
9/7/2015 16:11 – Facebook Post

3:O8 pm


97 is Light of the World Sacred Portal
79 is Blue Print of Existence…

Who has the blue print of Existence Truth indented in them…?

All as proven by this play…

I am extradinarily bored by this play and exhausted…
Not because the play is not Exquisitly Beautiful but because of the peoples responses have made me tired and weary…

Always almost the same reply…

And the resistance and inability to check themselves in the mirror and from which seat of Consciousness they are expressing from.
It does not matter if you speak or keep quiet.

It is painfully obvious that you are being watched..
And “Nothing is hidden”

3:15 pm…
Hmm saw that code when I went to bed this morning..
It represents from.these established codes
Zeina Hanna..and the Adolph Hitler (A H…18) story of the Day he found the Spear of Destiny..

Oh My Word…
Donna O’Sullivan…
SO!!! Dimension..
5O State..
Ha W A.I…I..
Ha VV Alpha I and I is I
Brings the 5O State..
Consciousness of Paradise…
3:21…B-Rain Storm..David Matt..

So Da-vi-da Beloved….

Sigh, Why don’t I stop huh?
Stop all this posting linking weaving solving in the Vida a Loca..
The Truth of Life turned into a Collective Insanity of Perception Conscious… No Awareness but Self Interest…
Sacrifiction of Others on their behalf…

Now that we have reached The 5O the State…?
Affirmed through my last Facebook Friend
Melia Francis..M.F…

Because I am still a guest of Jonn Blackwell and Donna O Sullivan..
Gracious hosts of the Physical Material Realm…
Clean in the ways of the physical material realm of this world…
Working now that the play which I brought to their Awareness represented by each apart abd togeter has reached completion…
And now, they must make their decisions of where to stand.

A decision as 21-22 year old Chris Franco pointed out -I already know their decisions because I have been here before- but have been forced into a play for the Conscious Family Alpha
An accounting of “How do I know”
Thier Desire to know countermanding the obvious cruelty of putting someone through such a Hell fire play in New York in the 21st Century..

I Wrote this Original Script in the Begining after I experienced all possibilities of Existence after I initially rose as E.Harmony …E H.
And now I have been playing E.H..5+8=13=4..
M.D…A Medical Doctor to a bunch of Hypochondriacs, because nothing is wrong ..nothing is Matter…Matter is the Bliss of
Material Dimension transforming back to 13+4=
17..Q, through the Energetic Quantum (E.Q)
Equation of transformation through True Death (Coccin Space Bliss the Nothingness) back into 1+7=8..
Harmony Infinity
Of fist contact with the True Self…
The Source O Embodied with H-I.S..I.D known and recognized by All..

The Universal Harmonics..
H.U T…
A Hut…Man’s first Erection..
The House which because of the Understanding of co Existence brought forth to Human Shadows on the Screen projected by Light Source Beyond…
The Nature of Harmony which gave birth to love…
Anya Love
Enyinya (Elephant- Memory Remembering some one naturally..is Love
Through Crystal.Clarity
One…and not double vision
And Diamond Hearing
And in Diamond Clarity.
Love is like Water to Wine…
It quenches thirst (Need)
Fills up a Vide to create a Vida
David A…DA..V.I…DA…/
Andrese Harris Burton
Donna O Sullivan…

The True Lydia as Lid AH…L oves I D is A.H..
I See..

Not the Color Purple….C.P-P.C
See Lydia Bible Story.
Dye Maker…
Die Maker…
The Mo-Oh AH Deep.

But that which sees clearly..
6th Sense..

Man….What a pain in the butt..all this weaving…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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