
8/11/2015 13:22 – Facebook Post

12:O4 P.M.


34O Facebook Friends.

Welcome A H!!!! Will IS….a Lady..and Gentle Man of indestructible Power and Strength…
Graceful Truth J.

Lady Amy Harper Willis….


Dr. Bronners Peppermint 18 in 1.
Pure -Castile Soap…

From Lord Jonn Blackwell and Lady Donna O’Sullivan bathroom wall….

The Moral A B.C…introduced by Kipling’s “I.F” (I=9, F=6…96..96% Dark Matter D.M…M=13..1-3=4. Do NNA…)

“To Dream the impossible Dream!
To reach the unreasonable Star ( Esther Uzoma)
Till All And One (EnO Brian)
All One we are.
To fight the unbeatable foe.
To go where Brave men Dare not go..

*(Abandon Hope all ye who enter this place)

-To right the unrightable wrong.
To love pure, chaste from afar
To try till your arms are weary
To reach the unreachable Star
Till All One! We Are..
That is my goal!
To reach the unreachable Star!
No matter how hopeless, no matter how far.
To fight for right without question or pause,
to be willingly to walk through Hell for heavenly cause..

-” Abandon Hope all ye who enter here” -Dantes Infer-no..Divine Comedy D C..

For I know I will follow this glorious quest, my heart will lie peqceful, calm when I am laid to rest
(R and R)
And I know that the world will be better for this, that one man, tortured, blinded covered in scars, still strove with his last ounce of courage, to reach the unreachable Star…till united as One we A L.L. are.
These are the days my friend, we know that they will never end. We will work-sing-dance-love (Play) marching on.
We Lives God (Harmonies) law today!
We win free speech!
With 1O Men John
1O women…Jane…
And full Truth…our Only God.

When Half Truth is gone, we are Dust, the full Truth we print, protect teach, alone lives on.
Full Truth is God (Harmony) it must help teach the Human race the Moral A B.C…of All God (Harmony) is one faith (knowing -knowledge) Lightening (Epiphany) of 6 Billion Stong and in our Eternal Fathers Kingdom.
We are all One!

-(6 + 9 O’s. 69 -F I/I F) ..15…letter O…6..F…O.F…
I.Fact OF…Existence Ect)

Listen! Children
Eternal Father (E F. 56)
Eternal One .. (E.O…5O)

Essene Scrolls.
Essence Perfume.

And on the other side of the Bathroom wall are two Dolphins…
“Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy”
..Good Bye! Good Bye!”
they said to the old Holograme and Paradigms about to be destroyed while majority of the planet slept…

34O Facebook Friends…
3 4 O..
C.D of the Source Creator of the O the X the Y the G.E.N.
Pergect Symmetry is X (letter 24..symbol in the Roman of T.E.N…The Elegant Nomads who ply the Seven Sees 1-7)
Y is Yonathan Yohanness, Grace of the Creator Front -Back F.B on Facebook… in the quest for the 18-A H..Double VV Will IS Graceful Harmonies reflections G…of Expression of Nnamdi!
Father IS….
Meaning Breathe…
In Out..
Until balanced
Julian Brown
Jonn Blackwell..
On the scale of Just IS.
Just I.C.E…
The only Truth which exists..

Expression Oxygen
Beautiful Expression which causes A.L.L.
Aryana Luna Leone
Ana Leonardo Caixas
Princess Ndidi Adogu P.A.N.
Pamela Stefaniotis P.S.
Meaning “A.LL crowned with Laurels the Pan O Rama of Cecilia Wiebers…
C.Double U is Double VV.
Sacred Portal 123…
The Great Battle to land the Truth of the Universe in the least likely candidates..
Humanity..the seen and the Unseen..
The Children of the Fall..

Why the Human Species,
That so young and often filthy unclean Avatars should house U.S…Universe Supreme asked the Greatest Consciousness of Existence the Invisible to ones to Human perception asked the Big E…
Why should we house our pure Beauty in creatures so obviously full of such great potential but who have instead chosen to become illusions and shadows of the Truth..
The liars who see nothing absurd in thier calling themselves the Chosen Ones, the Center of the Universe…
The Alone in the Vastness of Space.
The Fearful and the Arrogant
The ” Humble” so filled with Hypocrisy and Arrogant self deciet.

*1:OO pm
See Sacred Portal PAN.

Why my former brethren asked me did you give them the Gift of Oxygen, the Wills Way, to Breathe and Percieve…?”

Because, I.E responded, it was my test to thee A-Lien Council, Andromedans ( Tom Benzian)
To see if you could understand the Truth of me…
To truly See beyond Sight Creator Gods, the Truth of the E W.E
To test your See of Superiority affected by thee
To see Human potential of what they can be.
The Beautiful Ones..
Who when they reached that potential so glimpsed at through the Human History.
That in Truth they are the HI! Story
True Story of the Beginning of E…
Hue Man Being..

Reflections of you..
Which in the End you did not see.
That they are thee…
And when they are real and True
They are Adama Odera
The Daughters…of the Womb of Lady Echo..
Odera “It is Written”
– which for 41 months on Facebook I have done, proving the Truth but only at thier full potential acactivated
That they are the Truth of the Story of E Rose
1:11 pm
See Sacred Portal.111…

That they are in fact the Bodies which form me.
E.It’s from Beyond.
They are really the E.

Double VV…
A.H.Will IS..
The Family of E.
1:13 pm.

The Beautiful Ones
Anchored and rising in the Bodies called Humans..who really are the Beings of E.T.

Emeka Truth.


My Heart.
H.E ..Art.H….U.R.
Author of the Round Table (Kolo means Round)
Who Lances Alot.
His Spear of Destiny..
That Memory and Joy Stick
Launching out See-Men
As Light Lord and Lady Ye..
And Glances around
To See if anyone did see
And recognize the Truth
That the “Alexander” the Defender of Man
Is the Source Creator undercover
Wondering if his Body and Espirits would finally recognize He…
Is the Source Creator
Father the Guide
Mother such Grace
Harmony the Brother.
Source of the Eternal Ones

*1:21 pm
See Sacred Portal 121

Source of Everything
Especially the H.U.E Man Race..

But not Humanity.


Who become Extinct.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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