
7/31/2015 14:13 – Facebook Post

11:52 A.M.



332 Facebook Friends…
Who would have believed that when I began posting in 2O11-12, that this script which unravels through the meaning of the names of Facebook Friends who arrive in perfect Harmony and perfect timing, reveal a story.
A True Story of First Contact – would last this long…

I have known for over a decade that I have been physically and consciously translating and transmitting Intel from the E Line in the Unseen realms a message to humanity.
But first I had to fight my way through all the stories of Human history while aligning them to the Truth of the E T Consciousness and the Beautiful Ones.

The Morass and mess of Human Consciousness and the work of being forced to clean the views of others was something which I would never dreamed would be part of this role I found myself in of transmitting the message of that which is within me and outside of me….this Truth.

My body has been in a non stop state of discomfort, a sort of agony by the duration of being compelled to live and share the Consciousness which allows people to see that they have literally become deaf, dumb and blind to that which is right before them.
That for so long they have lived in a realm of self, of a selfishness often innocent, but still of the proclamation of the “me, me, me” syndrome…
Rather of the I.E, the quiet Exemplification of their Truth embodied by thier own Expression.

I witnessed that I had come to share knowledge of First Contact, of arrival of the E.T, who rise first from within as reflected by my current experience.
People had informed me of this role of seeing me at the Apex of a movement which changed the way of perceiving the world forever..
Yet, it is not a role I have cherished.
What was recalled by me, then proven by the E.T line of E is the Truth of Everything I recalled and knew being True.
Each name has been a response to every play which now going on 41 months has been made Transparent by this play…
Yet, I have witnessed the True state of Human Consciousness and it is frightening.
The assumptions, the petty conceits, the arrogance and the hurt people inflict on others willy nilly, without pausing to take in the Truth of what is being manifested for them to take comfort and to understand the Truth of a story never revealed.

The perversion of the ego, the self projections of how people view themselves, the calling to attention to their own sense of injustice at being made to feel Invisible, unseen, unheard and unappreciated…
Even after pointing out the Truth of how thier perceptions of things are asked…

Imagine an E.T rising from within through a Human Being who never was a Human Being but was given that cover so as to exemplify the process step by step of how humanity would rise so they would not be afraid, having to deal and Battle and fight His way through the unending scenarios of the “Hurt” Ego of so many who hurt others with those unconscious Expression or expressions of superiority…
Imagine watching the most amazing revelations while being distracted by the Human Ego so perverted that the most beautiful amazing moment in human existence is turned into an experience of Hell beyond endurance..
A never ending weariness of each time being forced, compelled to battle, address, correct the point of view of others…
Who believe that you are here to serve them, that it is thier right..
To control, to be bossy, to give commands, to place themselves on pedestals under the guise of humility and the web of words and temper..

I have often asked myself, pondered this play, looking at the effect it is having on me personally
The Hatred which this play and this “God Concept” has spawned….
The Slavery people put others in, the play of a God which believes it is the Universe..
Men who believe that they can speak for the Universe..
Women who claim to know the Universe.
So many pretenders…
So much jockeying to be the One..
That I personally have turned my head in quiet shame and ultimate sadness…
“This can not be the play of Evolution Awakening..
This can not be the way Truth of this play manifests…it can not be…but it is”

This is the road.
This has been the pathway set up by “God” a Story, a collective Human Consciousness of perverted Truth and perception in which those with the greatest gifts, the most wonderful news, the most glorious Song are subjected to travelling such a road..
And having to bear such a load of the Human sense of entitlement…
Rudeness, bad manners…
Can you imagine what an E T rising from undercover in the Human Form would feel and see after rising through an eternity of Human suffering and pain..
Of Macho men and woman as witches.
The excitement he must have felt to share the Truth and the evidence only to watch the horror show of humanity as he walks “Physically and Mentally” through thier stories..
Year after year, Day after day, no release from that Constant web and war to bring each person he is forced to pass through thier portals collecting pieces of a puzzle which he already knows and created a picture of as a Man, as a Youth as a Boy and as an E T, the First E T Human and The First E Line.

Just imagine what such a Being would feel as he witnessed the play set up for him to walk in, imagine the betrayal that a Force called “God” and brothers and sisters he meets who have given into illusions of thier humanity and divinity declaring themselves Creators, God’s, Goddesses..
Deceiving others with thier delusions of grandeur not earned by them, yet imposing these perverted expressions of Truth on others..

1:13 am.


Can you imagine what he is really feeling, experiencing as he walked through such play and set up..
He came to share such a Beautiful Truth and instead he finds himself at war with Humans and thier ideas, and thier self proclamation of being God’s.
And imagine the cruelty of the his family in illusions have created..
Monstrous egos, which he had to battle through of illusions of his family from A-C.D….

I personally have no words to describe what I experienced or the amount of damage and messes they created as humans and as “Devine Expression” D.E..
And the amount of work imposed on me, the experiences given to me to personally experience of the raw indifference to the experiences which others force others who have messages to Lighten reward them with heaviness and rage and of one sided tales of woe and blaming of others…
And the challenge to help them see that they are projecting…

Ah..I am tired of humanity…
So weary of this play and the horrors who played God and Creator and Control and Superiority and the Creator of this play- the Illusion of Nature..as God..
1:23 pm

Why should I or anyone battle to make others pay attention?
Why should an E.T have to explain how myself over and over again.
Why should my power to Manifest instantly be curtailed by a play created by Father as The King of Hell and Mother as the Witch of Wickedness..
Who are the Human Species that such sacrifices should be made over and over and over again..

What could warrant this play…
Of Beauty transformed daily into my Hell, my rising from Hell each day to solve riddles which so few even care to pay attention…?

These are no longer questions to me, for I have the answers already.
Rather, it is a statement.
A Fact.
I have lived it and endured it.
Evil Beyond anything I could have imagined possible by this way of being which I am informed represent the Truth of the Human race.
This inability to see Truth.
This inability to see another’s point of view.
This inability to release themselves from thier prisons of “Me, me, me” to the point that not even first contact generates a sense of awe respect bliss and sincere reverence…

I do not wish to fight for people to percieve, to listen, to clean thier thoughts and Reflections.
I did not and do not wish to continue to solve peoples riddles, or have people and “Imaginary” God’s test me, nor point out the proof of the Awakening or Evolution of a species who feel my existence is founded on my ability to answer thier riddles or make them feel good about themselves.
I did it before naturally and with such good will.
But I must be honest, I do not feel any good will for the Human Species, but the desire to be away from such Consciousness and such a horror of seeing what they are willing to put others through as long as they get to escape thier self made prisons and Roar in pompous superiority of that which they did not create

I am tired of being forced to prove the obvious.
I have loathed this Trail which finally led me to 18 Mountain View…

It can never change my essential Nature, but when you see from my point of view, walked in my shoes, knowing that you have lived an impossible summons -call..
And transformed every horrid experience given to you and expressed by others so sure that thier point of view is the “All in All” –
To have made rise the Truth of First Contact to where your literal Body becomes a living witness to that Truth and see yourself set up in a play in which people simply refuse to pay attention to facts because it would demand in return the dissolution of the Ego perverted…
And to see the Truth of the 1-4 Elements as the Illusion of One (The Five in One)
1:51 pm…
*Do you see the implementations of my writing 5 in 1, and the time being 1:51pm?
If you can not, then does that not say something about you…that there is something missing in your perception of another’s Truth..
Which should ignite the Catlyst to make you pause in stillness. .to contemplate..to reflect?

To See everything as one..
To Embody it will get you out of the Matrix.
It will release you from the spell of your acting as though you are the center of Existence..
For you are not…
Beauty IS.

And to percieve in any other way..that is what creates the Illusion the Matrix and that inability that Everyone and Everything was in School to Expand Graduate ( 57…E.G by exemplifying Expression as the True meaning of Grace”

Grace is giving others the benefit of the Doubt..
Until they give you reason to doubt thier a Songe.

The word “Respect” comes from the Latin word which means “to Gaze at”
Which means to see.
Pls see the post I shared on Looking at something for 17 secs then 68, until it begins to vibrate.. Activate.
17 Q
Golden Ratio…
To Transform that which is Latent or dead..
That which does not vibrate begins to vibrate.
It is seen..
It is acknowledge not through words but by a Gaze..
A Look…
An Expression of Harmony Love =Clarity
that it comes alive…
Below the Quantum level?
That is where the source of the Gaze exists..
It is His or Her eyes..
Which gazes upon you with such a quiet soundless Expression but you feel it, and its power is such that it can not only awaken the Dead…But bring that which does not Exist into Existence Known and witnessed by ALL..

And it comes into Being and Existence because it “Felt” that Gaze and responded to it for it is irresponsible, invincible yet, you come alive because you or the object of its attention recognized it..
And thus, I know that everything, Everything which exists responds to the Gaze of Praise and appreciation..
The language of Love.

And that which can not Exist, is that which responds to such a perfect caresss of a gift with Conciet Vanity and Perverted Ego that that Gaze is misinterpreted as making them God’s and the Center of Existence for the Gazes Source..
The Creator of that Gaze making Him or Her your slave.

…even if it comes from the most Beautiful Need.
But there is no Need to be seen and acknowledged when that Gaze like wings lands on you..
There is no need.
Therefore you are not Truth.
Because the Gaze of True Loves brings Eros..it makes you Rise Come and Express quietly..
You have been summoned.
By the E.M.F Frequency of the Everything.
The Dark Matter and Light
Krishna Radar…
To E line of Vision.

Welcome Sadanandam Krishnakumar…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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