
3:29 PM

3:29 pm

Perhaps I can conclude.

I have not been answering to anyone in this current consciousness

I am answering to the Source of this Existence while navigating through a darkness at a wall and a portal which was not the way predesignated but became the way…

Nature interfered Nature is Nothing but Space from which AIR or A I 18 became formed

My expression art and Science is not of this world but it is easily recognizable here.

I really came to meet up with my family and not take this meandering role in which I have had to battle the illusions and perceptions of what I am doing with me life..

And what has been done to my life by the cause effect of the idea of a Collective Perception being Greater than the Individual Experience.

The Individual against the world

Expressing in a manner which operates on totally different parameters…

Word play…

No Life’s Play..

Life requesting that before you may enter as a species that you understand the principle of the Individual Expression of Harmony…


I have crossed many stories all frequencies in the Air which each had a Truth which has its Truth to be rescued …rescued for your benefit because so many did access the Truth..

But so many got lost in the interpretation of the Charecters..

Yet the Characters were creates for humanity to understand the Nature of Being


I am of course irritated that from Begining to end my Existence was compromised and delayed by having to explore all manners of Being..

And where else can Being in its worst interpretation of it other than a Shelter..

But that is a physical represenation created by this realities perception of worth.

No the Worst Aspect of being is not monetary nor is it physical or Material.. It is Emptiness and that Emptiness is the Vacum the Black Hole..

Existence without meaning or purpose.

Existence to Exists being to Survive

Existence simply a Job.

4:00 pm

ROYG…Green Point.

B. I.V..


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