoma I marvelled at all the codes he was quoting totally unaware of thier meaning.

From Dali which links to his wife Gala XY, I showed him the Y Nenad had sent…

Nenad Nikoma my Fathers as both Micheal George…M.G

O Boom and Nnamdi David John Chris..

J.C the two twenty USD Bills!!!

11:38 P.M Ha I solved it.

I understood…

It was the most extraordinary meal.

I ate well, we drank but I still wasn’t home.

Nikoma then walked with me and showed me how the Brick walls along Mott street formed an image of a tunnel…

Then we went to a portal which led to a Grave yard.

He spoke of Sound how he hears to sounds one we say and one he hears which I demonstrated how the ones he hears is the key to the Unseen codes…

The sound the which underlies and belies words..

Which Professor Catherine Acholonu spoke about…

The secret knowledge of sound…

I said End story he heard the N story then aligned it to Z by speaking of a lady called Z…

I spoke of Zeina Hanna..

Its a Hall of Mirrors! He exclaimed.


But now a tunnel of Love..

I had walked this pathway a million times but I always moved to Spring street but with Nikoma we moved to Prince street.

I realized that I was in his world..

I could see the New Yorkers through his eyes..

It was not the New York I observed from my seat at Balthazar or my experience in New York..

It was his..

And it was rich vital full of art and life..

Nikoma had found the Silver lining of New York and as he requested we sit I listened to him.

And without the pressure of the play or solving riddles I heard him truly speak.

And he spoke about his personal evolution of consciousness and his journey from where he had begun…

I listening recalling meeting him as a kid on union square and walking up to him and telling him to call his mom…

I listened.

He had evolved there was no doubt…

It was a purely selfish story in the purest way..

Of an individuals evolution the correct way by being true to ones Nature.

He had mediated for years, studied learnt..

Acknowledging what he had read (though not so much the people who had truly fought for him to evolve..but I kept quiet because I began to see)

As he spoke, brilliant intelligent I saw Abdel-qadeer Coubadja the person who had invited me to a restaraunt and left me to foot the bill.

I understood the connrction …

I had eaten well for the first time in a very long time…

Both had invited me for a meal one became a nightmare the other a beautiful eloquent experience..

Yet there was a link.

I understood.

Nikoma was the pergect example of do, manifest your reality.

That if you wished you could create and evolve and continue evolving..

Where are you evolving to…? I asked him

To Beauty, To perfection or is it just..

I feel that I just have to..it is who I am

I could not tell him that I represented the end point of Evolution… How could I…?

But I realized that my story and his story were Literally set up by Nnamdi as Father..

To prove through Nikolas example that everything was provided and that there was and is no need.

That he was a perfect example of the Truth that in True Nature there is Harmony and thus one could create in perfect Symmetry your world

12:12 pm

12:13 pm…

But would it be enough…?

And can you see and read where you are going if you are in a story which excludes the world?

Nikoma is the perfect example of the beauty of selfishness for the betterment of the Self which betters the whole

He worked at triple 555 soul for a while and to me is that number which creates a consciousness at 36 which reflects Chris Franco

36 is C.F..

Chris is 21…

A 15 yr difference..

And Nikoma and I a 12 yr difference…

He had played for me his ring tone..



Chris and Chukwuemeka

Cecelia Onu Chukwuemeka O..

What was missing and the difference was Nikoma had Exemplified the Natural way while I had been thrown to the people by N as a living sacrifice to be ripped to shreads as my former host commented via a story of a man ripped to shreads by the crowd for revealing the Truth..

That there is a way home..

As they ripped him to shreads his friend betraying him tossed him a rose.

E Ros-e…

I understood I had been tossed into the abyss of human rage at the Beautiful Ones..

That there is no way out of this life full of Misery and suffering.

Nikoma had proved that there is..

Via self improvement.

That right here you could exists in Harmony.

But you had to do the work..


Listen to the music.

I came to put words to the song..

As usual Nikoma grasped the concept in a blink of an eye.

But I had been tossed into the pit because I knew that the music was, and is for dancing..

And I danced

And for that they made me pay.

They needed to see me suffer.

More than they required proof that Harmony existed and was always here

Nikoma had spoken about seeing Christ at age 5 in a church, crucified and dying..

He had burst into tears…

Humanity worships a dying man on the Cross, a falsified version of his Truth to make people feel better about thier lot when there were two answers of how to live here and how to cross over to the other side by simply doing the work or uniting the two sees, the two expressions of consciousness.

Yes, some may complain that Nikoma is naturally gifted with the Supernatural but I have proven that the most simple and most basic consciousness has the E in them..

That Energy which through simple expression through sound or creativity you will see what unravels in you.

Billy Hung had never had a Supernatural experience until he met me and then…had some of the most extraordinary.

Sidney Davis expressed the same thing and after meeting me had a dream vision of a Serpent Male and Female headed as one which he asked me to draw then quiet..

Is the Supernatural enough..?

Is my walking the streets for 14 yrs enough.

Has my suffering or refusal to suffer but transmute and Transform make people not content because they need and require my suffering and the suffering of the Beautiful ones..

Not because we ever lied about Harmony but because of peoples rage and laziness of having to uplift themselves…

A person just walked by with the letter X on thier T shirt.

What really is the rage in the people who must see suffering and torment of others..

To see a car wreck

To see the beautiful ones fall?

I was thrown at the mercy of the people.

Told to inspire.

To pacify

To bring light.

To live the worst of thier Existences

To have my body dismembered alive while walking the streets.

Stripped of everything even a place to rest.

And asked even forced to share everything before the world.

To shame me

Humiliate me

To see how I handle such a fall from grace..

But instead of the Suffering Christ

Or the Almighty power full fear inducing being..

I came as an ordinary man with something special which all are born with…

The gift of A B.C

Aware A Body A Bold Consciousnes…

And E the ability to Express and with this I could D define myself…

Complete myself A-Z…A-E..

I understood today the Nature and reason of why Nikoma was given his part in this film and I was given mine.

I was born complete.

Nikoma was born aware…

I was thrown into the Pit as Joseph with the coat of many colors..

Nikoma was given the Knowing of me and my existence to Nurture Remember Inspire..

N.R.I… He took it and ran…

RM…created space for himself in the room.

Who is he thankful to..

The Creator or all those who made space in this room as they too carved out an Existence.

But what about OHi-o! Identifying Naturally Remembering I…


The Truth.

The Point of why we are here?

Why people would rather worship a suffering God than a Triumphant Being…

Perhaps because it does not comes as easy for some as it does for others?

And seeing the Beautiful fall makes life a little easier to bear because life is that man dying on the cross or a Bully making your life intolerable…

Life is Suffering and Pain and dissatisfaction and dissapointment and even you acquire the skills and discipline of all the Nikoma s in the world you will never find contentment…it will never be enough…

Unless perhaps, someone who Everything is taken away Suffers and Endures so gracefully..

Hollering out his outrage as man yet rising and pointing each day through discovery on a daily basis…Feeling and experiencing all our rage and frustrations and yet not giving up..

Moving pointing out a pathway being forged through monumental obstacles not simply a way out…

But a way to Be in existence…

And as Nikoma asked what is beyond Existence…

I know the answer now…


Being M.E..

Manifested Expression of the Beautiful Truth forged along a path of the most brutal and savage way…

The desire and the fascination of seeing Beauty suffer but somehow not wither away.

Beyond Existence?

Beyond Known Existence..K.E.

Creation..what is after

Beautiful Expression..

That Eden created through expression of the consciousness of both the Jungle of Nature and the Concrete jungle of Humanity who expect life to be pain and suffering..

The expression which manifest Beyond Existence by surmounting an insupportable existence…

That is the place which exists beyond the wall.

How do I know it Exists because Nikoma created his and it manifested as he so desired.

And I who began from that realm before thrown into the pit of this realm created it from within this realm so it too could manifest outside.

There is a place beyong the abyss.. Death…

It began as an awareness of Being..

A Perception of Ceeing.

Knowing exactly what you are doing and creating even to creating a plan and map..

It is a place of Beautiful Expression not of Existence but of Being…

It a place where you require no I.D.

Because everyine knows your name and your face…

Ah Si Belle..Vu.E.

1:26 pm

The address Nikoma took me to eat was 285 Mott Street..

2 85 MOT.T…

Being H.E Word Truth T

Being the Word of Heaven and Earth to a T…

T is 2Oth letter.

Ti is 7th Note..


Nikoma was born 12-27…

28 5..

28 is E

11-28 Me…


Difference 36..

Nikoma Rios

Chris Franco..

N.C…1 43.

R.F…1 86

Sacred portal 43..Life..

86 Victor 1 over 3








Sacred portal 14



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