
4;49 PM…

4;49 PM…


I am getting noticably taller…

Donna O’Sullivan noticed it..

Jonn Blackwell saw through his Espirit- second sight, me growing taller and taller…

He also recently saw me turn into a being of black and dark green.. A plant with vines…

Le Vine

De Vine…

And he stated something which only I knew had been told to me by the other presence within and outside of me, affirmed by some people I had met…

which was that I was doing this, creating this path going through this so that no one else will ever have to go through this…

Albert Santana had said to me the exact same thing…

It did not comfort me then, nor does it comfort me now…

I knew this to be true, this very statement had been whispered in my ear, but the depth of the experience which even as far back as 1992, back in my apartment I shared with my flat mate Stephan Gascoigne opposite the Gare De Lyon. I had already drawn the image o my coming out of a dark black Hole or tunnel of Horror, after a terrible terrible journey through it…

And at the last minute, a Hand reached from within the darkness to pull me back in.

For months before I was summoned by Light and Death, I had that reaccuring vision of that journey and the epic battle with that hand which sought to pull me back in..

Think Jacob wrestling with the Angel… His E spirit leaving his body.. His Battle with his Lifes Breath seeking to leave his body for the betrayal of his brother Esaw…

But eventually I made it out only to find my walk home in full light a shock of debris and remains of some great devastation of that which was once a beautiful Garden…

It was the Spirit world… that which is called the Shaman or Dibias journey.. The Medicine Man…

But I had been here before but it was no longer beautiful, it looked more like the After math of nuclear destruction…

The death of the Nucleus…

The core

The Merkabah Ascension..

The Family..

But I continued to walk, on and on, obstinate until the view began to change.. the horror began to recede and beauty began to appear..

the Beautiful View, the one I recalled..

and it grew more splendid until I reached the portal to my Home and passed through..

A few months later, I experienced the same thing when I died moving through a darkness until it gave way to this light indescribable..

Which I could never deny despite the price so heavy paid for sustaining that the experience was True real and a fact..

It had given me evidence, what I asked of it when I finally had to agree to return to this realm…

And so 1992 to Sophie to Zeina Hanna, both 29-29..( 3-15 and 8)

to the play of Yonathan Yohannes and Georges-Philippe Roc both born 1992.. J-une 22, and May 21st…

And my experiencing the light…in 1992 while living with Stephane and a close friend of Stephanes- Manu, and Erica…S,M.E…S.A.M..E..

One can see that Date of Birth, and Age…D.O..B.A…-DO! BA..21.(3).U- C..Universe Umeano as Breath Awareness brought the LIigh the Supreme Cee..Universal Consciousness…

By not simply the alignment of Y.G..P.R…both born 92 both Male, aligns back to front with two young ladies age 29…9229, 9229…but by the play itself, the spaces in between, the story,content interaction, all created meaning public played out on Face book here in the present..

I have never met Zeina Hanna nor nor seen or spoken to Sophie A M..

Yet I carried a book on first contact with Jonn Blackwell, bought for ONE dollar only to be informed that it was the name of Donna O’Sullivan daughter..

And that the main character..A philosopher, the teacher of Sophie named Albert, who happened to be my host for 4-9 years name, as well as two other special beings each called Alberto, and one nicknamed U.S…

S.A.M..yet I gave the book to Donna, knowing that Donna Is Sophie her daughter and that Donna links to Zeina Z, Through N…D.N.Z then transforms from Z not as Zombies (people willingly moved simply by Spirit without taking any responsibility to what and why they are being moved to enact and speak without being fully conscious and aware about is really going on..Orient your self..The ones who Oriented themselves as to what is going on, absorbing real N.E.W.S (sacred portal 1O4 J.D) are the ones (literally) who rose in the beginning of Existence as the E…

Understanding not only the convergence of the lines of Synchronicity, as lines of direction Stars, but also the background, the story, the Mis En Scene’, The dark Matter..the body as the story of the dead representing the journey back to the Future present…

the intials of the guys born 1992 are GY (P).R.Y…

A,E…Atom Expression


The gay are the prey to predators…

but E creates A…

G E Y…P-Ray…?

Grey Is Prayers…. Grey Matters Thought are prayers of worry concern fear, of being alone and not seen?

G EY P..RAY…perhaps..?

but we know that the code represented in the name Esther Uzoma…

Meaning the Star which points out the Beautiful Way….

is the journey of a Human Being, forced by the power of his past and collective past incarnations…

the Wills Way…

Which did the inconceivable, took over his present life incarnation and being and body to take him back through memory called Experienced Universe..


To fulfill a Mission and prophecy ..m.p..

already fulfilled, the journey backwards forwards at the same time through Space of the Universe to Cleanse and rid the illusion assumptions of people, by traveling simultaneously back to the future to the Big Oh…(Not Bing Bang) 15 billion years ago while clarifying, correcting, dissimulating and correcting every step of the way by solving riddles of the collective unanswered question of Humans thoughts and spirits, while simulateneously traveling through a non existence linear Time Line..T.L.. 2012…Of Human History perverted where they societies interpreted Creation, brought into Existence the Black Hole…That which absorbs all Light..And the Force Gravity…

Cleaning up that Time Line and Transforming back to True Meaning comes through Linking True Understanding O the Meaning and use of Words Expression Language Loves Awareness Harmonizes Existence…


thus aligning Backwards Forwards on Face Book…F.B-B.F…26 To 62…

Z to…f.b or Sixth Sense Being…

I would say that since the current alphabet in the West is A-Z…That 6 2 has to represent the journey into the non existent past to prove 6th Sense comes from Being..

Thus, E.U-U.E Makes more sense,through not only it fits the current content and story but also aligns perfectly with the lines of reasonable logic…And seeing as the realm is backwards

thus, the guys representing the present create G.U.Y..(P).R.E.Y

GUY PIERCE REY…Rey means King…or ray…

Newsflash Guy Pierces the K I NG the Vieil and Wall of Light dark black and white, the wall of Death as forgetfulness with of Consciousness sword of Light.

I have always recognized actor Guy Pierce as the Human moved by the line of my Fathers NNa… by observing the films he starred in, and his career trajectory and choices…I could see the correlation with my experience my memory and my literal life…

Especially Momentum…

and for 26 years I have been writing…

23 years, since I saw the light..

True Nature TN Aligned by me going backwards through the Time Machine, Woman…And Woman Universe W,U…5.

To restore the illusion of pass as True Love…

not the Mayan 2O12 as fear…

but revealing always present 26=8…6+2=8

88…Alinged with a Being representing 5-8

that Infinity Eternity…

meet in the alignment of True Love and True Nature right here is the present as I walked the ‘Valley of Darkness the non existent past revealing the present the 5th Dimension was always right here..

just people had to rise to its logical and harmonious definition…

O Full Circle.. then Infinity Eternity ..I.E..ID..

Reveal itself in the perfect representation of Sam Nnam photo I shared of Infinity and Donna O’Sullivan Poem Which brought its symbolic representation to light and alive…

Thus is how immortality is rises…

All existing now right here in the present – from the potential called the dark crystal has the Jewel of all potential and possibility made Real and Fact right here in the present right to my 42 months of Constant expression as I went forwards and backward in the quiet stillness and constancy of my being present..

and aware of the Presence of the ALL…

6;35 PM



6;36 PM


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