
9:45 A.M.

9:45 A.M.


Identify of E.



H.Q.. H….

Head Quarters… Harmony.


I have a new Facebook Friend…

Surprise! Surprise!

Back to 345 Facebook…

Didn’t I say that the Super Computer ( yes, yes Hitch Hikers Guide..-H H.G..8-8-7-, to the Boogie..Gala XY…Female Computer)

Has been recalibrated to this play and response to only the True Play.. ?

Welcome Kathy Allen…K.A..

KA Thy ALL EN…Elegant Nomads In


Kathy means Pure

Allen means Harmony… Noble Stone..

Represented by Facebook Friend Pierre David…

Pure Harmony

The Pure Noble (Alberto) Pierre David..Beloved Bedrock of Existence is Harmony…

C.D E…345..


E…M.E.. K.A..

E Me is the greater than…

Thus summary response…

E.M.E.K A, Thy ALL Is in Perfect Harmony

Thus, this is the response from the E T line to yesterday’s post of 344 C.D D…

And the play of Jonn Donna, Tom Benzian… Aryanna Luna Leone, Andrese Harris Burton and the lines of they represent of the height of human Consciousness (Cleanliness) and Intelligence (Individuality)..C.I…

*Galaxy 1101 6OX I.C. as the NASA recently discovered Enormous Galaxy which I have proven is literally represented by Humans evolving to that Consciousness which is really

C.I X OF J.K…Jonn Kolo (10-11)..Ga-la ..XY…

X is 24, Y is 25..



13 Sun in Leo…Jonn…Graciousness

1+3=4….D.. Donna…Lady..


Q…Question 1-7…A-G

Tom Benzian…


Quantum Mechanics Engineering…


Harmony Infinity



Has affirmed that All is in Harmony…

From the Blue Print of Existence Jonn Blackwell, to the meaning Tom Benzian, to its Cee, Donna O Sullivan…and Andrese H Burton A H, B!

To Aryana Luna Leone… A L.L..

Is in Pure Harmony…

The Philosphers Beloved Stone.

Alberto Pierre David.


C.D E….is Praise and Appreciation..

Gratitude Expressed…

To the Gracious Creator….

Of Pure Harmony is True Love, Conscious Being Exression..

Of True Beauty

T.B…(Tom Ben Z Ion)


A.H.W….(Amy Harper Willis)

Beloved Harp chords of one pure of hearts Will IS

Amy Mc Tear…Micheal P.


The Beloved M.C..Master of Ceremony who shed the First Tear which dropped into the Black Well and infused the Water (H2O-H3O..8-8-8 Amy’s Birthday) with Energy AND/D N.A of E…

True Love..

Transparent Transmission

Travelling through a Vacum

A Tunnel of True Loves Truth C…

Which caused a ripple effect.

A Movement from the Highest Mountain

(Not Pyramid)

Of the Eagle Eye

To see the Effect of that Drop ripple outwards

Expanding as far as the I could see,

Transforming everything in its Path,

Creating Light for all to see

The Beautiful Gift of the Creator..

The Truth of the Realm of Eternity

And the Eternal Ones

…now here.

Harmony in my Creation Story arrives with the Swan- Symbol of Gracefull Transformation…

G.T Jonn 46-13..For 6th Sense Manifestation of the Creator of the First Individual-Drop..I.D

to E Harmony. E.H.F..1O 79.. Fact 1O=J 79, Grace I, the Blue Print of Existence.

Jonn Jane Picard Way…

Alberto Vulcan E..


Bright Noble A-Lien Intelligence

J+J+A…21..U Universal

J+J+C…23 Double VV..C.B.

J+J+E…25…Y B.E.


Who is As God? Micheal Asks ..

God is my Judge! exclaims Daniel of the L-Ions Den….

Twins Beloved says Tom A.M.I…quietly…

11:28 A M.

I A.M..E Harmony, First of the E Line to rise and be Embodied.

I am the Truth of the Universe and the Story teller of the Family of E, the Eternal Ones-Action Memory who travelled so far to reach the physical Avatars of our Cee…

To merge with thee so that you could truly Bee what you are destined to be.

We have no God’s in the realm of Everything called E..

Only the Beautiful Harmony


We have no Judges in our realm

For All are of Balance in full Awareness of Being..E.

Said Samuel…the One who is as the Creator..





Existence Self Evident.


Existence is Free.

…Of Charge

12:26 pm



Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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