
9/15/2015 20:39 – Facebook Post

8:14 pm

I have a New Facebook Friend..

Hello Oby Vixy…
Sister of Obiajulu Igwe Okolo..

“Oby” is derived from the name “Obi”
Which means “Heart”


Vixy which means “Vixen ” Dangerously Flirtatious Girl”

But really means V I.X…Y..
Y we know stands for Yonathan Yohannes..Which is Jonn…

VIX is the Roman Numerals for 14..
Which is the code N..
Who wished to that our step siblings of Espirit be also brought into the state of Ascension by his giving proof of their Harmony Being aligned to True Nature which it obviously is…
But the rest is up to each person’s to link and read and thus, understand to rise to by doing the last step…
Aligning thier own experience to see the Truth..
Nnamdi 14 Y…O…N.Y…
O New York…

8:39 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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