
1O:22 A.M.

1O:22 A.M.




A.C I.M…

A Course in Miracles…

Ohhh!!! (Orgasm)/ A, Cee I’M

The Course of Miracles…

The Mirror Key.

A Mira-Cle.





1 3 1 13.

Awareness Consciousness Individually Manifest.

3-45 April Marie Malone..

Code A.M…M.


I woke up to 5 likes, then 11 likes…

Which I noticed are the Intials of my name and the time I ended my yesterday’s post.

I further saw 16 likes…P..

And noted the time as 9:13 am.


I am fully aware that there is another version or interpretation of A Course In Miracles, but I am using the codes which come from outside of me which I decode, rather than the meanings which people have assigned to them.

A Course in Miracles had been a big part of this play- I never really studied the tenants of this movement because I do feel it was because I was being moved to Manifest its literal meaning.

1O years ago I began the last phase of my long trek across the Galaxy…

I had come from 33rd St Recon studios and had walked into The Bean Cafe, then on 1st and 3rd..(1 3 A.C…A Course… or Awareness Consciousness)

To find Axel Anderson who was an advocate in a Course of Miracles.

There was also a young woman in the cafe I had met called Amber.

Axel Anderson Amber



I did not realize that that A Course In Miracles would be my job to Manifest in this world by my working for the next decade on bringing forth a miracle with the aid of a Dimension of Beings or Human Awareness and Consciousness who existed beyond the stars..

The Family.

Who are this family of E I speak about..?

Are we not all One family…?

Yes and No.

The Family of E are the first 1O Expressions of Consciousness which formed the foundation for the 4.6 Billion Years play of Human Evolution.

Not physical but an Energetic Evolution of the Ethereal and Elemental Nature of all things.

The Family of 1O.

Who represent the True Creation story of this world (Which was and IS an Exchange, a conversation conversion Transformation Translation E .C.T…E.O.TT),

And the beginning of Awareness Consciousness of the planet..

It started with these two Five Family of

Creation Expression C.E…whose mission was to infuse the Awareness Consciousness in all humans in this play of Simulation, created to move humanity to thier Truth.

-Thier actualized potential already made Kinetic…

Already Existent.

The mission was to inject in all matter (played out by Humanity), -the Awareness Consciousness of the Expression Kinetic..E.K…

The movement towards the E…

By the Elemental Nature, as Atom Proton Electron Neutron…A (O) P.E.N…Is the A.C

-(Awareness that Consciousness, is the Perfect Symmetry of things and can be achieved by the Perception of the Full Circle of all things by understanding the Nature of Cause Effect..C.E.

Karma… Derived from the word Do…)

The Elemental Matter, made out of Elements of Nature created the Body out of Nothingness which contained within it Something which the Atomic Matter Manifestation (A.M.M) called the Human Body was to discover through the Human Experience (H.E) in the physical realm aligning to its same self Ethereal Experience.. EE =1E.

Meaning that Elemental and Ethereal Expression…= Emeka Kolo.

Meaning Praise All Round

Bybl Doing and Expressing through experiencing the physical world. Which would align you in perfection at the End of the Human Play of being in Existence (Evolution) to 1.E…

Meaning that what you say and what you do must be aligned and by moving through the simulation of the Experiencing Kinetic…E.K…

You would raise your Awareness from the Sun Atomic or Subconscious or the deep well or Tunnel to your own Awareness here in the Simulation.

Link the concept of a Siphon, where a tube is used to suck up petrol from a source from Beyond which then rises and passes through the Tube (Tunnel of Love) from the Dimension Beyond Physical Manifestation to the realm of the physical, this World and finally rise up in the body in this Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix.



Un Cle Sam…

One Key is Samuel meaning, The One who is like God

*Refer to the prophet Samuel in the Bible who passed through the Portal of the Holy of Holies while other priests not pure enough tried and mysteriously died because they were not clean…

The same of Muad dib in the Book-Film D-U.N.E, I am currently reading who had to swallow the Spice to become a Seer through the Feminine way in order to reveal the Way or Path way of both Feminine and Masculine…

Something the Women of the Bene Gesierit order could only see through the Feminine ..the male way was the place they dare not look.

But only a special man could..

Many men tried but because the rite of passage begins with the Feminine principle, which most men do not understand, they died..

Only Muadib could unify the See of the Sacred Feminine and Devine Masculine to see and create a new pathway…

Also U.S…A M…

Aligns with my 3-45 Facebook intials


The Dawn of Manifestation.

Dawn Marie.

Her son.





E.M E.



Meaning I Give Praise to the- the doer of Great Deeds greater each time, the Creator who is so gracious

The Family of E are thus in everyone, as I have proven but the raising of that Awareness Consciousness..A.C is the responsibility of the Individual to Manifest.



*See the Prophecy of Prophet Micah of the old testament…

My Father’s house has many rooms..with Beautiful Views built on a solid foundation of Truth and Love.

But what is Truth?

What is Love..?

11:22 pm David Onu (Cecilia) D.O…C..

Truth from the exigencies of this play which I was conscripted in, just as was the entire Human race, and especially those candidates whose are the Chosen Ones- in that their Elemental Ancestral Natures had made yes no choices which allowed these Beings to retain the Vibration of Balance which allowed their bodies to become the Black Wells which allowed the Essence, or Rocket Fuel of the E lines of Beyond Physical time and space to rise in them and move them…

Again as demonstrated in this 41 play at 345…C.D.E…

See the image posts of Donna O’Sullivan and I, Emeka, with the mermaid coming out from undercover of water to the spot light Pool and to A.H…ending with my post entitled C.D E… The Jewel and Star of the Cee and Sea (Aphrodite Eros) rising.

Notice that the meaning of my last Facebook Friend April Marie…

Means O.P.E.N..and Marie means Star or Jewel of the Cee-Sea..

And Malone Devote of John as in The Creator is Graciousness..

One can observe the correlation by 345 Facebook Friend, the name code, the image, the play….the Film and the Book on Facebook aligning perfectly to meaning.

A…M.M…A….Z H.

H Z H.


Love has been established as C…

And to See one must be able to Link your Consciousness to that Source within you I called the Guide, (Father from Beyond and within)

to Grace (Mother outside in Nature)

by the Individual Being Aware and Consciousness that by Doing they are perceiving a Truth which rises from deep within them, guiding them to observe in Nature a Grace. -The Gift of Beauty all around them which aligns them in perfect balance to rise to See through the Third Eye – Sixth Sense (Cecilia) the Truth of the Universe and the Voice (Voi-C.E, The Beautiful Way to see….

Piercing through the Viel of all the layers of perverted perception which act like a heavy dust, a film of dirt, grime and the crime down to Conscious Expression.

Suddenly the Curtain is pulled open to reveal that which was right before your very eyes…

The Human Beings choice to be the filter and the translator of these two realms who are weaving (through linking)- all creating a Story and a picture which you begin to recall… Is a Memory of a realm beyond, of Beauty and Love.

And Truth..

This is the Echo response of the Individual, who reconciles the two Expression coming from within and from outside, by being Conscious and Aware, that they are pataking as Students to thier Highter Selves – and find themselves at the end of that Scholar-Ship- have suddenly become the living Embodiment of that memory.

Is it True?

They already know that it is True,

but is it Truth? is what is Question which requires Answering.

This Course In Miracles, is it Truth right here and now, in this lowly perverted perception of life at present?

Can a Tunnel, a Worm.Hole, A Muadib, riding a large Worm through Sub Space battle, cleave a path way from Beyond, llarge enough to open.up a Portal of the E realm to Energetically Manifest, and Transform Stale Air, filled with layers of dead skin, shitty Expression…Expression which has covered Angel Dusr, Star Dust the P.C…P (Plan-E.T) True Vibration in a cloak of heaviness, Gravity which prevents the Human Being from rising, Awakening from the layers Unseen he or she have been buried alive under.

Which has led to such a world of War, Conflict Strife, self protection, self preservation, that people live in turtle Shells -Armor- to protect themselves from the Acid rain so venemous and corrosive to Spirit which fills the Air Waves…

Expression Negation

Expression Hurtful

Expression which creates a Fall rather than a Rise.


The Gap between you and I..

The distance between us….

Which suddenly becomes as a Chasm…


How can that Gap be filled.

That distance bridged..

Filling that Abysss of Death as Oblivion

With Beautiful Expression

A Cee so Pure anf Dazzling of a Vision but not a mirage.

An Ocean of a Perfume, recalling Eternity by C.K

Which forms rivers and tributaries, streams, Brooks, which seep into the Universal Body, the Charged oxygenated Blood filled with the Internal Star Dust, the original Fairy Dust (F D..64) called E Lu-minou-city… which fills the Body with the knowledge way…

The Will IS way to rise… On its own

To lead all with growing Awareness to the place.. Of Gathering…

Of Perfume…

Of the Springs Summer Harvest


To M.Y. .V.I.E.W…M.V

3:15 pm ( Zeina Hanna)

With the Eau De Vie, of Eternal Knowledge beyond the existence of Light..

Energy Essence, Essential.

To C.E.

Close Encounters

As Good as It Gets…

Lost in Translation

As you give into Awe.

As your recollections of memory

fueled by the Kinetic Expression of the

Eternal Knowledge…

Sinks in…

The Truth.




Truth Echos Affirms Manifests.

The Truth is Fact.

And Fact is the Trees which stand before you..

The Nothing which is naught but Expression turned transformed into a living solid fact aligned to perfection to all 5-6 tools of Perception.

The Senses.

Truth Echo responds Manifests.

Love Links Loved Cees..

Consciousness as Beautiful Expression.

E.Ros E.

Thus, The Family are people who by thier own Individual Merits chose to listen and learn from this play of their higher selves..

The In and Out, I O as Breath…

Not 10 as a Computer Simulation of life.

But True Life..

Which requires a constant In and Out of the Movie Until a Balance is sustained where by the E from Beyond rises up within you to Manifest the response to that which is True..And your Individual efforts to investigate if it is Truth here..can it be made real right here in the present.

Until Question and Answer



Equation is solved.

On the Quantum Atomicebel

The E is (R) the Quantum Mechanical of Everything.

The Engineers Garden.

Q.E D.


A resounding Y.E S!

Yonathan Yohannes

Emeka Kolo

Seble Woubishet…

Y.E S..

And that is where E Maudib of D’U.N.E, comes in, the one who lands the Dimension of E here in os world by building a Pathway , Tunnel, Bridge and Road…A Piple line in which the Energetic Frequency of the E realm Transform everything to its truest most beautiful view…

It’s highest Expression…

Truth is Beautiful Expression.

Love Links to Cee

Beautiful Expression

The Source…

The Object of its Desire.

The Family are the Ones who came to Learn to Study….You…to reach you…your hearts.

Not the ones who came to Preach and Teach..

For you know everything, there was nothing to teach.

Just a Decision Do or don’t do…

But if you don’t Do..you can never Be

Or become filled up with, and from, Essence from Beyond..

The Reminder made a Fact now…

That you are now filled with the Knowing what F amily I.S, what is E…

The Meaning of the Nucleus Atom


Neel Akash

Is that the New Clear us

Is not Nu Cle Us.

(Conquering Nu Egyptian God of te Abyss

-Abyssians-Abyss-Ians, Ethiopia Etriera…)

The Cle Key US..Universe Supreme..

But Family


Of Commitment and Bond..

Of the Art of Beautiful Expression

Is the Key to Truth Manifesting

Is Expression Truly True

That it moved The Everything

To respond, Warn Alert.

To be ready for its final response

E Fact.

Family E..Supreme

4-45-5 pm edit.

Family of E ros E Dionysus Supreme.

12:45 pm

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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