
8:55 PM

8:55 pm.





G.E .. H

H:EE; Harmony Emeka Explained

E G; Example of Expression of Harmony

G.E H…Graceful Expression Harmony.


I would like to stop posting now.

I have understood the play.

Man at the Top office of the land and another

At the Bottom.

For 4O months, I have expressed what is has been happening to me while deciphering a series of non stop riddles and Equations impulsed non stop into my awareness and a convulsing body-filled with elegant dancers.

14 years I have obeyed an calling which became so loud and clear that I obeyed it, fought for it and the people it sent me to.

How did I know it sent me to each person..?

Because everything was taken away from me just as was promised if I did not comply.

And when Everything is taken from you…

And you are alone with only yourself and that Truth…

You fight it until you can fight it no more.

Nor can you explain to anyone what it feels like to literally walk through the Matrix of man while being present in New York City.

I went with It because I could fight it no more..

But also because I was fighting for the Beautiful Truth which I remember.

This force is a force of Nature, perhaps Ala who is really A LA.. The Star Esther Uzoma the Chief Fighter the Fiercest Strong Warrior or Lord

Yes, that is meant to Reflect me…

Each Facebook friends true Espirit is a Reflection a portal an attainment by my in the play which echoes back, defines and names the expression of my responding posts which I solve in the consciousness of E which I sought to explain for the first two years until I realized I could not explain to each person what I was doing.

That we were meant to weave and link together the Evolution Awakening of our Species by proving with Expression and solving of out own World wide riddles by going to the very Begining of our Historical Time line, we could correct realign and move our species to Evolve simply by reading Energy and responding by translating the Q and A with Beautiful Expression..

Which elicts a response from Lady Echo Universes..

It was meant to be a beautiful festival of Sharing..

Instead it has deterioted into only what I can describe as a cruel and evil play…

The loop is 2OO6 August where I first came to East 4th Street and then to Green Point.

Then back again..

9 years almost..

8 years and 11 months of this bon stop loop of proving the Evolution Awakening and the Matrix over and over and over and over again.

I am done..

9:17 pm


The Books have reached thier destinations.

I have done my part even going as Far as the Shelter to proof the Truth

Emeka Tutu..

E T.

Emeka Kieth.

Kieth means He emerged from a clearing in the Woods..

Of Pelham Bay Park.

Enough of this play

9:19 pm


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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