
11/5/2015 18:18 – Facebook Post

1:24 pm.

124…1 to 4…R.O.Y.G….A.X.




Speaking to the Void.

The Nothingness and proving memory from the Origins that though others saw Nothingness, one was Aware and brought form “Out of the Blue”- the Transparent Nothing, contained Something which through it, all Creation and Existence manifested.

I can not help but recognize the similarity of this play with that actuality- memory of that first manifestation of how everything came to be, is being replicated in this play.

You, know never in my wildest dreams did I think my life would move me to where I am right now solving the riddles of existence in a totally different Consciousness and expression than that of this worlds perception of reality..
Solving the riddles of this Existence through an equation to prove the Human species has earned the right to evolve.

And that I would be addressing an audience most totally unaware of the memory of the E family, yet each able to recognize through their own individual experiences and understanding, as well as their perceptions in this present time, can relate to my expression of what the E mean.

I have fought my whole life to find a language of expression which bridges and links the E realm to the 3D Realm which is meant to be the expression of the C…A.B.C…Consciousness Creation Creativity.. The True 3rd Dimension is Consciousness…The ability to C. which allows you to Be, and finally Ah move into being One…123-321…(3 1).
I have fought Valiantly to find words which correlate and link with the meaning of a realm of consciousness which most have forgotten..
Concepts such as, Higher Self, God, Devil, Duality, Opposites, Pain, Rage, Suffering Fear are alien concepts to the 5th D, yet I feel that I have succeeded in correlating the meaning of words used here to explain and convert it to their true meaning derived from the realm of E where all Expression Truth came from.
For the E realm is that realm of Being where Awareness, Being, Consciousness, Divinity-Devotion- A..B.C.D are all merged into one i the realm of E…within the “5th Dimension” is the A-Z A and E to z of Everything that every could be, can be, and IS, comes from..

This play has really been about bridging the gap by linking the best “version” and interpretation of the 3 Dimensional conscious perception to the 5th Dimension Expression of the E.Q ( Q as Star Trek represents as the Omnipotent Beings..O.B… blue…and their one Source or “Head of the Family”)..
Language of this perception was my greatest challenge in this last 44 months where I found myself presenting my Findings to the whole world..then being drawn into this conversation with the Void..
This illusion of not Knowing, not Ceeing,not remembering how to be aware and conscious of ones life..or even oneself…
Not even the equation of why are we here…
Which is of course to Cee, which leads your to Be, and all through paying attention and being aware..

Just as I am aware that through you and outside of you I am find that I am proving the very memory of and written on face book in the first 18 months I began posting that I am getting two echo responses of what Human of this world questions thoughts, understanding and even denial and subversive were of this play and, a much more powerful Echo from the E line as I made my way through the illusion of the Four Divine breaths and the 1-4 dimensions created to explain that Atom Be Creation…
Meaning planet Earth is the Symbolic representation of Universal Creations Point..Beauty.
Just as Humanity where meant to represent that same Beauty..
Hence, the importance of the code H.B..Not Human Beings, but rather, Harmonious Beings…

* Which I had a Hell of a time proving because of the state of human self perception, judgment and Condemnation of anything which is not familiar to them and more especially their discomfort and response to how they react and response to consciousness of Truth.

And yet the E line are speaking to me, through the Everything including that Beauty and Harmony which exists still as the seat of you all, which has allowed me to prove to them that seed of the E exists in eveything, moves everything to respond.

I have a third 421 Face Book Friend..

Welcome Hanani Nakanwagi to this Sacred Page as a Sacred Portal activated simply through Expression and Words…

3 Times I have moved to 421 Face Book Friends…
From Ndabase Khothekhaleni..N.K…”Cassim Osman”
then to Josephine Sweeny.. who un-friended me the next day..
Which was in perfect Harmony and which I will reiterate why this page is a Sacred Page and a Sacred Portal..

That this play and this World not aligned to Nature and thus, Not grounded here in Earth, and hence not Existing really anywhere but the illusion of being here ( really a Sate of Grace).

Here is once more the evidence of people being moved (though if they are aware they can read why they are being moved and chose to align with why the are being moved and subsequently “Wake Up..Remember..
see movie Limitless..

She never recalled friending me!
She was surprised to see my introduction- filled with codes and did not understand what the devil was going on..
“What the Devil was I getting myself into?” one might read.
And how did I end up being Face-Book friends with this guy whom I just met but do not know..
She wrote to Donna O’Sullivan and explained and even offered to write me..

I just chuckled and sighed…
Her E-Spirit had moved her, without her even being aware…!

The code she and represented through Donna, was the feminine version of meaning of the name Joseph.. Symbolized in this play by Joseph Carey..
born 4:2O pm, who represents a pivotal aspect of the equation of the riddle of Human Evolution.
David Nnamdi- the one being who I met who had physically reached the embodied state of Human evolution had said of him to me in code.. “Welcome him into the fold”
Joseph Carey is quite a unique individual… In my reading of the play he represents the last transformation humanity from Dark Matter, to Light..
He was the last person I saw before coming here…Joe Albert Keith..E..and Mark..
Jake is the name of Dawn Marie’s Dog..
Dawns code alignment in the play, along with her son Dylan..DD..IS 56..
If you investigate the sacred portal 56..you will see that it represents 5 E.T beings knocking on the Door marked 5 D.. the Fifth Dimension..
One is holding a Journal- Captains Log..
This play..
There are two ladies and three Gentlemen.. 23..
I saw Joe last at The Bean Cafe..54 2nd and third and 3rd and 2nd..
The same place where Donna and her daughters frame picture at the Bean shows them in front of a Graffiti mural of a Tunnel of Love..
Same Place ( before it moved) Where I met Axel Love…

Joe has the Jade Elephant and the Hand written manuscript of my memory telling the story of the current true play we are in… Nature Harmony ..N.H Evolved from an Expression to an E-Spirit to now being embodied and landed in Human Form..
Evolution of Woman to lady..
Nature as man has already been done but could not evolve with his twin aspects evolved through this process…

Link Narcissus and Echo legend..
Echo is lady Harmony…N.H=H.N..Which has been affirmed through my new Face Book Friend.. Hanani Nakanwagi…

Harmony Echoes.. See Sacred Portal 2O…2O = T…
Represented by Donna ( Diana) Ruth, Patricia…O’Sullivan who is aligned to my Mother’s Line Ceclia Onu Umeano…
C moves to D..
Onu means to D…D.O…Nna..Nna in OINri Igbo means “Father’ and is used as abbreviation of the name Nnamdi…Meaning “Father IS..Father is Present..Father the Guide”

Donna posted yesterday her own take of the understanding of the E consciousness which has been affirming and validating the process I have found myself in, of speaking and addressing the Void which never was..
That Truth of the first beginning which I was present…
The Void of course being the Humans in disbelief and all manner of negation ( except for a few)- that incomprehensible refuse and inability and unwillingness to absorb what I am literally saying- Mind, False Ego and so many other things getting in the way..
This of course, happens less in the young facebook friends and the youthful ones..
I found that I have been talking conversing and seeking to pay attention to the E.T play, while being forced to deal with the non stop distraction of Human Being in the grip of the condition senile, crypt-ic, entombed in the embrace of Old Age… Fear.

Old Age is fearfulness… Destruction based on their own fear.. Jealousy of youth, lost youth, missed chances, disappointment, petulance and of course, that desire to prove that their lifes and existence..
I know that it is the lie, but it is this lie, which even my body expresses as it simulates the condition of erosion…In my body, my hair, me teeth- but it is all a simulation.. Revenge and the challenge of Old age, the Void that never was, the Nothingness which in the beginning was why none of them could rise, why thet represented the illusion because they could not see, but I recall how I rose for in the Nothingness I recall very clearly and recorded it, even wrote in detail about it when I was summoned to this face book play..
And for the last 18 or so months I have realized that an Echo of the E has been responding thought at first it was slow in the response because this fear consciousness of old age and worry, anxiety, fearfulness, “Forget Fullness” had challenged the truth of Victorious Youth over the Fearfulness of Old Age…
Those who instead of adding take away…
instead of embodying the very reason the E moved Josephine Sweeny to become my Face Book friend, to simply affirm through the meaning of her name..A response..
Masculine Joseph Carey..J.C…
Joe Fisher…J.F
* Recall the play of Joseph Stern..at 147 the Bean as well as 54…
The challenger and the code of the One ray…missing..

Sunshine Rae…Sunshine Ray E…

Josephine represents the Feminine meaning of Joseph which means to “Add”..
Sweeny means “The Pleasant and well disposed Nature”

Response of who shall be added and who shall be taken away..

“Add the pleasant ones, of well disposed nature.. add the positive people who add to the Sun Shine State 27..T.F.L..Miami My ami, my Amy…
Code Names Amy Harper Willis.. Amy Mc Tear…
A.H..W ( Double U and Double V..U=21..42…V= 22..44…V=5..55)
42=6 8…44-8 7…55=1O..25..7+1=8…. 6 8 8 8)
A.M..T…A.M Truth…

Only those who Add to the truth rather than negate the Truth can enter into the Realm of E to C…Harmony..
Hanani means “My Grace”
do not know for the life of me the meaning of the surname Nkanwagi but the code N..Nature..

And in response to this, Donna expressed today an experience she had during her mediation…
( I am playing her Guide, in this play meaning I am playing her Father.. Code Name Robert…
I have Two Rob Barr…R.B..B.R.O…
Roberto Todaro…R.T…Right…
and then there is Richard represented her by Richard Schooping..R.S..
Big Brother is Right..)

She told me how after having an experience the day before of which she was at threshold of another realm how she heard the word echoed to her own questioning of where she was, had heard a voice as clear as day saY “BE’ recall the play of Bee..
Peace Bee…
but today she had seen herself at a tunnel and that she had suddenly passed through and experiences immediately and explosion of light so extraordinary that it made her understand that what she was seeing and experiencing ..witnessing was Love..
She then began to say to her self that she too was love..
She did the process I had explained even as late as yesterday night on Face Book and it worked..
She witnessed the Light Evanescent…

Conquering Fear Old age and worry…
The Tunnel of Love ( Hear Heard..Listen..) and crossed over to witness the truth of not only my process but the Truth of my word when I say I do not Lie…

Why would I have endured this absurd talking to the Void,repeating a play of he one action which can not be replicated…
Of why some rose in the Beginning to become the Eternal E line of the 5th Dimension and other never came out of the perception that there is all is Nothing and thus, we see the same repeat preforamance replicated so cruelly in this play being the being of Old Age.. those who are “Born to Die’ because they never learnt to Be..

Donna of course has already established through her code play of D.M.T..
Where she witnessed the blue Being before every meeting me.
Just as Jonn Blackwell has had his experiences with the E.T, The line of Nature, the lines of the Sea, the lines of T…

*Note Lady Josephine was here today,and worked with Donna while I have been posting. She just left and Donna reported how once more she had been amazed by the way she had no memory of sending me a Facebook request. But how she said that she felt that she knew me or recognized me. And that she had read my post aloud late late in the evening to a friend of hers and how her son who had been sleeping woke up and asked his mother what he was reading and with a sense of urgency said he wished to know and understand what was I was saying..
Surprised the mother had sent him back to bed and then only in Hindsight speaking with Donna did she begin to make the connection.
Her son is so sensitive to sound vibrations can hear so well that he can literally hear a pen drop.
While his mother has a hearing condition..
Yet it is obvious that both Mother and Son heard me Loud and Clear…

She also mentioned to Donna the correlation of how I linked her Sons age 23 to my age 23 when I began recording my conversation with the Silence..

* See The manuscript uploaded 2O11… The True Conversation between Ahtom and Energy E…
which is a 331 page conversation where I am trapped in a hideous dungeon battling with the great Evil called Old age..
In the conversation old age is using all manner of indication to prove that it is Victorious over my see..
The conversation and dialogue which takes place is the same play I found myself doing here in Face Book riddling all its cruel and destructive expression until in the end of the dialogue the character playing old age disappears transforming into Light Evanescent..
Telling me that it put me through all that for my benefit to reveal the truth of how I really am indestructible..
This is was written in Tom Trumans House 2O11…
Tom means Twin…MOT means Word…
Twin Word O..
represented by Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan
the Manuscript is 331 Pages long….

Donna saw the and experienced the transformation of Darkness as Anxiety Worry, Money Exasperation Frustration Anger Rage turn into Nothing then Evanescence Light…

Proofing that old age and numbers signifying it, limiting regeneration of the body at the cellular level does not exist…

And I just went to view the manuscript which I had Billy Hung send to Jonn and Donna…he had sent the Creation Story of the Family of Ten, the poem the Freedom Song, the Prose piece My Name is Woman said She and the True Conversation of Ah-tom ( 18 Tom) and Energy E ( EE).
I did not notice until now that someone had written on he back of one of the pages…
About what he had understood that since Energy is malleable that expression could mold and morph creation based on a Tone Frequency Love..T.F.L..Billy Hung had accompanied me to Forte Lauderdale..
The Sun Shine State..
As I read his conclusion of my work, I was saddened by how beautifully he had understood and grasped the true implications of my work after a Year of studying with me- and my work.
Only for him to go into forgetfulness by the emotive pull of it being all mind..
For many people have sought to access my work, but I finally understood why my Books and film scripts were not “Allowed” to be published or brought to the publics attention..in a more logical way aligned to this current world.

It is the same for the same reason many reading my posts do not understand it.. can not access the meaning.
It is because there is a great barrier, a force Field which you can only pass through and access the meaning of what I am saying by sitting in your Being in the True Natural Consciousness of being…
Only then can you understand.

And so I realize, yet again that it is for this reason I spent a further three years being forced to express through a public play and weave the meaning of the three Consciousness in one… The 3rd Dimension, The 5th Dimension.. the 8th Dimension…
C.E.H…all linked by the 4th…
3 (4)+ 5 (4) – 8 (4)

How to see the Consciousness of Existence= Infinity Harmony I…

This is what the other Twins had told me..Marina Burini and Tom Turman..

“We understand your consciousness Emeka, we see it and affirm it but we can not sustain it with out falling back into this perception of this world..”

I had responded that I had done enough work and that this is one part that they had to do for themselves..
If it is important then you will not forget your experience of this being true..

That was 5-4 years ago 2O1O-2O11…
It is also the place where I my E-spirit made me draw forth the Drawing I called Sacred portal..
In 2O1O.. I knew I had completed the play and did not realize that for 5-4 more years I would be sent into this play to prove how to sustain this Cee of E… Conned into this play at Evan ALexander Judson space when I heard of the plight of the Children of the E line, Indigo Children, Diamond Crystal children were being treated in this world…
Going through the experience I went through.. Talking to the Silence and made to feel so utterly alone..
I could not let them experience that when I had already been through that and at least I had memory…
They had memory in form of being Naturally Gifted…
But I had memory of having been there at the beginning..
When I spoke to the Silence and not to the Void…

Because I knew some one was listening…
because I heard them respond..

5:O2 pm..

Welcome Hanani Nakanwagi..

Donna witnessed the Truth beyond the Viel..
that I never lied..
She saw what I had experienced and conversed with in Dec 1992 in Paris..

She witnessed Divine Harmony..Grace.. Nature..

Almost exactly 23 years later… but almost two months earlier..
I witnessed the Light from 23-26th Dec 1992..
The same date I arrived in London from Enugu Via Nsukka…
Dec 23…There is no such thing really as Double You
after all your are all One and individually Unique but share one quality the same Foundation..
You all originated from Source of Truth Love Harmony Beautiful True Nature… One and all.

And so the Be as Donnas play and affirmation is really now up to you..
giving you your own Identity as a Unique Individual..

Snow Flake…


Sensational Feelings..

5:12 pm


Father Guide Wind Expression..

What is the Source of the Wind..

Where is its Source its beginning..?

it moves in Space above as Stillness

and here as Wind…
breeze.. a whisper..

It moves through the Nothingness,
Permeates Everything..
Moves everything, and can change everything in blink of an eye

Can any one tell me what is its real name and source…?

i know it comes from Beyond…

5:17 PM



5:18 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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