
11/11/2015 21:48 – Facebook Post

4:56 pm

4 (1) 8…
4 1 8….
For One A.H!!
4+1=5 8..
58..E.H…13..M..4 D..17..Q..8=H


Equation links in perfect Symmetry E to E..E.H – H.E…
13 13… 26 8
4 4….. 8
17 17..34..7
8 8…16…7

88 77…87…15..6..O.F….56..E.F…(Time of post 4:56 pm)…11..1..3O..
31…C.A.D…Consciousness Awareness= Death….

But Death is Not an End its where a Subatomic Elemental Biological “Logos” and Ethereal 8 infinity Exchange takes place..
Aka a conversation with your Life and your True Existence..

Hello.. I have a new face book friend, whose intel, just as her face-book friend Pamela Stefaniotis is exceptional…
Which is witnessed by how easily I could link her posts which reflect her Consciousness, which aligns in perfection with this play I have been weaving aligned in perfect symmetry to and the meaning of her name…
And the perfect timing, in aligned with the Meaning of the my weaving this Truth of the E into manifest being and Existence..

Welcome Lady Italia Procopio..I.P…
Yes, I.P address…
Which since it represent in this material world ones personal computer, P.C aligns with Being and Body as the P.C.. Personal Computer literally being Out Bodies and The World Universes we each create- through Our “Being” in The Time Line, called Life not after Death because this is the realm of Death…
Born of Woman who played Deaths Expression..I call Father, the Beloved Death and his Feminine aspect Diana…”Meaning Perfect Luminous Beauty” The “Lune” -Moon, is Onwa in OINri Igbo…Onwu is the word for Death..
Onwa Onwu…Wu means 5 in Japanese…Who as the Gaelic-Celts are linked intrinsicly to the World view of the Oinri people as Well as the Egyptian, Indians (In Diana) Hebrew,Greeks and Italians..

“Bright Drop” in Sanskrit,
Tsuki in Japanese Tsu means All Knowing in Japanese”
Mond (Monde World) in German…

*Recall the Play with David Phillip Gil of the forums he was moved to explore when he left Facebook, Seen (Unseen), Tsu…before returning as a Facebook friend on 1-28-2O15…

Pluto and the Lune…P.L..L.P…Which is the Album of Universal Existence, A record, and a record played for the L.P… of the Universe as a University Place… U.P..
A School created to help Humanity walk Up Right,sit correctly.. pay attention in the Classy Class Room… A free Education of the Highest caliber…
And Adventure through music-melody and a funky heart beat through Space…

Which contains the Blue Print and memory chip of the Akashic Records of all of Existence recorded of everything which ever existed..
Records of every expression action scenario..
The Blue Print, the Curriculum Vital…and the records of all efforts to align each “Pupil” back to the “Iris”- Flower of the Cee which would enable a Species, Individually representing All Existence True and False to only one Truth…
Pluto and Lu-Nna…(“Read Father links the True Subconsciousness, the Foundation of the Universal Blue Print and Mesh)
Hades and Dianah…H.D
Hannah and David…
Alexander Hephaestus Aphrodite Hephaestus…
The Unified Field O..
and the C- Cecelia, it Captain as Six Sense… His Daughter Self..
Harmony…Captain Jane Way..aka Wills Way..Will means Desire..

One understand that since a human being spends 9 months in the Womb before being Born that the moment of inception and the moment of Birth begin with Pluto and the Sun…9-1O…9th Planet aligns to O..The Sun..
Translating this by use of true Quantum Mechanics from its source the 5th Dimension which represents the source of Energy as both light and dark matter..5th Dimension called Transparency..Which is Beyond Light which can cause Blindness and Blackness as Darkness which can created self Oblivion- Forgetting- Death of your Existence or created Light, but whose true source is Transparency…Ether as Space which enshrines this world which rises each day of 12 12 cycle to the repetition of the Equation of Day and Night.. Transparency and Dark… Not Light and Blackness…
For the are illusion of the same thing…

Thus, this was a play, an adventure of being born in a Story of the Illusion of Time and Space, which of course is really the Time required to tell a story, then of course, the School becomes that which you come down in body to enact out what you understood by the Story which you heard being told to you while crossing through Space…From Beginning 9-1 O…
Pluto to Sun..P.S.. Pamela Stefaniotis
Pluto to Earth…9-3..93…I.C…

What do you see?
I see Full Circle 9-1 O…
How the Sun Shines on a Spotless Mind.
Just as how the Sun Lights up the Universe..
But recall, the Sun is a Star..Epiphany
And thus 9-1 O and 9-3 is really From Pluto to Epiphany Esta Etonnant P.E.
Pluto to Earth..P.E…
And that the Physical Universe is but a Physical representation of Blue Print of the Process Energetic of Project Expression… P.E Physical Education- Movement in Death as Life, Stillness as Death.. Silence and Sound..
C as Light M as Mass..
Moving through a World and Universe we created to align it to the Story we recall having been told on the long flight to be born…
9-1 O
Because 9-3 Is being born in the 3rd Dimension…9-3=6…6th Sense…
But you still have to align with the actual moment you were born as both light and Dark matter which is Pluto Sun…
which represented by Pamela Stefaniotis name and meaning ” All Crowned with Laurels of Victory”
Which suggests that after being born from 9-3 you must complete the replication of Inception Conception which is that Pluto is the Sun aligned as O.N.E…9-1 O.N.E…
Thus, you must complete the process of your own completion as 9-1O by the journey of bring that C to you awareness of moving your consciousness, life everything to the Sun.. what is the Sun but the Center point, the “Fiery Lord” F.L (Forte Lauderdale) the Passionate for Hades Zeus…H.Z/Z.H..
Zeina Hanna! 26-8…
Moving your life to see the Fully Circle by Adding to you 6 th Sense already Given the proof and the expression of how you were born complete..

Which means learning your A.B.C’s… Ah..Bee..Cee…The Perfect Symmetry in all things..Observe the full circle of which revolves around the Sun which is the alignment of Stillness and Motion..

The Sun is a Star and Epiphany representing the Warm of the Journey in understand how to read, putting sixth sense to application by the truth that now you know how to read…Proof that you are complete..
9-1 O…
3-1 “Oh! I C!”..then back to center 1-3..
31/13…4/4…31+4, 13+4…35…17…C.E.Q
Represented by Lady Face Book Friend Caprice Ellene Quinn
35+17= 52..E.B…2+5=7….G..ode..Grace
3+5=8…1+7=8…88..2 (8)…+x…28-16..7…B.H.P.G

88..64..1O…H.H..F.D (First Drop..Luna Dianah) 10=J..1=AO
HH F.D.J.. Dee Jay…F.D.H. (see sacred portal 48)..F.D.A
*(J really H..1O8..jus as the letter J can not really Exist as J really means One full Circle of Perfect Symmetry of Balance.)

Day and Night, Darkness and Transparency…D.A.N…D.A.T..

Dane Date…

Dane is one who is from Denmark…
Of Viking descent…
Played out to perfection with Kasper Lomholdt Serup…from Denmark..all recorded on this 44 month play or conversation which created the First Harmonics and hence the Universe Manifested as the replication of the intention of the E…BE! and you will Cee…Ah!

Thus, D.A.T.E, is the Date (Moment) not necessarily contained in Time but can happen in Time..Mi mi mi…the third note..C…open your eyes and watch where you are going as my gaze pulls you to me, but first you must reach the S-un to see…K.C and the Sunshine Band…K..C.a.t…S.B
the Kool Cat is the Supreme Being…

He lights is the Universe its Body Mind Being…to reveal Sunshine Warmth but before you can reach that you must reach C…ABC Do a little physical education 123 to cee..12 3= L.C..Love Cees….Loves Completion is O.B.I.E..
a balanced Heart which can See the Truth of others completely in light exposed or in secret where they hide, all are equally transparent to thee…
Who chose to Cee Hear, Interview Converse…C.H.I..C and immediately recognize the truth of who you be and who I be and there only JOY…
For if not joy in recognition of the truth of yourselves but even more so of others…
Without this the S-UN, turns into a Dragon Sun which then burns you until you are Charred to become Gold and under terrible pressure forces you to transform into Diamond Hearing by experiencing the Other Side of thee Sun… the terrible black hole…
And after such a journey you still have not learnt your lesson then you can not longer be of Existence even of the school..
And then comes the most bitter lesson.. Regret…
Hence the Devil and the Margarita… D.M…is when Father and Harmony turning into the meaning you ” You will Regret not paying attention and insulting to our faces the Principal and Source of University School..
U.S University Supreme..

Italia is a name which means one from Italy, but Italy itself comes from the word Italus, and the word Vital Vitulus, Vital to Life…
Vitulus “One Year old Calf” Veal.. Veil..Golden Calf..?

Which aligns the name Italy to its literal ancient function as a place where there was great herds of cattle..

Which then aligns it to the Father of Romulus and Remus…founders of Roam “Suckled by a She Wolf”
Ritz.. Royal and Reign
Robert Richard Ruth…(Ruth Ancestor of King David)
break down the meaning of the names Robert Richard and Ruth…

Italus= R and R…

I= R+R..

Pluto and the L-Une..
P.(E)O S.L..SOL..SEL…Soul Salt…of the Earth.. or the movie..?
same thing…

Then link this to the legend of the tasks and trials of Hercules including the Cattle..Where one Bull Escapes and land in Italy which means
Land of the Bulls..

See Sacred Portal 5O… E,O…Wealth and fighting the Bull of Wall Street.

5 is also the fifth note Sol…Soul..
Code name Luna-Soul Maia.. Aryana Luna Leone…
Luna is the Soul Mai-a May is the 5th Month…5 is V..Violet..
as well as the 5th color Blue..Sky Air Water… Blue Transparency…
5 is the letter E..

Aryan is from the name Ariana which means “Silver” Quick Silver- Epiphany…
And is the name of the legendary character in Greek Mythology who aided Theseus by giving him a “Silver” thread “Fil” link, when he went down the Cretan labyrinth to fight the Half Bull Half man the Minotaur (Pluto- Hades- the Underworld-Crete- subconscious-Deep-Depth) Icarus son of Daedalus the inventor of the maze, who were both trapped inside and sought to escape by his father building wings of wax, which melted when he flew too close to the sun…
Deadalus means “killed his nephew, cunning and clever..What Curiousity wrought- it did not kill the cat, it brought forth Invention,intelligence”- but Daedalus who was Athenian also aided Theseus in fighting the Minotaur, and was subsequently imprisoned with his Sun…
Daedalus was a Sculptor, Craftsman, inventor Fashioner much as Hephaestus husband of Aphrodite…

Recall the Bull in story of how Italy got its name.. It crossed a river.. it crossed from one parallel universe to the other…
Recall Poseidon’s bull Hades Poseidon Zeus..3 Dimensions 3D…?

Krshna and “Radar” and the Gopis, Cow Hearders”
Moo as Mother…Milky way and the Hindu Sanskrit meaning of Moon…
Pale Moon Luminous- Snow White Bull…
Space Cow Boy Feminine
Bull Masculine..
A snow white bull which is the moon…what could a Bull Drop representing the First Drop, the Milky Way..If not a drop of Semen…
Which brings light…
Into the Pool of the Sources Reflections..Ocean where a master Blacksmith and Crafts man from the See Oceanus and the Earth land creates a Labyrinth,a network of Worm holes which is really a riddle of aligning the Spirit realm of Atlantis which links Africa to Europe Asia (Japan China India J.C.I) and finally to America…

Icarus means Follower…
Silver thread Ariana..
Le One..


Not it would mean that Theseus Hercules -Eros (Desire Wills Way)
T.H.E went down into the Supreme subconscious to link the three aspects of his father aspects Z H.P.(Zeus Hades Po-s.e-I.D.ON) three realms which expand 3 6 9..to 12..3..C..Consciousness Heaven,Underworld Earth..H.U.E…to unite them by acting out a play to bring out the truth of his Fathers Expression really being Lovee Beauty Truth sexuality..Afrodite Aphrodite =Alexander Ariana Athena Apollo….A A A A…11 11:11…through Six Sense SensualSpiritual..Sexual/Physical Touch..
8.S.PT…To link Harmony Infinity to the sacred Portal to escape the maze of the mid..
To rescue the 5th Dimensional Identity of the E-Line,buried so deep inside of the Subconscious as the First Drop which transformed the Bull (Being Universal loves Light (Cee and Seed of Light of consciousnes through a journey to emerge as the the E now transformed from First Drop to Beautiful Adonnis man,the dream of lady Radar Moo.. the Cow-boy…(Devi David “Beloved”) its his feminine form…A lady Harmony…Aphrodite Alexander Hephaestus…Daedalus Icarus DI..(Meaning Husband) I.D..

And that Icarus Daedalus, did not have his wings melt when he reached the Sun, but rather his heart melted, his chest opened up and his flight of hearing the music which his imagination and The-zeus (Theseus), helped him see the perfect symmetry of everything which caused him to literally open his Chest and transform because he saw his I.D and the true view of everything as well the truth that Theseus was also He.. Theseus Icarus Daedalus E..T.I.D.E..
Ripples and Depth and the journey of that first drop..
see sacred portal 46…First Drop.. Seed of Men…

Italia also means Authentic, Adventure, Melodic- Adventurious…A,A,M.A..
=Curiosity which is the True Id of a Human Being…to Investigate Curiosity..

Porcopis in Greek Calabria in Italian…
P.C…Greek Italian…
Italia the name of Italy and Porcopis Greek..
in one persons name we have the answer to the Riddle of Ancient Greece Rome…..Crete -Greece-Italia…
Crete the Ideon Caves..
Meant to be the Birth place of Zeus.. Also surrounded by A maze…on the hills of Crete and site of Knossos…

Procopio…means “Infront..Before and to cut.. An Omen of Success…Prosperity wealth.. but in the Christian Church it became knows as the Pioneer because in 3O3…he became the first Diocletian Matyr…

It is also Slavic…

See the Story of Poseidon and the Bull and the King who kept the Bull..
Ariadne was the keeper to the Keys of the Maze..

Welcome Italia Procopio…

I.P Address is the desitnation of the Body, the three dimension in one, which raises the 3 D into One-Eno (1=4), Which is a body of Truth and Love, the Expression from the 5th Dimension, but which in order for the process of Evolution to take place required going backwards into a story..The Universe Being and its World a Story, in which the the process of becoming One had to be recounted in a University School, from 5-4..321-123- 4-5 until 4 is finally balanced at 44 then to 55…and therefore back to 1O…1…
Before us, in front of us in this play comes the Omen of Success, before the Cut of the Sword of all that is false..
And the Director calls out Cut.. Its a wrap!
The Movie (Facebook play) is complete..
A Complete Success.

8:46 pm….
See sacred 46..First Drop..DF/FD

Harmoniously Aligned

8:48 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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