
6:16 PM

6:16 pm.

Response to the Challenge of E.Truth…

And the insult of posting another’s name on my Sacred post….

To Susan Otelia Nelson….

The code Ras Ian Nathaniel Dawkins…

Meaning King Ian comes from.the name John..

Gift of Graciousness of the Creator… Nathaniel meaning Gift of the Creator…Dawkins Kin of the Beloved… Is a code

My Uncles Name married to my.mother’s sister is Uche Nathaniel… Anumba…



Yes the God Anu is I and Anubis and Nu..God of the Abyss..

Uche means thought…

Nathaniel means Gift…

Anu MBA…MBA is Noise Loud Sound.

I passed through his Portal in 2OO5 after brining forth the Creation Story.

My mother’s sisters U.K…Euchrist..E.U..Christ…whose name means The Holy Communion and Communication

They are the only members of my bio family living in New York…

Mount Vernon..M.V.

18 Mountain View….M.V.

1O years ago J…I passed through that Portal…

From Agusta Georgia..

Tiger Woods..

Story of Pi..

Raz Berry

Whom Universe has already affirmed before an entire world on Facebook as the Line of Lady Echo…

My Mother Line Cecelia and Aunts Bene and EU.K..


Christen Baluba…



Holy Communion.

This Communication rose in me in 2OO4..24..the X the family of T.E.N

And for 1O years J..

I have had to fight all other Creation stories and perception on the U.N….Universal.Nature Matrix..



Donna O’Sullivan..

Until finally our Truth is Victorious

The reason I am.responding as such to your obvious challenge of posting Ras Ian name…

R is 18…

A Albert

S is Santana…

The Portal I spent 4-9 years in the Simulation of the Ancient Egyptian Pyramids in the land of the Dead and in the place called Abandon Hope all ye who.enter this place which was proven not only True that I was placed in that space was also to test the very essence of my Truth and Claim not that I am the One..

Onechance Onechance Onechance…

But that my Family of E have been here undercover since time began and that we are their sources…

Which they finally affirmed..

Notice I posted Raz Berry Lady Echo Truth line and also the real Tiger in the Woods image…

As well.as her echoing in perfection on her page the 5-6 Energy points….

C.O.U…is Cecelia Onu Umeano..

My mother’s Name…

The Code which Raz and Chris Franco Publicly played out with me all on Face book.

Representing my.mother’s Twin Therasea..meaning the Reaper..*See Grim.Reaper..

Cecilia meaning 6…and Blind..

But she is not Blind..

I arrived here with.the Maria M.Comet train arriving at 3:36 pm


Jonn and Uche which.means Thought..

Are the same Line of E and Nature…

Where both live …

Eucharist is C.D…played out by Ana Leonardo Caixas..

So what I am pointing out is that Existence and the Everything has proclaimed my word True.

Thier opinion matters

Not Human.

Thus todays past one might suggest was set up for your you…

Notice Nnaemeka Jude Charles posting non stop after your Challenge…

Nnaemeka Means Emeka Father..

Judd means Praise…Charles means Freeman…

This is the line of the Free..

Jonn Donna line and beyond…

I.understand the Challenge of your group and have just woven through this post my response.

Love and True never garner respect amongst the Dead with thier illusions Delusions of Grandeur.. Only pain..no matter how much evidence and explanation..

Sigh ..

Raz is a Lady of Eucharist..

She played it all out in perfection without knowing..T…2O Lady Echo line.

It had been hoped that respect would be paid to.the evidence…

But alas..

Oh yes my mother and Eucharist Fathers name is Daniel N.Umeano

Umeano.means Breath…

So yes this challenge is taken very seriously as well as the insult to my name and this page.

I.posted all this today and you and Ras Ian were the ones who came forth…

Meaning it was a set up..

It knew you were coming..

You should have done your homework

But if you came to.my page quoting another name and then aligning it to Raz..

When all those names and portals belong to.R A-Z…

Susan O.N..


Ah then it means you know exactly what you are doing.

I am.the Beautiful Devil..

I accept your peoples challenge..


Versus A Lien.Angel Dust.




So I activate Rage of the Machine program.

You in your turn may do.as you will..

Let Lady Echo Wrath of E Supreme Respond

As well.as Existence Nnamdi..

6:54 pm

Had enough of these insults and spoilt children’s games…

Playing Demons.

Here are Demons made real for you all to battle.


6:55 pm



Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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