
12:48 p.m

12:48 p.m

July 4…2O15




11.28.8…. My Date and Time of Birth



Spear Of Destiny…3-15.

Zeina Hanna.



Donna O’Sullivan

Independence Day


I.Dance but I am not dancing yet.

I have a New Facebook Friend..

Kajally Saidy…


Kajally means Kohl used to darken the Eyes it also means healing lotion medience in Sanskrit.

Saidi means One who helps others… Auspicious abd Fortune…

The Kohl outlines the Eye of Horus

One who outlines the Eyes to heal the sight with a healing lotion- a Helping hand.

I recieved the news today that Kieth just got a job with the long island railroad..

His journey here is over having chosen the Story he is in..

And my neighbors occupying bed 5O leaves today.. Thus, the Irish Paul…

IRI (meabing TEN in NRI Igbo) S H..E

Becomes vacant

And I recieved a text today from Arayana Luna Leon A L.L who informed me that she lives in the 5Oth State…Hawaii.

E O.

Emeke-a Obama.

E O.


Sacred Portal 5O

April Marie A…A M.A.

Angela Marie Alexander. A.M A.

B…Blackwell Brooke Brenwer

O Onyeka

E K.E..market Day of the 4 OINri Igbo Week.

M.E… Manifest Expression.



A K.E..M.E.


1:O8 P.M.

All align to Emeka OB (Obi Heart) A.M..Alpha.


111 is Sacred Portal Victorious home comming.

The Equation of J.A.K.E must gave been correct because it affirms.

Jake ME…



E M.E.K.A….G.OD..

*These are codes.

Transmissions which I am Deciphering which for the past months have been pointing at me.

I am carrying an immense load, not simply by what I as a Human Being have been carrying and sustaining for my entire 47 yrs…

But also the economic physical mental emotional psychological intellectual of unwittingly find myself going against the entire human concept of reality and the system non stop one.

With everything and everyone designed to prove me wromg and battle me until.they got it.

While knowing not only that I am carrying the literal expression called God in me, but that I am representing Existence True Existence sent to duel with the usurpers of Existence with no other tool but my Expression Arts Science and Han tools.

There is no Victory here for me personally just a desire to see this hellish beyond Hellish abusive script of watching Humans at thier worst, a Script of the worst possible imagining of creating a scenario of giving people what they want, sacrificing and compelling One to help the most ungrateful spoilt me me me children who are not evil but create evil.because of a system designed to keep them locked in fear, survival mode, Slavery distraction and punishment for daring to get of the Tread mill and the Rat race with the daily humiliation of the Shelter system.

Which only helps you get back to work while not addressing the issue of why the people are not working or are tired.

Yes, I am sick of this play and the humans invention of God as thier Slave or a terrorist or an


My bed is 49 Alaska NOME…the 49th State of the Union.

Paul comes from Long Island…LI

Kieth now has a job at the Long Island railroad..


L.I….Lord Li GHT

Lord YE…meaning Light..

The Long Island…

Hawaii Manhattan.




I am tired of this play…

I am so tired of peoples selfishness.

I am tired of the Evil Beyond in Non Existence..

And most of all I am tired of explaining the Beautiful Truth to you all after I began writing at age 8 and speaking at the university at age 19.

And having no peace light Laughter because of all of you who did not do your homework.

For I was not sent to.those who did.

I am tired of all that I had to endure

And all that this play demanded.


I see love nowhere around

I see nothing called love…

Not in my see..

I see love in me.

But today I blink

I truly desire today that this lie of people saying they Love me or God..

Heralds the Destruction and End of your world this world all states of Perception apart from


The Fifth State of the Perfect Symmetry of the Full Circle is an I..





Of Being.

Not a Physical State.



To the suffering of others

People who just talk and do nothing.

May the Curse of the Existence given me

Not be my Cure which releases thee.

Let them work for the solution Cure to the very end…


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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