
9/8/2015 14:11 – Facebook Post

1:19 pm


Artist Scientist…

E Art Harmony is the Science of a Story Telling.

Narrative in which it tells a story full circle and like spokes in a wheel…you find the your line, lines in the play…
Which are aligned to your own Personal Individual Experience..P.I.E…of Being…
Consciousness is Awareness.
And to not be aware that a Energy is moving you means that you are not Conscious, nor Aware..and thus, your Being becomes a lie because Existence is founded Grounded, anchored in Truth…

Recall that last night I Jeffrey T. Kollman became my last Facebook Friend.
Kohl Man…is also the Charcoal used as Eye Liner to enhance the Eyes..View..
And that Jeff- Geoff is the name of the person who was not only the same Spirit as I but who could enter my being and thus, warned me about what had been done to our Truth and what had been planned to stop the Awakening.

Geoff Lacour…The Creators Peace Courts
Jeffrey T.K…O…..

And now I welcome Faith Ugwums..F U..
Born 82…
8 F B friends..

Jeff has 12…12+8= 2O…T…T-rue…Echo
12×8= 96 …96% Universe is said to be made up of 96% Dark Matter…
Leaving 4 which is D..
4 the Four Elements are the Expression of Dark Matter… D.M…D.M.T…
“Get the Picture”
A 4 Square a Circle…
Full Circle…

Faith means : Confidence, Trust…Unquestioning Belief…To Know.

Ugwum is an Igbo word which means
“Dignity Grace, A Hill or Mountain View..
Engwu Ukwu where my Great Grandmother is From…where the X symbol was found on an Ancient Bowl…
It also means Beautiful Pride..
Ledge ” As in Edge of Existence ”
Heath Ledger as the He At H the Ledger
Account book.
Balance the Books..C.P.A…
The Akashic Records Exist..
Within you.

Hence my Faith is my Confidence which is my Grace and Dignified Bearing on the top of the hill the Apex of the Mountain and Center of the Valley..
The X as T.E N…The Elegant Nomads standing with “Ugum”- My Beautiful Pride..

Chrystal Fee…
Circle Full…

Chrystal comes from the Greek word “ice” I.C.E…
A Transparent Quartz Gem…
It captures the reflection of Brilliant Light..
Conscious ness is Transparent Light which is faster than C as the Speed of Light…
Because it is based on already knowing that which most forget that they already know .
Hence the play is called Awakening..
Remembering E…

*I just received a Text from Chrystal who asked WTF.. Is going in that whenever she reads my posts she feels as though she is on the verge of an outter Body experience. She recognizes my posts which align to her own past posts..
Even though she says she does not understand what she is reading..
*Which I explained is because I am using the language of Children which most people no longer recall when they become adults and take on the perspective of this Worlds view…

Where Imagination and Magic no longer exists it is all a Fairy tale..

Yet the name Fee means “Fairy” in French..
And Faith as well as Fair (Beautiful)
Light.. Fortunate…

Thus, Chrystal Fee..
Circle Full..
Name meaning ” The Transparent Quartz Gem Stone which captures and reflects Brilliant Light (Expression) of the Beautiful Ones, the Fair EE folk who come from Beyond this physical reality of the Fairy Tales and Nightmares but who are if the Brilliant Beautiful Light of the Fortunate ones, the Faithful Confident ones, whose essence is so fair that they can not help (even when in bodies of denial or forgetfullness) recall and reflect the Truth of the Sources Reflections..
The Circle Filled with Beautiful Light…

This is why she Understands me even when she does not..

See Sacred Portal 87…

We are at 8+7=15..
Letter O..and 1+5=6..
O.F. .

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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