
From Nenad M. Djurdjevic

From Nenad M. Djurdjevic

Well said, the path is known and all must walk this path forged by the Hero alone.. for this is the pathway now laid open which each must walk the final steps alone…without the E.spirit guiding you,..

Those who gave no true Espirit Gratitude to the Grace of the effort used to create this path… Who will left behind.. as your sacred prophecies state

will never have the Holy Espirit H.E rise in them..

13 of the human race shall perish and 13 will rise aided by the Espirit within, while the surviving one third will live in the duality they created of Heaven and Hell…H.A.H.. For their Hah to how the source decided to come undercover …

only very few will make it home…

the annointed but at great cost to themselves and transformed from the stance of arrogance and Superiority ( know it all) to true humility the Humble, who realize they know nothing at all..

empty your cup. your vessel that is the only way home

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