
3:11 PM

3:11 pm


A Quick word…

I know that not many people truly understand what I am doing on Facebook.

I find myself being used or compelled by Gode which is the E.T.C or Extra Terrestrial Consciousness called C.

And out of 78 Billion people and thier perceptions and the few, who created a Story through the awareness of thier Life’s -A Map and a Story which reflects Expressing True Consciousness..

Basically the Source answers and rises in the one story and perception of Existence who got it correct.

You know you got it correct when it answers by way of affirmations.

Which are apparent to even others not stuck in false projections of False Ego that their perceptions is the only one which counts.

The E.T.Consciousness contains all stories all points of View..

True and False…Even to Evil and Beyond as I am experiencing and witnessing.

It Spirits you away to translate and even live and correct and align that which is a lie back to its truth by your simply naturally acting it out by placing you in non stop circumstances and conditions in which it impels you to take your cue.

It should have been blissful and ecstatic but it is Hell beyond human imagination.

And there has not been one day in the last 14 years when I did not wish to walk away.

Get a. Job, take care of those I love…but I could not.

Not only because I could not deny the Truth it was and is revealing but the horror of how Evil as a literal force called Death..

Whom I have been fighting as the Warlock of Lies and the Great witch of Spells…

Locked in the Web of Perpetual war fuelled by Human Indifference and who I have proven only respond to Fear.

The E Eternal within Humanity as proven respond to Love Truth and Beautiful Expression.

Added is of course, the Hell my physical body is going through living in consciousness of others, worlds of others and not in your own space..

This Story of mine contains all stories and is the original story which is why I have been through Hell Beyond because it would appear that I had to prove this one Story as the Original versions from.which all other rays emerged.

Hate Rage and Evil are the non stop bedfellows who have sought to replace my natural state of Quiet Bliss Extase..

This is the feeling the knowledge of the true implications of this play creates.

A Hatred called Unforgivable.

As a response to Amazing Grace Harmony.

I am less disgusted with humanity than I am with the force compelling me to continue onwards with a play which has no regards respect of consideration for my Existence.

Yes It Exists because it is Conscient and Aware.

I.have witnessed a Force fighting me tooth and nail to fail..

I am indifferent to it.

But not to that which imposed this play, on a Species which I knew so few would care much less investigate and pay attention.

The code 78 appears in front me with a T ashirt Death three symbols of rage A Wolf Fenrir abd the words Wrath and Anger…

Twin Diamond points on a and the words Death on a guy.

It would appear that in this play 78 as Nikoma and David P.G represent N.D…


The End for wills which refuse to Bend.

78×2= 156…+5


A F A.

Excuse me but the Wrath in me today fills me up.

I guess bed 49 Existential Death has risen in me.

Now that the sacred portal of True Life is closed.

The. Sad and cruel thing is that no one but a few will.take this seriously until there is consequence.

And yet why am I still weaving Manifestation after all this time..

Now it had Affirmed that I am in the place which the current human consciousness has placed me as worth and value..

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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