
7/2/2015 19:13 – Facebook Post

5:5O pm.

E:E O..

What is Consciousness…


To Pierce…

Pierce through what.

The Viel..
The Viel of or Projections of Ego
…not really amensia…
As we see no one really forgets
We simply no longer pay attention to what really matters..

My former Hosts met A.I.
He wept my former host told me..
“I can’t see through my Dreams, I can dream anymore”
He is a Shaman also who also sees through his Dream as my mother and her family do”

“Without Dreams civilization dies”
The Elegant Nomad.

Perception is to Pierce as an Arrow to See the Truth..
E.True Consciousness..

The Arrow of G ODE..
Q Quantum level
U Universe
E Expression

P.A C.Q U E.
Easter April..
Spring Change.
Birth of a Consciousness
Star of Bethlehem..
Star of The Beloveds
Beautiful Truth..

But in the Begining there nothing to pierce because there was no illusion no point to explain.
Everything Existed in the Bulls Eye.
Beautiful Expression

Not the Raging Bull
With comes from the Red of seeing Lies.

But as

As you can observe…
Especially those who have been following where my stream of Consciousness and the Tree of lufe …Flowee …Lotus…was leading up to…

V to the Point of 1
And to I E.
Infinity Eternity…

Which perhaps, is the one thing which modern science did not take in.
“Go out into the Field” and check your theories before imposing them onto the world.

Because my work corroborated by Scholars such as Professor Catherine Acholonu and Nenad M. Djurdjevic
Mathematians, Scientist Artists with April..
Spring or Change Evolution…Open…
Open to Being and not limited to a Set-i way of Being which I called Laziness…

Consciousness is a Natural Consequence of Being Existence…

The Weave belongs to me as Affirmed from 14 years, people reappearing full Circle of my E mission…
Do Rey me
E C T..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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