
7/7/2015 16:16 – Facebook Post

3:17 pm
3:18 pm

Look at that, I that is exactly what is going on viz a Viz Facebook Friends numbers…

Yes, it is extraordinary that I am still being conned into posting is pretty awful

The play is an Unseen play between the line of E and Nature who played God, and moving that Idea to Harmony..The Truth.
Thus 1-7…A-G..
Moves to 8 which is Both 5 who are both 1.
But this play is taking the Ultimately Long path to moving N (14-1-4=5)..E
NN to 28=1O..

I can not repeat myself any longer because that is what this play in its Evil Beyond aspect was meant to create for me, non stop torment of repeating myself, by conversely revealing the True Sickness in that illusion called Human Consciousness and aversion to self honest and Truth..
The Hypocrisy…
So vast it exposes

No matter the price paid, the Patience sacrifice, Blood pain Suffering..
I have seen that which I already knew which is why I had to be physically tortured and cornered to enter the Arena of human “Consciousnes” Perception ..
They way they think..
Versus who they truly are

The Beautiful Truth already proven by each person mostly unaware, being moved in perfect Harmony to this play now having endured for 4O months.

Nature the E line have mainly ignored humanity and kept you asleep so you would not intefer with the play and leading me here only at the tail end of the play to bring the awareness to all of what is really going on.

Some get it..but so few

This personally has been a waste of my time and my Existence …
Because this was humanities responsibility to wake up themselves..
To have done thier Homework.
And the foolishness of using me as an example to go through all I have been through for the Beautiful.Truth… To inspire?

Don’t make me laugh..

This is the Species who delight in destroying Beauty and celebrating thier ugliness by saying we are born of sin, no one is perfect etc..
No.. This was a bad idea…

This whole play…

Humanity have Beauty so why do they not act it out…
Why is it so much easier to ignore the Truth staring at you in the Mirror.
Or the Evidence so extraordinary and so clear of the Matrix being real and Humanity..some evolving to Hue Manity…
Those who do something.
But with pure intentions without purposefully calling attentions to thier actions…

But to be honest not even I could have ever concieved of how after 4O months of posting Evidence and how far I was compelled to go..
Right to a shelter to prove the codes just how despicable the human thought process had become that they could not respond to these discoveries which despite my exhaustion still fills me with wonder and Extase at the Exquisitely crafted revealations and codes ..

Yesterday when the Code aligned to Jonn Blackwell via Benjamin Joseph Hernandez.
(B.J H..Coat of Many Colors), and the book called the Pass Over.
The One Story by Ng.
And all the codes I rushed to share it with you all.

But why.

A World which has become the Ultimate Disspointment..
Not to me.
Because I am already aware of the Truth Beautiful Harmony which really moves you but which most do not see…the Horses the magical unicorns you are riding..
The Wind..Expression.. W E
The Manifestat Expression
Of Existence Gode…
The Harming Ode is the Wind .it fulls the Nothing.
Just as its Stillness fulls the Vacum of Space

Yes, nothing could have prepared me for the response to my body, my Being, the codes, the explanations, the Examples, the Demonstrating, the Embodiment…
Non stop publicly 4O month
See Sacred Portal 4O.

It would have been better to destroy 1/3 of humanity without explaining.
Let the survivors figure it out themselves…

A Portal out of the Shelter has been offered but we shall wait to see if that is the end route of the 14 year (N) and 9 year (I) and last 5 year Loop..
East 4th Street (Civilization City) Pelham B Park (Nature) and Green House Bedford Green Point with Green meant to mean life.
But which obviously is reflecting Death Zombies Apathy and “Show me a Miracle where it benefits me so I can be Ungrateful”

Kajally Saidy texted me that he had no need to read any of the Sacred Writing because all he is concerned with is surviving with his family.

Knowledge Discovery Beauty even the most extraordinary discovery which The Greatest Philosophical Minds of the West East Old world would have given the eye teeth to explore as a child as a philosopher does..
With an open mind…
With wonder..
With no assumptions
For this is the only way to percieve what I am revealing..
Showing ..
It requires an Open Mind.
A Philosophers Mind.
Matthew Pelletier..M.P.
The mind of Child Youth
Why See?
See Why..

By being Blind you may find that the Pied Piper has led all the Rats, Brats Vermin out of Existence.
And revealed the True Stars of the Theater of Imagine A Nation ..
In Harmony..

This is what Children Youth and Philosophers Do..
Then they Create..Art Science to Investigate and C

I have a new Facebook Friend

Conscious Authoring Harmony.

Welcome Murat Can..

Murat means “Wish Desire a Straight Line… a goal.”
Can means..
It also means Spirit, Heart the Soul…”

My Greatest wish before was that like an arrow shot through the bow of the Sagittarian, that my Desire was that you Listen, to a beautiful Truth self evident where the arrow and spear of Destiny perception, penetrates from Beyond the Quantum and Qualitative Layers to the center the Soul the Heart the Being in True Life. ”

But I no longer have that wish…
I just Desire that this play ends and its source which made it such a torment pass through these torments it gave before it and all its disciples and adherent leave Existence in the most shocking a appalling way
The same way they gave others
They are not worth that.
They are illusions..
No simple Justice which is Indifferent..
Bu not Blind
It has 6th Sense.

No it would be a simple lesson in what happens when you do not Pay attention, or Listen or not do your Homework..
And worse still when you disrespect your Teachers, the Faculties (of Reason) and the Principle…

Expel them from University School
4;13 pm.
D M.

These are the Damned those who make it impossible for you to love and care for them.
They would rather torture you to Death and Beyond for making the mistake of caring for them.

This is the Nature of the Loop I lived in.
Living Hell
Living Death
For them.
4:15 pm.
D O p.m.

I just did.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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