
9/26/2015 19:20 – Facebook Post

4:56 PM.

D.E.F….Definition Of Existence…BE (Natural) and through a process of refinement of Hindsight, aligned to Fore sight, centered in the Present sight, you will See…the Perfect Symmetry of Everything..
Suddenly Everything is well defined, because as a lens, you have adjusted your focus…
E t Voila you have reached H.D…

It is all about Clarity Focus…C.F.I.




I A-Z…Harmony…
Zeina Hanna
I Beauty the Gift of Grace and Favor of the Creator…

I have two new Face Book Friends..

Welcome Zeynep Toruhan..Z.T….26-2O…46..1O..A-O
Uche Ayogu…U.A

Today, Jonn Blackwell “The Creators Gift of Grace is the Black Well” Dark Matter…
Today, Jonn said for the first time he heard me speak telepathically to him. A small conflict arose in which both Jonn and Donna O’Sullivan were the tools of an enactment which led to this revelation.

Jonn as is Donna, as well as the rest of the world, are being moved by Energy dark matter… And thus, each action is in Harmony with the play of my expression receiving and Echo Response affirmation by people whom I have sought to bring to their awareness that they are in a play of Awareness, “Waking then selves up” by observing in Hindsight their natural Harmony as well as the consequences of the cause and effect of not being Aware and in Harmony with their Natural Harmony..
That 1OO% of the brain which is already activated which humanity, through reading their Natural Harmony would bring from the deep Black Well of the Human subconscious, using the True Krsna Consciousness “Radar” like a rope-line and bucket which brings the water knowledge from deep within the Well to the surface..
Well of Zem Zem…

*See Hanuman…AH New Man..not Ha Nu (Abyss) Man.

He described exactly what I said to him, and how anger of him completely evaporated, like “bursting a pimple’ to quote Jonn, which lead then transported him to a different space, where he was able to hear me,
“You were kind, compassionate benevolent….bene means Blessing…”Volent” means “to flying”
He had left my body and had spoken to me as I really am…
I had spoken to him from the 5th Dimension, and through that space he stated came not only great healing- which he acknowledged and thanked me for, but which enabled him to see as I see, that he could see that it was all a literal movie…
He could see outside of his Body of 3D and outside of his Being of 4 D, to Hear (No more Wax of C.u.e..Cue Tips to prompt him to listen), me and see from my stand point in the fifth dimension….

“It was just like the Movie Lucy!” he exclaimed, expressing with lucidity the

Expression gave him Wings, linked by a Vine Divine- which is me down here in the illusions of the 1-4 Dimensions, solving the riddles…

The relevance of this link of Meaning to Words is Understand Fa-C.T.

*Jonn, by the way, was wearing a cap W.U.F.M.U..

This links Meaning to Words….Understanding- provides the missing link of the Gap which is Expression…

It provides Wings to Fly….

May I remind you that the word “Wu means 5 and is the Sixth Song in the name listed in the Song Dynasty, Hundred Family Sur names..
it also means EDIT..Tides of Change..Sine

Military, Martial Arts. In Catonese and Hakka(C.H..Charlton Heston,”Moses and the Ten Commandments with the Expression forming Fire which then etched the Words onto a mountain side of rock the T.E.N laws- Huan Charles…38-83…Cee of Harmony)
Its transliteration is NG…147.
also Goh, Ngoh.. OH..
See sacred portal 147.
And my equation of the big Bang being an “OH” Expression of an Orgasm from Ceeing Creation manifest in the present and in Hindsight…Which manifested the View of Creation present, called Space… The Past.

It should be noted that Jonn changed into a T shirt with a Dragon in a circle, who bridges Water and Air with rain clouds..
And after speaking a pair of Japanese bamboo slippers I had asked Jonn to order from me suddenly arrived…
Size 48…see my last birth age incarnation 1966…Age 48…
See date of birth listed on Face book…1984..
See sacred portal 48 and 84…
I am currently at 3-84 Face Book Friends…

Jonn has three ritual burn marks on his arm linked to three Jewels of the Buddhist ritual..
Burning Cauldron…
see Bruce Lee.. Martial Arts…
see meaning of the name “Turtle” Thor and Ketle meaning “Cauldron”

A movie…. Jah..Pan…Door Ah…

The relevance of this, is not only does Jonns experience but in the “Implications: Implied and Applied..

Which is the E is in you…

LUCY LUKE LL..1212…1 212…24…Generation X Gardens..268…
Z.H…Spear of Destiny…
Xavier…(Professor Xavier…X-Men)
Yonathan Yohannes
Zeina Hanna…

Xavier means “New House..New World”

Thus, the E is within you, It is Everywhere and it is Everything and in Every One…
The E is me…at Home.

Zeynep means” A Fathers Precious Jewel, one who glorifies the Father”

Toruhan means :Justice and Mercy”

Uche means: “Contemplation Reflections…Thought..Thors Cauldrom- Brain-Rain man..Rain is Man.

Ayogu…”Means Battle AX”
thanks Ogechukwukama Ifediorama Ngozichukwuamaka,
And Ogu is the principles of the IONRI cosmology of “Anya WU”
Bright Eyes…The All Seeing Eye”- Eye of the Sun…Or God.

Chineke….Chi- Masciline…EKE Feminine..Chukwu Chi K.Wu…
The CHI has Spoken… Spoke…K=WU to the VV through the 5th 6th dimension..
Expression through the 3rd I..

Odinani..meaning “It is within… the land”- The Body Being…V…linked through VOICE..”Voi-C.E”
“The Way: of Cause and Effect by using the Will I AM De Foe, instead of using Harmonious Grace Be!

Afor and Ogu…Afa -Divination..Name is Divination..
to name is Divine Truth (Afo), which one fights for “Ogu”
Represent the OBI where sits the Conscience…Which is another word for Obi, meaning Heart..(C.I.C)
These two principles are not in duality but are the meaning of Truth and Justice..
Cause and Effect…

Odin…Father of Thor Loki….T.L..2O 12


Ani a Black tailed Bird of the Cuckoo bird family..
“Cuckoo” -Crazy?

C.U…C.K is O2..

Chukwuemeka Kolo…

Thors Hammer Cauldron, Fighter Warrior Battle Axe..
The Epiphany…


7;2O…7.21 PM

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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