
2:32 p.m.

2:32 p.m.

Life is not a Bitch.

A Bitch is a Female Dog.

But in application to a human being it is a Woman Conscuousness asking or taking or demanding more than She deserves, after giving more than she deserves

The Womb…

A Tomb from which the abnormal elongated head of the deformed Pharaoh emerged from in Nenad M. Djurdjevic vision.

A Womb demanding that she be paid tribute to as the Goddess.

The Mother cult?

The Cult of the First worship of Woman which subsequently changed to male…

Perhaps this whole play was a contest between Lith and Samuel in the most wretched of stories of woman vying for Supremacy as the Creator..

And perhaps I unwittingly found myself in such a situation where that contest was played out.

Of course, I was aware of that part of the play but I sought to ignore it, because it is really ridiculous.

But it kept on rearing its ugly head in the last play from Marina Burini dimension to Lisa Levine..

The Equation was proof and evidence of being the Source Creator.

I provided evidence of being the De Vine and the completion of Le Vine..

39 months of it from Milky Way 78/87M to Galaxy 11O1 6OX I.C/C.I X O6 1O (The Elegant Nomad TEN the Shelter) to 11 the Twins as 11..

Jordan Colon Chandler Jules

3:O2 pm right now..

Which Jules is my last F B friend suggested by Nicholas Petcher and Jordan whom I met at Maha Rose and full circle By Chance..:) he was there when I popped by with a meeting where I was made to wait..

While waiting I had the most extraordinary affirmation and artictulation of his completely understanding the play..

Right to his Espirit calling me the Designer..

Rising from the blackness which was never the blackness of not knowing but the proof I gave as Supreme Mother the A.S of All already Knowing…

The Truth.

This is what I did and have done…

I have been texting with Ogechukwukama Ifediorama Ngozichukwuamaka in which she states that life is about fulfilling ones purpose..

Then she wished that others would do the same then offered me a Blessing ..

Love grace Peace Blessings Happiness to you…

Her name literally is completed by blessing

Her names means God Time only God Knows that moment when something is about to manifest..

Blessings of the Creator is and are beautiful…

I replied that that is what the codes and maps are for…

She replied

That I offered myself …

(Kicking a screaming not like this!..but I did not walk away from the Truth)

…For others to find thier way by walking into your path.

She further added that Life is driven for one to achieve thier purpose..

But I added not by whipping and lashing the Spirit (the Horses.. Rather be Phillip- a Friend of the Spirits..who are Motions movement Ijeamaca- The Beautiful way of Energy..

Which moves everything, causes everything to respond..)

Which is what has been done to me and my Spirit..

But rather by listening to the music of and the spheres..

Putting words to it, codes to it, so that it can be Sang Ha! with Joy (Agung Sangha ) with reason and understanding.

Which right to the Shelter I have put words to and meaning but the Joy has turned to sadness in seeing the Reason Understabding Exposing..

R.U E…the Rue the Streets I walked off the Road of the Dragons way to explose and explode the RU S.E….of the Truth of AH..

Evil done to the truth with the Russian American war etc… When all was simply a Ruse…

Red is the Head.

Read Head

There is no deception in my play but the world was been decieved from Cold Wars to Star wars to all the Life’s losts in a game on which there never was a threat..

All created to feed the fear instead of freeing the mind…

This is the streets of the world I walked..

It led me to the Truth of a system that no matter what you do to contribute to the uplifting of a species that you will end up in the black hole deception -right where you started in the begining.

Because the system was designed that way for certain ones to succeed a little bit and others to fail all based on how much you conform..

To those who hold the power using human fear of the inhumanity capable in humanity, to thier fellow man.

Funny thing… It is all an illusion.

For even now I can still get up and walk away…

Where will I go…

Ah…I am welcome in many places and after all..

I know how to work….and play.

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