
7/9/2015 14:48 – Facebook Post

2:32 p.m

My Word…!

I have just been in a marvelous marathon of linking with Wills Way..
Eye to Eye..
I to I.

Which is the way of this play..
Passing through each persons portal.
We completed at Twin.

Which aligns to the 5 Dollar Bill given to me yesterday with two 99 written on it…
Serial number
JH 24 74 35 72..A.
BD (X) GD (God..*See Michael O’Donnell) 35 CE
(Bed 53/35 Kieth) 72..
See Sacred portal 72..
G B.

J.H A….J @Holy Apostles …HA. .I.D.
H 8…
Then walked with Kieth where a code sent my Nenad M. Djurdjevic of 3O:67 USD (/ 76: O3 USD) was sent..and picked up by Kieth

On the twenty dollar bill is one 9.

Serial Number
G.F 45 95 O6 98…D

G F D is
7-46…affirming Wills Way Two Eyes woth 5 dollars E.. Two EE..
Emeka Wills..

45 is DE who sleeps to my Right…
I.E..the Example
O6 (O.F)
98…See Sacred Portal 98..I.H
It is called Diamond Hearing.
D H..
Dimension Dominus Harmony.
Bed 48 is DE. Dean.

2:46 pm.

I would never have believed that I am still refining and proving this Truth into Manifest Being M.B/B.M. up till this point…

Thus two E Emeka and Wills are aligned 28.. Hermes Twins.
Affirming last portal which I will share this.
And thus the two Eyes Meet as I.

99- AH..9
9=Letter I
I and I = A H. I…W On…E

I is the Individual.

5 usd

Entrance at the Intake center I.C
At Belle Vue .
28 St.
B H..
I.met a person called Emeka and a person called Tutu.
E T.
Emeka Tutu ( Meaning Greats adeeds in the Cold.. Indifference Death I.D..Indifferent to his Identity.
Humble me..? No I am not.
But this play was designed by the Human Consciousness to Humble and Humiliate me…
By thier Indifference that perhaps in me or undercover in me is O’Donnell.
The Ruler of the World…
321 F.B Friebds
The 8th of July..2O15…35..8 15…C E?
H.A! O A E..
2:56 pm.

He is the Ruler of the World.
And in him the Identity seeking to rise is yes the Individual representative of God called Harmony.
Whole the Collective carries Each a piece of the puzzle

It was a fair play
Everyone was planted with the seed
O Rien LA Plant E

Each person was given a life time called Infinity to make it grow to become the Everything..
I had just this Life time and should not have been in this play.
( I came to Boogie this time not waste time space energy and breath proving the Existence of God so obviously present but so terribly defined)

P.S Harmony is Consciousness I

Simplicity I.S

Implicit Simplicity.

The Consciousness called I GODE

But I was Hi Jacked (Jack and the Beanstalk)
Kid Napped (Pan I.C the Goat O William was put to sleep) and thus, blindsided and put in this play by my Twin Expression I Nnamdis
Wills Way

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