
7/1/2015 14:04 – Facebook Post

11:51 A M.

How Strange…

I have a New Facebook Friend
Roberto Todaro…R.T….
“What’s Left?”

Which should have moved us to completion of C L…
312 F Book Friends after the arrival of Brooke Banwer. BB .
But we are back at 311..
C K…

Thus, we are at CC KK…
O and a Diamond forms with two K facing each other..
C K. C K
33… Nnaemeka Jude Charles

Robert means “Bright Famous Shinny that which Shines with Glory..”
Todaro comes from the name Theodore…(The O Door E)..
“A Gift Given by the Creator”

Shinning Bright Famoys Shinning with Glory (The O DO R-E…The Door E…) A Gift of the Creator..
A Light out of Plato’s “Cave” Allegory…
Christ emerging from the Cave.. A Shelter
The Light at the End of the Tunnel..
The Sixth Sense Tunnel of Consciousness formed by Life Law L=12-12..
Lisa LE Vine…
24…creates Love..
Nikolai Tessla 3-6=9…
Circle Filled by I
The Individual
7th Note


R O.Y G.B.I.V…

I decided to walk up Franklin to complete some posts and head into Manhattan..
I had been contemplating my next action; an illusion of control which is really a form of protest at this play since I know each moment is unravelling based on 26 years of Conscious work with the line of E…
By itself and I would walk that unravelling magic 8 flying carpet through to the correct portal or walk away if the view is anything other than the “Light of 1-7 illusion of Light Transparency”- the way home clear and no longer drapped in curtains of Heavy Fall…- The mystery of Dark Matter the Doppelganger Twin (D OT) of White Light.
Silence in Space
Sound in Ah Toms Sphere..
Toms Riddle
Was Toms Fear.
12:21 P.M

As I walked out I heard someone roar my name..

My Word it was Jerry!
Jerry from the Green House (G H…George Haly Shelter opposite 268 where I had Spent 4 years then 5 years off and on living in a loop at which I kept returning to 268 4th Street.
The Loop of 9.
Egypt Africa America E.U-Rope…)

The Green House in Soho
The Very owner who had sent me in the presence of Sean Bono to find the ” Corner Stone of Existence ” -Those who walked the Earth before Man..
And Dinosaurs and King Kong
The 1933 Movie..

I had found Generation X Gardens and had to my stupification of 61 days replicating the journey to Death as the Anti Christ. (Against Evolution- Stagnation), I found myself consumed and Literally carried away by a Gorilla like Consciousness with my Literally roaring like King King and pounding my chest.
-That was the last time I ever questioned if this condition in my being was Biological or a medical problem..
I would “Energetically Morph and become a different Consciousness in which I had it’s Energetic Form..

It had only been oncs since I had seen Jerry and this time he was in the company of someone who I had known Fleetingly (Literally) over the course of the last 1O years…
Roberto whom I had secretly nick named Hermes..
He had once years given me a Silver Gift ..
Mercury Hermes the Epiphanies of Electron Electra which brings about an ” Idea” or a Light Bulb to light up the darkness of the Interior Room of Individual Perception in the Big Collection Expresses Room all about us..
A Circle Mirror while we walked a Line between it

He was Italian but dressed and looked like the classical characture of the French Man complete with the thin moustache, the Beret, T shirt Bicycle and Boots.
It fit his personality perfectly which makes less the Charature but actually who he is…

Jerry Roared Tall Black tossled hair now specaled with Grey..
Piercing Eyes of that Elizabeth Taylor Beauty startling in a man…
Yet so complimentary of his Captain of a Royal Naval Fleet his presence and persona reflected in the Magic Mirror of my Perception and Consciousness which always aligns to Truth..


Jerry was bigger but age had not really disturbed him..
His eyes dancing merrily and mischievously..

Jerry’s persona had always been the Bad, Bad Boy who an enormous heart and Enormous Ego..
It was not False Ego..
Rather the Pure Ego ..self projection because not many saw beneath his incredible persona which gets him I into such trouble.

Infact when I had first come to the Green House lured by Johnny LE Vallee, I had come to serve a purpose.
One of them was Jerry..
Jerry Johnny..

The Green House had transformed in an Art Gallery because I had suggested that the place be used to Paint.
I had immediately began Creating my “Installation Art..Chess Voodun.C V”
Which I used to peer into my subconscious via my creativity to see where I was going
I felt that if other painted that it would distract from the Green House (A Nusery…liteeally) and bring some calm to what began with Jerry then Johnny then I…and had now grown into a family…hmmm
Anyway it worked Jerry took it up and others but there was already Sean Bonos image in the wall..
The Image of a child fighting a Demon with fingers 3-4 Logos Love, held up and the Beast 3…Logos.

And the Gallery was born.
It fed us as people began to come in and leave donations..

But my personal effort to make it a home and network at which Sue had offered the entire building apart from the Top floor to create the “Offices” were thwarted again and again by Jerries bad boy Antics..
He despised order..
Because it curbed his Mischief.. And Mayhem
Pan.. Sigh…but a Human Story invention not the True Pan who is E. K.E..I.T..H…Harmony.

I loved both Jerry and Johnny but I would not take sides because although Jonny acted like Gabriel and Jerry as the Devil (even sleeping for a while in a coffin) -Fairy Dust and Dark Matter they were really one and the same…
Johnny had been angry with me for taking sides with Jerry over some issue and because I had to leave the play to go “into Deaths stories of human perceptions of reality or the past passed” we grew apart.
He met his lady and fell in Love…
I watched the whole process.
He had asked me to free him of his bondage to Jerry
Just as Art Battles was made a reality by my taking over working on a demolishing job Sean was working at the time I came to stay with him.

Yes, I knew I was being used as a catlyst-back to the Future sent I to an illusion to prevent those “movies” from being played out again and again by people ready to evolve waking up to act out the Highest Intelligence H I Story of a perverted History..
Arena H.I..GH School.
The Nursery to Grade 1-12..
And then in Cyber Space -Face Book
Replicating University


They were sitting in front of the French Restaurant “Gamin” on Facebook…
Gamin means mischievous Roguish kids…

Jerry had not changed
Nor has Alberto though I knew him less well than Jerry.
Jerry invited me to have breafast
He was working though living in East New York in the same kind of facility as myself..
*Which made suspicious..
East New York .
E N.
The Elegant Nomad.

What the Hell are you doing in Green Point !!” He kept on exclaiming..”
I told him where I was temporary Lodged..

Before Jerry became a “Royal.Navy Captains Consciousness” he had been a ” Notorious Pirate ” persona.
And in our play we had become adversaries despite his constant acknowledgment of my teaching him a lot ..but not all” he added casting me a look..

“No not all” I smiled inside.

Robert T was with his Bike and like a brilliant otherwordly creature kept on insisting I eat his salad so it would not be wasted.
To which Jerry would growl then Guffaw as these two “Gentleman” reverted to thier preferred play.

Each were in Harmony to the play they represented while aligned to the Consciousness of the True play
Robert just rambled off codes
“we are Ones…111@….doing codes while aligning them..
All checked out..
Man is Animal..
That did not check out because it did not come from his Espirit…The Naturally flowing source and Particle..

I turned to Jerry..
His dancing eyes..

Violet was his daughter who had passed on due to negligence of two Mid wife’s..
It was a sad story which Roberto kept interruptng which I suspected was out of compassion and impertinence..

Jerry had an Intelligence which would made him a very dangerous enemy to have if you could not Cee him and if not his love of play..

The last time I.had seen him after the green house which was a mutiny which ended with my leaving, l had a mission the Corner Stone I recognized the play as set up..
So I could leave..

Jerry was a pain in th ass but the next time I saw him he was in working in a Plant shop..
We had walked to Tonpkins Square Park

This Time we were in a Garden in a Restaurant

A Nursery a Plant Shop and a Garden
And an Odd Couple …
R and J…

Jerry understood the Language of the consciousness I represent perfectly..
No explain ing..

But he had left me and caused so much mischief
and mayhem..
But here he was Green House G.H (78) Plant Shop (P.S), Garden… LE Gamin in perfect Harmony…
Nursery -Grade School- Hi.GH School.

On Franklin St living in East New York and a friends place working Food Delivery..F D 64 with Alberto code 46..
Collecting benefits for people judging him slightly insane and this stunningly intellect..
Responding with…”Well if you insist ”

Gentleman Rogue to the last..
And Hermes Robert T…
Messengers from the Fantastical worlds
To this Fanatical World

Time now
1:46 pm
1:47 pm.

But I am the True Wold which bridges the Gap by explaining building a bridge by being able to explain why all of us met July 1st at LE Gamin Restaurant Green point where I out of the Two is Temp lodged.
And why he spoke of Violet his Daughter who would be 3…if she had lived.


Robert asked me if I had heard of Spinoza’s philosophy..
I am currently reading Sophie’s about the history of Wetestern Philosophy ThoughtThought.

I.had this in Nigeria and Paris ..

Jerry had given me 2O USD the last time I had seen him..
And did the same again as if by instinct.
I accepted it twice surprised but not surprised.

2O 2O…Vision

Johnny Jerry
Jonn Jerry..
Jonn Julian
The Elegant Nomads
T.E N Family of 1O


Blackwell Brown
Brooke Benwar


Explain Harmony
2:O5 Ten years since the Gren House and the saplins have grown into Garden ..
A Clearing Space a Clearing for memory to from shelter of the Trees..
The Tall Great Ones who bestow the of their promised fullilled of True Life…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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